Closed Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite)
Jamie gaped comicaaly at Morrison for he never imagined his captain would be watching cartoon. a big smile came to his face when he heard what's it for. "you are already thinking about our girl? she would at least need to be a few years ol dot understand cartoon i guess..." he wrinkled his nose. "and then we might need to fight eevn more for the power over the remote control."

"nah.. nothing really stands out. but here is what you have requested: lasagna with cheese oozing out, and some carbonara in case you wanted it that way. then there's also pizza. i have brought a bit of everything so you could choose." He said putting the tray down and helped Morrison sit up, stuffing his back with lots of cushions.

The captain looked at the food and jamie at the back prepared their drinks. he could easily imagine this being their routine from now on until the baby's born.
"Of course. I need to know what you'll be letting her watch while I'm on missions." He said and he smirked just a bit,"Even though she doesn't understand doesn't mean she's not still absorbing it." He said and his hands stroked his belly as he was helped upright more and the plates of food were laid around him,"Oh god, I've died and gone to heaven." He picked up a fork and the nearest plate, bringing it up and starting to eat the cheesy pasta that covered it, the man looked to his alpha and smirked as he chewed,"Did you get anything for yourself?"
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"well i would make sure to tell her that's because of your orders that she's only allowed to watch certain cartoons." Jamie smiled, quirking up his brow challengingly at Morrison in making him the "bad guy".

"you mean you could finish all these by yourself?" Jamie widened his eyes looking at Morrison. "you aren't serious, are you?" he oggled at the multiple plates laid out around the captain, the portion on each was quite handsome. "i don't remember you eating quite thi smuch back on teh ship..." he whined, obviously the alpha didn't take any "extra" for himself for he thought that's more than enough for the two of them.

He sighed defeatedly. "i guess i will just have to run to the cafeteria again..." he said prepared to get down again.
Morrison smirked at Jamie when he said that,"She'll be fine not watching all of the trash that's on tv." He said and looked down to the plate he held, fork lifting up cheesy macaroni to his mouth,"I mean, I'm sure they'll be some left over..." He wasn't sure as he said it, but of course it was too much for him to eat even if his eyes were bigger than his stomach. "I'm eight months pregnant and now I'm stuck here until I pop, let me eat as much as I want." The man half pouted though when he saw the other begin to stand up from the bed he reached over to hold his hand,"No, no. It's okay, I'll save you some." He reached for another plate, one with fried chicken and lifting it up to give it to Jamie,"Here."
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The half pout would have appeared strange on Morrison's usually stern and serious face, but in fact it softened the captain to the point Jamie found him adorable. He smiled at Morrison, taking the plate he offered, he sat back down quite close to the captain, deliberately brushing their thighs together as they shared the meal. "that's a relief... i was a bit afraid they might not let me take anymore since i've been scooping so much from each plate already." the alpha smiled sheepishly as he took his first bite into the fried chicken.

They had cleared a few dishes, but in the end even Morrison with his claimed good appetite could not finish them all. They were left stuffed anyway, both dragged down by their full stomachs. food here was in fact quite a bit better than those on board, with a lot more fresher ingredients available. "that's a nice one right? i bet we'd both be putting on some decent weight by the time our daughters' ready to come." Jamie chuckled and went to put away the trays.
The captain, or now just the pregnant omega was in a food daze after how much they had eaten and stirred when his alpha spoke,"Mm? Yeah... Fucking delicious." He murmured and smiled as his hands travelled lazily over his round belly, turning his head to watch as Jamie collected the trays,"Will you be my personal doctor here?" He asked him after a moment of just watching him do casual things like cleaning and walking to and fro,"You think they'll let you deliver her?"
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"you want that?" Jamie's eyes sparkeld so brightly. "you are fine with me doing that?" He was so excited by the notion raised by Morrison. Obviously he would jump at the ooprotunity, he just wasn't sure if Morrison would have agreed to that so he didn't raise it up. "I could certainly try... better yet, i could have asked but instead of replacing the usual personnel, i would apply for being the chief caretaker of you, including the handling of required medical procedures." Jamie thought about it and rasied the alternative. This option had always been allowed for some alphas were extra possessive of their omegas that it would create some violence had their mate been touched by strangers.
"I'd be more comfortable with you down there looking out for her than anyone else." He replied with a smile at him, reaching to run his fingers through the others hair and lean in to kiss him,"Sure, who better to help me with this than the person who was there all along." He sat back again and folded his legs as he looked at him, hands resting on his middle and stroking slowly as he relaxed. "It'll just be you and me. And her, our little one." He ran his hand down and sighed as he smiled softly to himself, all too glad to have another chance at this. A mate and a child.
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Jamie was beyond delighted. "oh my YES! I will love to..." the alpha came to kneel down in front of Morrison and pressed a gentle kiss on Morrion's large belly. "baby girl daddy will be there ot welcome you to the wrold... don't be shy, there will only be daddy and mommy..." Jamie stole a glance from Morrison, half expecting him to be unhappy about that , then quickly turned to his belly again. "so when the time came, you can come quickly. no need to wait too long for out here, it's only your parents. and we both love you so much, you're gonna be very safe with us, as safe as you are right now." he smiled and pressed another kiss on the belly, then looked up at Morrison shyly. cheeks still flushed with how excited he was.
He was grinning himself at the way the other lit up at the prospect of being able to help birth their daughter, his hands moving through his hair as he kissed his belly. Morrison nodded when he looked up at him slightly, not stopping him as he spoke to his navel or moreso what was beyond his navel. He never noticed it before, but it was simply amazing to be an omega, he created this life within him and soon enough they would get a clear look at her. He bet she was beautiful, the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. "Daddy and Papa." He corrected, leaning down to kiss him again and smiling softly as he added,"I'll kick anyone's ass if they try and hurt you too, baby girl. You can count on that."
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Jamie's blush deepened, first at getting corrected for daddy and papa, then again when he was kissed. Jamie couldn't think for a momen,t too stunned, there could literally be smoke coming out from his ears for how thrillled and heated he had been with the good things that hit him one after another. He nodded anxiously once he came out from his daze. "yep, daddy can assure you papa's kicks are REALLY hard, daddy had tried it before..."

He literally jumped up and down in front of Morrison, needing a way of letting out his excitement, and started chattering so excitedly about nonesense. how he's gonna be when the baby girl comes, and how he needed to prepare this and that for the birth. Jamie's acting like a kid now.

The arrangements were made soon, and approval had been given. the doctor from teh facility did look at Jamie with a slight bit of suspicion - the young alpha simply didnt look the type to be "posseessive", but since his mate didn't mind, he wasn't in aposition to reject such application, and arranagements were made for the pair to attend courses that would have taught them both on how to deal with situations during births.
Morrison wasn't surprised when the administration approved Jamie's request to be his midwife, he was even more comfortable when it was confirmed. He slept more soundly with him by his side and cradling his stomach, they were alone together save for the three meals of the day when Jamie had to go get food. The omega had started nesting finally with his alpha right by his side, he laid in bed for days on end only getting up to take a piss or shower when Jamie made him. His hormones were rising as the day of the birth approached and with all the time he had sitting around doing nothing but waiting he thought about the last time he did this. He hadn't made it this far before, and the aspect of birth was making him anxious, he sighed and sank back against the pillows of the bed. Morrison stroked his heavy belly, the size of it almost towering over him as he reclined, pouting slightly,"Jamie..." He called, turning over onto his side and frowning.
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The more time theyspent together, the better their scent merged. It was a nice feeling, and Jamie was as calm as he could. the alpha instinct was to be the anchoring force when it was time for the birth, so he was now more level minded than before as an instinctive reaction to his mate. the nesting was almost cute. the contrast of Morrison's seasoned body agains the piles of soft and fluffy pillows and blankets. Jamie always felt like he was sleepign on cloud at night, when he spooned Morrison sinking into the bed.

He was just entering with a full tray of food when Morrison called. He wiped away the beads of sweat from him hurrying back and quickly came to the bedside. "yea Mori?" he asked, busy fitting the desk over the bed so they could eat it while sitting comfortably in the nest. Jamie had a goofy smile on him, it was almost permanent these days. Hte young alpha was having the best days possible in his life being so close to his omega.
The omega was enjoying having his alpha around, he was his plaything and he loved him,"I was getting hungry... You came just in time..." He yawned as he stretched wide over the bed, looking over to his lover and smiling softly,"Hungry and horny." He purred when he came to sit beside him, wrapping his arms around him as he came closer,"You're so fucking cute." He murmured and kissed his back and then his shoulder softly, sitting up with a groan because of his weight, kissing his neck. Then looking down at the tray of food,"Macaroni." He stated and smiled as he moved to pick up the plate, distracted by the food.
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Jamie felt his cheeks burning up with the lustfull words from Morrison. he was shy everytime when Morrison outrightly expressed his wants over him, and somehow he felt quite flattered by it as well. he sat rather stiffly when Morrison snaked his hands around him, welcoming but also too shy to respond to the omega's touch.

he cleared his throat seeing his omega distracted by food, and worked on carefully sealing the little tent that was developing in his crotch. "yea macaroni, your favrourite. there's also cheesecake for dessert." he placed the dishes and snuggled close to Morrison as they started eating. With the great appetite Morrison was having lately, their daughter was growing even faster than before, putting on wahtever weight she could in this final phase before teh birth.
The large omega smiled and almost purred as he was holding onto his small alpha, laying around in such a small room all day with just him and his thoughts his hormones were too strong for him to fight any more and with the pregnancy he had an excuse to be the way he was. The way any omega would love to be, pampered and taken care of without having to lift a finger. He took the plate up and began eating off of it happily, leaned into the other as he shoved spoonfuls of the cheesy goodness within his mouth,"Thank you, I've been waiting for them to serve it again."He smiled and looked to the whole half pie of cheesecake he had brought up for him, being a war hero captain had its perks,"Though it always gets her hyper."He sighed and looked down as he rested the plate on his large belly, stroking his side and taking another bite.
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If anyone told Jamie how clingy and cuddly Morrison could be a month before this, he would have a hard time believing it. it was as if this Morrison was an entirely different person. He was so soft and needy, whiny even at times, and he's looking like a giant cat in winter times, more than a tiger as he used to, just lazing around, snuggling close for the physcial contacts and warmth.

"cheesecake's gonna make her hyped up? i guess our girl's got a sweet tooth then." Jamie smiled dreamily. He stroked the other side of Morrison's belly, feeling for the nudges from within. He stroked along the bottom of Morrison's bump, where the skin was the tightest. Morrison seldom got off bed these days, but maybe today jamie had to ask him to get down to assess how low his belly was now.
"That would make two of us." He smiled as he looked at Jamie, kissing his head and then his neck softly,"You're the one who probably gave it to her." He rubbed his shoulder and laid back again as they looked to his belly and watched his skin move just a little from the inside. Chewing his mouth full of food as he finished off his dinner, smiling at his partner and watching him stroke his belly. His skin covering in goosebumps when his hand ran lower and rubbed,"Mm..." It felt so good to be stroked, he moved to turn over slightly so more of his stomach was against his hand, almost wanting that hand to go lower. He felt his member throb just a bit, but sat up a bit more, he kissed him softly,"Put my cheesecake in the fridge, I want to take a shower and then you can feed it to me."
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"Why, to her is probably right, but then you got to have your side of contribution to bring upon a sweet toothed baby!" Jamie chuckled, liking the little banter. He had been stroking rather distractedly on Morrison's belly, and the goosebumps appearing just made him smile softly. it made his skin rough, creating almost a strange sensation. "Hmm ok, you want me to accompany you to the shower?" he asked, quietly complied with Morrison's wishes stroking across his bump. He noted the rising erection, but just to tease him a little, Jamie only rubbed against his sensitive belly, especially his popped bellybutton, for now.
He grinned at Jamie and was as happy as could be as they talked about their child, laying back still and watching his face and hand as his stomach was stroked,"If you want to. I doubt I'd be in there long, I tried peeing earlier and my back was killing me." He groaned softly when his belly button was rubbed and played with, he shifted more and his eyes closed,"God, keep going like that and I'm gonna have to drag you into the shower." He said and leaned up to kiss his lips softly, moaning and pressing against Jamie more as he sat up more.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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