C Have My Baby Pt. II [Closed with Hockeypreg2]

Gio was no longer just 'practically' sobbing with arousal and need - he officially was. Bucking and writhing against Sirius as the man continued pressing against his prostate. Tears were slowly rolling down Gio's cheeks as he clung to Sirius, no longer able to keep stroking them as he rocked and rolled against Sirius' three fingers - the stretch was so incredibly delicious, he truly thought he was going to lose it if this didn't stop - or start, for that matter.

"Yes Si! Yes... yes... Please... don't stop, don't... Oh-... oh... god... don't stop Sirius... please..." Gio moaned, groaned, and whined loudly, whimpering into the older man's ear and murmuring about just how much he really needed the man, switching between Greek and English because his mind was - at this point - completely *shattered* beyond a reasonable doubt. Thinking that now, he knew once Sirius started fucking him, coherent thought would be utterly impossible and speaking just as much impossible.

He didn't care. He wanted to reach that level of pleasure, knew that Sirius was the only man who could make him achieve that level - Gio was officially ruined from other men, with just this one encounter.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius slowly pulled his fingers out and reached for the condom, opening it with his teeth and his clean hand. Gio was whimpering and begging him to put his fingers back, his cock, just *something*.

"Shhh," Sirius murmured, rolling the condom on himself. "I'm going to fuck you. I've got you. I won't leave you like this."

He slicked himself up and then nudged Gio up further on his knees, helping him into position. He held himself steady. "This is your show, baby. Go as slow as you need to go."

Gio didn't like the advice of 'going slow' he didn't *want* to go slow - but Sirius was definitely the biggest man he had ever taken, and the advice was sound; if unfair.

Slowly he lowered himself onto the large mushroom head of Sirius cock, and he gasped loudly, back arching and fingernails digging into Sirius' neck and shoulder - *JESUS* the man was huge at just the head... He officially was worried that he wouldn't be able to take it. The burn was no longer wonderful and delicious like it had been when Sirius' fingers were in there, but... It was still a pleasurable sensation at the same time, even if it did want to make him scream that he felt like he was being torn in half from his natural God-given seam.

Gio managed to slip further down once that initial large intrusion; his body relaxing around it and swallowing more and more of Sirius' huge cock. He panted and moaned loudly against Sirius' neck, rocking and rolling his hips in slow circles to take more of the man's length inside of him.

It wasn't until Gio was at about nine inches of the twelve that Gio couldn't take anymore, tears clouding his eyes as he looked into Sirius' eyes. "That's all I can take... for now..." Gio said quietly in Greek, voice just on the right side of breathless "Now... Put your dirty words to action, Sirius, and fuck me for all I'm worth."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius nuzzled at Gio's jaw, holding him close once Gio had settled as far as he could go. He had to breath deeply himself to keep steady, his thighs trembling from the heat and tight vise around his cock. He could feel that Gio had softened between them and that wasn't surprising. He had watched Gio work to take him, could see the grimaces of pain and the tears in his eyes even now.

He rubbed a finger around Gio's stretched hole before grasping his hips and slowly starting to lift him back up. It was slow at first, Sirius not wanting to overwhelm him or hurt him in any way. He barely pushed, flexing his hips up each time he pushed Gio back down.

"You feel so good," Sirius moaned as he kept moving Gio on his cock. He pressed another kiss to his jaw. "Your tight little ass is perfect for my cock. You take it so well."

Gio nodded and moaned into Sirius' neck, clutching at the older man's shoulders as he was slowly thrust in and out of "Oh goddd..." Sirius was *soooo* thick and huge inside of Gio's body... could feel that thick cock rubbing at his inner walls - and the *constant* pressure on his prostate was absolutely rendering him speechless.

He babbled incoherently and unintelligently into Sirius' neck, panting and whimpering with each upward thrust and downward pull "Harder... Harder Si... Harder please..." Gio chanted over and over again - he knew he could take what was being given to him, and he just wanted *more* of it. So desperate and needy to be filled by the older man's cock. He wished he could take all twelve inches, but knew that that additional three inches would very likely ruin him internally - he didn't want *that* but he wished he could take the whole thing, and knew that in due time - if they kept this up - that it would very likely happen.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius caught his mouth in a kiss, fucking up into him a little harder. He wanted to make Gio come, wanted to make him forget everyone else he'd ever had sex with at this point. He got a hand between them, stroking Gio's now hard cock. He was getting close himself, all the teasing and foreplay, Gio's mouth on him earlier and his *seriously* tight hot ass - it was too much.

"Can't hold on," Sirius gritted out, fucking up into him hard now. He was still careful not to go past where Gio had stopped, but he wasn't holding back on giving Gio the pounding he was begging for. He bit down on Gio's shoulder, his cock swelling even more as he came, filling the condom and hips still fucking into Gio's ass in the process.

Gio cried out when he felt that hard cock swell up inside of him even more - despite the latex barrier, he felt those strong pulses and throbbing of Sirius' cock and that made him nearly scream *too* loudly; No doubt neighboring apartment residents would hear it and start complaining of the noise, but Gio couldn't help himself. Or the loud moans and cries leaving him.

Gio writhed and thrusted into Sirius' hand wildly; panting, whining, whimpering - god so many noises were leaving his mouth as cum started shooting out of him in a geyser style all over Sirius' chest and stomach. Lines of white sporadically dripping down the older man's chest and stomach.

Gio was *officially spent* a few little beads of cum making their way out of his slit before he collapsed bodily against Sirius' body. Panting and huffing hot shots of breath against Sirius neck, the man himself still buried inside of his hole "Fuck..." Gio groaned and tried lifting himself again, but he was utterly boneless and wrecked now. "I don't think I can move, even if I really wanted too..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius chuckled weakly, his hands resting on Gio's hips. He didn't want to move himself, but they were both drenched in sweat and he was covered in come which he was now getting all over Gio. He should also probably get rid of the condom while he was still somewhat hard.

"We'll do it together," Sirius said, holding the base of the condom and wrapping his other arm around Gio's waist. "Push up."

Together they managed to lift Gio up and off him and not lose the condom at the same time. Sirius got it off and tied it up, leaving it on the side table for now. He wrapped an arm around Gio and pulled him down so he was lying on top of Sirius, both of them still breathing heavily.

"If you stay the night, I can make a mean bowl of cereal," Sirius murmured, stroking his fingers through Gio's hair. "And very good coffee."

Gio laughed tiredly and nodded his head against Sirius' chest "I like cheerios with banana slices and a little bit of sugar... Think you can do that?" Gio asked softly, lifting his head just enough to look at Sirius, chin resting against the man's sternum "And coffee sounds wonderful, even now... but..." A yawn broke into Gio's sentence and his eyes drooped just slightly.

He shook his head to try and clear the sudden exhaustion "But... I am so tired now, I don't think moving from this very comfortable and muscular body pillow I found, will happen anytime soon." Gio said as he laid his cheek back down against Sirius' chest and started tracing a random pattern on the man's other pectoral muscle, swirling the sweat and small amount of precum around "Although I may be tempted with a shower and a real bed... That's my only concession to move from this spot."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Luckily I can provide both of those things," Sirius said with a chuckle. "And then I can offer my services as a body pillow for the evening."

He slid a hand over Gio's ass, patting it lightly. "How do you feel? I wasn't too rough, was I?"

Gio shook his head and snuggled against Sirius' chest "I feel fine.  A little sore, but that is to be expected." Gio said quietly, pressing a tender kiss against the rapidly beating heart in Sirius' chest cavity "You weren't rough at all... I loved it, Sirius, truly and honestly loved it." Gio whispered, closing his eyes as he curled up in Sirius' arms and almost immediately fell asleep with the warmth radiating from the man's muscular body.

[Three Weeks Later:]

Over the course of three weeks it seemed like Gio and Sirius had been an almost inseparable pair - they still hadn't gone out on their first 'official' dinner date yet, but they still hung out with each other constantly.  They would spend time at the gym together, where Gio mostly *watched* Sirius working out, instead of working out himself.  They would watch movies at either one of their apartments after Gio got off of work, usually Sirius' apartment though, simply because Sirius did have to let Misha out of her crate.  To Gio, it was perfect - they were going slow, building up to an exceptionally great relationship already by just getting to know one another as friends, before they took that next step.  They also had sex with each other, a few times, since their first time - it wasn't constant and it was almost always spontaneous and completely at random times when hanging out together.

Today, however, seemed to be completely different - Gio was working the dinner rush at Saucer II.  Silas, after being on Paternity leave for just a month after the triplets were born, had returned to work, and the relaxed and calm environment that Gio was - stupidly - getting used too, no longer existed.  Silas was moody and irrational in his demands.  Yelling louder than before, and it was grating on everyone's nerves - customer and staff alike.  His yelling, especially.  He was so loud, the glasses and cookware that were on the shelves rattled with each boom of his voice, it was impossible to say a word to the man in his current state of mind and mood.

Gio contemplated texting Sidney to find out what the heck had gotten into Silas and why he was acting the way he was, but he thought better of that.  Besides, dinner rush was almost over, the Sous Chef and Chef Tournant had both agreed to it before work that they would take over for Gio's duties since he had been practically gushing since he got to work that today was "officially the day" that Sirius was taking him out on their first dinner date - Gio couldn't wait.  He was excited, nervous, and just *ready* to enjoy the evening with Sirius and wash away the anger and frustration of the day.  It probably wouldn't help that he would be staring at the face of the man who had been yelling at him all evening, but to Gio - he could *see* the minute differences between the two men, and their voices were much different which at this point in the game, was a blessing - Gio needed to hear a different voice coming out of that face after the tongue lashing he, and all the staff, received from Silas and were still receiving.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius walked into Saucer II dressed in tight black jeans, a fitted paisley button down, and a charcoal sports coat. He didn't ordinarily dress up - and this was dressed up for him - but he wanted to look good for Gio. The hostess, Angie, looked flustered and did a double take when she saw him, looking back at the kitchen briefly.

"Sirius?" she asked tentatively.

"Hello Angie," Sirius said with a smile. "I'm supposed to be picking up Gio but I'm a little early. Do you think I could wait for him back in Silas's office?"

Angie looked a little nervous. "Mr. Flint is back there tonight and he's ... in a bit of a mood. I'm not sure it would be the best idea."

Sirius dropped his voice low so no customers could hear. "Is he being an asshole to everyone again tonight?"

Angie nodded, straightening the menus and not meeting his eyes. Sirius sighed and patted her arm. He wove his way through the restaurant to the kitchen. He could hear Silas before he even got close since there was an open kitchen at Saucer II. He was shocked by that. Normally Silas was professional around customers. This was over the top.

"Silas," Sirius said, pushing his way into the kitchen, startling one of the wait staff. He spoke in Greek to make sure less people understood. "What are you doing?"

Silas looked up from where he had been yelling at one of the bus boys - a barely sixteen year old kid - and turned toward Sirius. He growled and shook his head "I'm working - What are you doing?! You're not supposed to be back here, Sirius." Silas growled the words out in Greek since his brother decided that was how they would speak with one another. "If you want food, go wait at a table like the rest of the customers."

Gio frowned and turned back to where he was reading off the last of the dinner menu items to his cooks. As much as he was happy to have Sirius here and take him away from the Nightmare kitchen he found himself in; watching the two brother's get into an argument wasn't exactly high on his list at the moment - he would focus on getting the rest of the orders out and then hopefully Sirius and Silas would have cooled down enough.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I'm not here for food. I'm here for Gio." Sirius took Silas's arm and tried to tug him away from the bus boy. "Are you aware that the entire restaurant can hear you yell at that kid? You need to calm yourself down because you are going to lose customers if you keep this up."

Sirius gestured at the dining room where people were eating and pretending not to notice the turmoil in the kitchen. "You should be home with the babies still."

Silas allowed his brother to pull him away from the bus boy - who quickly took off in the other direction - "It does not matter if you were here to see the President, Sirius... You should not be in the kitchen. You are not appropriately dressed for being in there!" Silas snapped once they were out of earshot of everyone. Silas took a breath and shook his head "I will not lose customers because I was yelling; he broke more than enough dishes tonight without my yelling at him - I am sick of his incompetency and was close to firing him before you decided to pull me away!"

Silas crossed his arms over his chest and huffed loudly, glancing at the customers in the dining room "Sidney is home with the triplets, Maria and Kris - they are having a... I do not know what they are doing, actually. I am fine to work, I was cleared a week ago to return. Why are you so concerned about what *I* should be doing?!" Silas rolled his eyes and glared at his brother, arms tightening slightly and making his shirt pop a little at the seams as the muscles in his arms and back bulged "And what do you mean you are here for Gio? Since when did the two of you start speaking?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"We're dating," Sirius said to him, keeping a hand on Silas's arm. "Why are you yelling at everybody so much? You think maybe he's broken dishes because he's afraid of you? There's a line between being a hard boss and an asshole and I'm pretty sure you're crossing it. These people want to work for you but if you keep treating them like shit that won't continue."

Sirius saw Gio out of the corner of his eye finishing up a dish. He snuck a glance at his watch and they still had plenty of time before their reservation.

Silas shook his head and finally loosened his arms up enough so that his shirt wouldn't spontaneously combust on him "It is..." Silas shrugged and looked down, sighing heavily "I am just stressed... Between the restaurants and the triplets and the other three kids... I do not think I can do this anymore, Sirius... I have... too much and I do not know how to balance all of this..." Silas said quietly, blinking a few times before he shook his head "I will go home... You tell Gio to finish the last orders, clean down his station, and then he may leave."

Silas walked away after that, having to shake himself from Sirius grip. He disappeared into the far back of the kitchen and *everyone* could hear the heavy wood door slamming shut, rattling the walls of the restaurant, with the force put behind it.

Gio winced and looked back down at the plate he was assembling for the last order "Service." he hit the bell, placed the plate on the serving tray with the rest of them and looked up again once Sirius started his way "I take it that didn't go so well?" Gio asked quietly and in Greek, leaning his arms on the service counter and looking into Sirius' eyes.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius shrugged and looked back at Silas's office. "He said he was going to go home. I think he is discovering that he can't do it all and that's upsetting him and stressing him out. I'm hoping he took my words to heart. His staff does not deserve to be yelled at because he doesn't know how to handle his shit."

"He did say that you can finish the last orders, clean down your station, and then go. I didn't tell him that you already arranged everything so we'll let him think he's doing something nice."

Gio nodded and smiled, turning to speak with his Tournant Chef "Adonis, this is your show now. All that needs to go out is the last dessert of the evening and then clean it down." Gio said and patted Adonis on the shoulder.

After that Gio came out from behind the chef station and walked to the back, glancing over his shoulder and smiling at Sirius as the older man followed him "I just have to change into my dinner clothes and then we can get out of here." Gio said as he headed into the locker room and unlocked his locker, pulling out a garment bag that held his 'fancy' dinner-outing clothes. He picked up his bag of piercings and shook them lightly "Can I at least wear my tongue ring? I feel really naked without it on..." Gio said as he poked his tongue out and tried looking at the hole that was there.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Wear all of them," Sirius said warmly. He bent down to kiss Gio, dipping his tongue into his mouth. It was a novelty to kiss him without the tongue ring so he was going to try it. "I want to see you look like yourself."

He stepped back. "I'll wait outside so you can get dressed. That way I keep my hands to myself." Sirius went back into the kitchen long enough to see Silas again. He had his bag and looked tired, his expression drawn.

"Talk to Sidney," Sirius said gently, pulling his brother into a hug. "And I am always around to help if you need it."

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