Overdue Clinic (open for all)
Clinic center for very overdue pregnancies.

Name: Collin
Age: 40
Pregnant: yes
How far along: 1 month overdue
How many: 10 babies

Collin was willing to do anything to get his babies out. He wasn't the youngest man so being 1 month overdue was impacting his body negatively. He was walking around the clinic very out of breath. One hand pressing into his lower back the other using the wall for support. Walking was very painful for his body. He leaned against the wall feeling like he was going to collapse.
Name Mark
Age 25
Pregnant yes
How far along 3 weeks overdue
How many 12 huge babies
Mark got out of his car he waddle very slowly inside the center ,his shirt doesn't fit over his stomach by the time he got inside his back was hurting him the doctor told him that his children are huge and he doesn't want surgery he sits down in the lobby seeing another pregnant man
Name: Gabriel
Age: 20
Pregnant: Yes
How far along: 5 months overdue
How many: 10 babies

Gabe shuffled himself through to the clinic, clothed os just a t-shirt & some boxers, naked otherwise and parked his ass on the nearest available seat with his belly filling his lap. He barely noticed the other pregnant males around him, he was so tired and was in need of assistance ASAP.
Is anyone still up for this
(03-08-2018, 03:17 PM)Animefan22 Wrote: Is anyone still up for this

I am :P
Mark groans softly in pain feeling his 12 kids moving in him "is anyone here I in labor
Gabe raised his hand. "G-Getting close...I hope..."
Mark sees a pregnant man he groans in pain "I'm scared i never had kids before
(may i join? only thing i will say is ill be furry >..>)
Available for conversation, pm me.
Available for conversation, pm me.
I think you can join
Why the hell is there no staff?
Gabe shrugged, rubbing his belly. "Sure as hell doesn't feel like a hospital without nurses." he huffs out, clutching onto the sides of his chair tightly as his contractions get stronger.
Mark sees another pregnant man "I don't know but I'm scared i never had this much kids before i am leaving this hospital and going to another one if no one comes soon
Gabriel continued to wail, his large brood kicking roughly beneath his shirt, clearly struggling for room to move.
*I enter the room, only able to take one at a time. I go for Gabriel* Easy, sir. Easy. I'm Tanya.
Gabriel looked up at her and smiled. "I'm Gabriel. Think you could...take me in first?"
Drakar trotted into the clinic. he didnt know why he had to come here but his master had insisted. The large drake, whos head came to most peoples shoulders, was hugely gravid, his body wouldnt have fit through a normal doorway with ease due to how huge his belly was. he may have been on four legs but that didnt make it easier, infact it just made other complications as his huge, egg filled belly swayed below him, sometimes painfully if he wasnt careful. his useless wings were tucked against his back as he looked shyly around the room at the others and tried to find a spot that was out of the way, grunting a little as some of the 12 eggs inside of him jostled for position.
Available for conversation, pm me.
Mark looks up he been at the clinic for 5 hours he doesn't want to stay anymore he stood up his stomach showing through his shirt and as soon as he stood up his water broke splashes the ground
Gabe gasped as Mark's water breaking caught him off guard, his own too breaking from his ass.

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