Closed The Priest & The Shepherd (w/Bhdire8)
((Or just too small for a baby lmao))

"They must get here early to drop things off, you've got a loyal following, don't you?" He said, not in a mocking tone this time, he took some of the bread and his stomach growled as he broke it apart to eat some of it. Simply following behind Jamie to sit beside him, but it was obvious he had some trouble as he sank down slowly onto the seat. Simply begging himself not to fall as he struggled, even allowing Jamie to help him down by his arm, he sank down carefully and sighed as he sat. Of all places, the alpha chose this one, he complained silently and took his bread back to chew on it while he held his belly. Thinking about their discussion earlier and being able to see his sister again, he looked down and wondered what she would think about this pregnancy. She'd probably disagree with his way of handing things of course, she was nice, much nicer than he was. If she was in the position he was she'd probably love Jamie and the bastard within him, he frowned as he thought about her. He missed home. "My sister makes a better stew." He said matter of factly, looking briefly to the alpha beside him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(HAHAHA i guess he could piece several together... or use those larger ones, those used in shops? i dunno, 8x8 those? xDD)

"T-they are some devoted believers." Jamie blushed, somehow feeling like he was flattered. He didn't know if that was really the case, but probably his youthful looks were an advantage . A couple motherly ladies were really liking him and taking care of him in some ways.

Jamie looked at Morrison nervously when he had him sitting at an obviously unsuitable place, then he had fell so silent. Jamie nervously nibbled on the bread he was given, dipping some into the stew to make it softer. "y-your sister... how's she like?" he tilted his head to the side, looking at Morrison. "You must love her a lot, don't you?" he smiled softly. there was no mistaking on the longing on Morrison's face. "i envy your sisster a lot. She's very lucky to have a loving brother like you." he added looking at the soup. "i-i... well, we don't have a lot of good cooks around in this village." he scratched his chin. The unasked question was how Morrison found the stew he made before - probably even worse than this. Jamie huffed out a sigh and got back to the food.

"i-i think we should head out after. To the little garden i told you about? it would be good for the baby as well." he suggested, stealing glances from Morrison, afraid he might not like the idea.
Morrison looked at Jamie and he took his own bowl of the fresh stew to dip the bread into it and take a bite, he hummed at the taste, filling his stomach with the warm food for their breakfast. He thought about the question and looked almost offended as he was asked that,"Of course I love her." He replied and looked down into the north he held in the bowl,"She's kind. Kinder than me, you'd probably like her if you ever met her." He chewed on some of the bread further and looked at Jamie,"Are you one of the few?" He asked him, he considered Jamie's cooking good but not great, he lifted the bowl to drink some of it and sit back more.

He glanced to the alpha as he mentioned taking a stroll in the gardens, he thought about it, some fresh air would be nice for him but he wasn't sure if he'd enjoy it. "Is there somewhere to sit out there? My back is killing me from last night."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"WIll I get to meet her? i mean...she's an aunt now. I am sure I will like her. She's your sister." Jamie commented quietly. "I guess... no, I'm not the few. I... i cook, but that's it. In fact i might grill better. Back then the food wasn't enouhg, and we grilled whatever we could find in the fields." He shrugged, "Oh, and fish. I had become quite good at catching fishes with bare hands." He smiled showing his canine, looking rather carefree recalling the days when he roamed through the hillside beside the orphanage he lived in.

"Your back's not feeling well?" jamie asked, eating the rest of the bread and was quick to stand up. He bent forward to touch MOrrison on his waist, feeling along his muscled sides and then moved further to his back. "Is it mainly through your lower back or where? did you pull yourself last night?" he asked, nudging Morrison to move sideways so he coudl give a thorough check. "If that's the case then we shoudln't walk too far. I can give you a rub , see if it would alleviate the sore."Jamie's face looked tight with concern.
Morrison looked at Jamie and felt angry for a moment, but he sighed as he looked down at himself, frowning when he realized the other was right. She was an aunt now, or close to being one, he had been gone for so long and was going to come back home with a kid on his hip and another one who went around sticking his dick in things he shouldn't. He felt ashamed of himself briefly, she must be worried sick about him,"Maybe some day." He replied,"You could learn a thing or two from her cooking." His brows knit as he looked at Jamie and was almost impressed by what he said.

"I'm alright." He waved his hand, but he didn't stop Jamie from touching him surprisingly, his hands felt too good as they pressed into the right places. Taking in a breath and closing his eyes as Jamie rubbed his back,"Yeah, right there." He groaned, shaking his head,"No, I'm going to get fresh air, whether my back hurts or not." He said simply, for a moment he leaned against the pew, his head falling forward.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
The first few nudges were tentative, but feeling Morrison relaxed into his touches gave Jamie the courage to continue. He focused on the omega's back, running along his back, he used his knowledge as an almost-physician to knead along the sore spots along his spine., then focused on the tendons around the lowerback. He found himself smiling at the omega, for once, welcomed his "service" and took the time to really get to his knots.

"it woulnd' tbe too good if your back was soring too much... we could take it slow." he added, trying not to focus too much on the groans from Morrison that was doing funny things to himself. He took a deep breath and worked on using his kunckles to apply pressure on the area around his hip bones, needing to close his eyes as well when that ilicited a particularly loud moan from Morrison.

His smaller hands gradually moved forward to morrison's waist, taking his sides, he cupped his belly and rubbed small circles around the growing bump - then pressed an imperceptable kiss on Morrison's neck. He held his breath after, shocking even himself for such a daring act, then gradually relaxed when it didn't lead to immediate reactions from Morrison. Maybe he didn't notice.... the young alpha let out a sigh of relief after. "Do you want to head out now?" he asked, finding his own voice unusually high-pitched with how nervous he was, and had to clear his voice a few times to steady himself.

Morrison grimaced as his head fell back and he groaned when Jamie pressed his hands more firmly into his back, he squeezed his eyes shut and pressed back against them. He shut his eyes tight and bit his lip to keep himself from letting out any more unwanted sounds,"Fuck, if you keep massaging me like this when my back hurts I'll make sure to go around walking everywhere." He licked his hips, eyes closing and head falling back with a weak moan.

His cock stirred at the last pressure and he laughed when Jamie finally let up, he squeezed his eyes as the other held his waist and belly. Looking down to it and nodding at the question, he had luckily didn't feel the kiss,"Yeah, I wanna feel the sun again." He sighed and pulled away from the other finally, wanting to be let go of as he left the choir pit, tugging down his shirt more and waddling to the door then.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie blushed at Morrison's words, and the priest was now seriously contemplating with repeating this... if Morrison really was telling the truth, he would get a lot mroe chances to touch the omega... and he bt his lips from whimpering out loud. THis was really not good... He was a preist! he had dedicated his life to the god and he shouldn't indulge in these earthly passions... Despite telling himself this mentally, jamie couldn't just push down those thoughts...

Jamie nodded, trying desperately to make the blush die down. He was about to give morrison a pull when the omega stood up without much trouble. Jamie could only follow him, trotting a little even with the large strides of the omeag. Pregnant or not, Morrison had much longer legs than him and was used to physical acitvities.

Jamie caught up with Morrison at the door, and led the way since. He would turn around to make sure Morrison was followig him, tgoether they headed towards the small garden around. Here was where Jamie had planted some vegetable and herbs that were used as medicine. Jamie took a deep breath, his bouncy gold locks shining under the bright sun light. 
Morrison waddled through the sanctuary after stepping off the stage, he followed Jamie to the back of the church and out into the garden with a deep breath of fresh air. He slowly brightened up at the sight of the beautiful greenery and squinted his eyes as he stepped onto the pathway,"It's nice out here actually." He wasn't sure what he had expected, but it was definitely less than this, he stepped further out of the shadow of the church and into the sun as his head tilted back. It felt so warm on his sink and he soaked it all up like a sponge, sighing and his hand went to his belly as he pressed his palm against the firm mound. Standing there for a few long moments as if he would be dragged back inside again in only a few minutes, but that didn't come, he even smiled,"God it feels good to be out side again."

He was a shepherd, he was used to being outside with the sheep and his dog, he frowned just a bit and looked down as he moved towards the bench in the midst of all the beauty. It really wasn't that special, but to him it was freedom at last, the baby even squirmed with his happiness too.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie noted a few of the herbs needed some trimming again, and some had matured that it was time to harvest before they lost their medical effect. He had to pick out those wilted leaves and before he knew it, he was squatting down in front of a lavendar and picking away the weed that was constantly re-growing and threaten the survival of the delicate flower. He would work on it and almost started on the area beside it when he suddenly recalled he wasn't alone here.

"Oh Morrison I'm sorry..." he shoot up to his feet, only to see the larger man had settled on the bench. "oh." he broke into a bright smile and scurried over to join him. "i'm sorry. i got distracted with the plants... you like it here too right?" he sat down just beside him, sitting with his back straight like the obedient young student that he was - and still is.
Morrison was watching Jamie as he worked, but it didn't last long, the young man stood up again to walk towards him and he sat back. His hands moving away from his belly, he was trying to soothe the never ending squirming of the child within him, bright in the face. Looking more lively than ever before as he sat there in the warm sunlight, he shook his head,"It's alright." He said and moved over so he sat beside him,"It's alright. Go ahead. I'm just...relaxing." He said and he sat back more, nodding,"I'm comfortable. It's better than sitting in that room." He sighed and his hand moved to his belly again as he relaxed, stroking the mound slowly with his thumb.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie looked at the bump Morrison was sporting. He nodded at Morrison and his gaze lingered at the omega's face. The omega's face brightened up so much, his stroke on his belly so loving, that Jamie found his eyes glued to morrison. For a split second, the priest even found himself wanting to push his head against the omega, hoping to share the gentle stroke as well - and that had startled the alpha. He shoudln't feel like that, it wasn't apporpirate and it just felt wrong that he was "competing" with their child for Morrison's attention. He awkwardly stood back up and stuttered. "t-then i w-will get back to the p-plants. Feel free to l-look around."

Quickly, he scurried back to the bushes of plants, caring them stiffly still finding it awkward for his own thoughts. He chewed on his lower lip and franticaly picked on the weed - and whined loud when he made a mistake and picked a rose instead... he muttered a curse to himself and glanced at Morrison nervously. Since it was picked.... he squirmed his way back to Morrison, quickly removing the thorns on the rose, and with a tomato-red face, offered the single rose to Morrison -a dn quickly dashed away burying himself into the bushes.
Morrison sank back more and he sighed, his eyes closing while he relaxed there alone and watched the sky, his eyes closed and head tilted back. His usually tan skin was almost a sickly pale after the weeks of laying in bed, he didn't recognise himself but he did recognise the familar feelings being outside brought back to him. It opened him up more, even to Jamie and the bastard child inside of him, he sighed and wondered about his home. About his dog and sister, and the animals she most likely had her hands full with, he wondered if she thought he was dead.

He startled when he heard Jamie hiss with pain, he looked over to the bushes where he knelt and they made brief eye contact when he glanced to him. Morrison watched him stand and cut the flower at the stem, wondering what he might do with it and hoping he wouldn't come back over to him. Though his hopes were crushed as the alpha walked over to him and he had no choice but to take the rose from him, frowning a bit and holding the plant. He looked at it and didn't know how to respond to it exactly when he was given it, he stayed silent and laid it beside him on the stone bench. His hands moving to rest on his middle against the fabric of his shirt that was growing tighter by the day around his firm stomach. He didn't know how to place his time here, he was big, but not huge, if he was close to his due date he didn't feel like it. The baby didn't seem to be a healthy weight if he was close to delivering, he didn't even know why he cared if it wasn't.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie wouldn't even dare look at Morrison after he gifted the rose. He was afraid he might seen the rose falling to the ground - or maybe the omega's cool side would again make an appearance and chose to stomp on the delicate flower. He sighed and cleared his mind. THis wasn't what he was supposed to be worrying about. He was a priest for god's sake... literally. He buried himself back into the garden, letting nature calm his mind and refocus - but it seemed that both eluded him when all he could htink of was Morrison. From afar, he was still stealing glances from the omega - and to his relief, that patch of red from the rose was still on the bench, not thrown away or destroyed in anyway. that had to be a good sign...

(LOL the more we developed the more i feel like there would be more drama between them. What if the villagers found out about Morrison, what would they think of him and Jamie, and their relationship? How would Morrison deliver? and what about when Jamie was called on to treat some other omegas. Came back with the newly presented omega's scent? how do you think we shoudl focus on? and would you want to introduce the sister, or just put her in the background until Morrison returned - with or without Jamie?

and btw... Morrison's how far along now HAHA hmmm, 7 months? big but not huge yet? )
If the villagers found out they'd probably support their loving priest and encourage him to leave the church and marry. I'll keep Morrison's delivery an angsty surprise lol. He'd probably be yelling at Jamie for running around with another omega and stress himself into early labor. We'll introduce the sister soon, probably once the baby is born and maybe they're forced into marriage. Should we skip? We can skip to when he is 7 months along or close to 8. ))
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(hey!!!! it's been a long time... sorry for the lack of warning when i went into hiatus. LOL somehow i just lost the momentum, but please be reassured i'm back ;) yea let's make a skip? to close to 8 maybe. perhapst here'd be a build up? like, following Jamie's frequent viist to a particular villager who'd been in a difficulty pregnancy, perhaps Morrison would start feeling neglected? then we could have the newly presneted omega that would be the triggeirng for his early labor. hmm, maybe we could have the villagers somehow coming in and discover Morrison at the time when they had just delivered the baby? like, seeing the baby all bloodied laying on Morrison's chest? LOL would be sort of strange - but then the villagers would show much of their support to the couple's surprise?

LOL do you like the characterisation of Jamie so far? i don't know.. is it still going on strong? is he too naive, too soft, too much of a crying baby? LOL i'm constnatly on edge, worried if i'm making this work...)
((Oh. It's okay lol. I was worried about you since you were so active and then nothing! XD. I'm glad your back, I was getting bored lol.
Yeah, Morrison wouldn't like that he isn't spending all his time with him. Despite complaining. When he finally approaches Jamie about it just the stress of arguing could make him go into labor?
Sure I like that idea lol. He's okay. Different than the other Jamie just by a little. ))
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(HAHAHA yeaaa... it's like, daily presence here and then all nothing for 1.5 months right? LOL i didn't realise i've been away for so long LOL time just flies -_- and yea, like the building up and the "almost jealousy" that Morrison's too proud to show. in fact somehow what popped into mind is - Morrison pulled over Jamie's hand, sort of pushed his belly into Jamie's palm and asked - isn't this your kid? why are you spending more time on a stranger's kid than your own child? LOL that sort of thing. Half complain, but deeper down it's his insecurity talking?

LOL HAHA is that a -okay that's acceptable - or okay that's waht i've expected? LOL sorry, my insecurity is now talking xDD)
((That sounds like Morrison, I can see that happening.
It's fine lol. Did you want me to skip? Or would you like to do the honors?))
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(Haha would u like todo the honors? I mean yea... usually you did it... and... hope u dont mind!)

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