C Have My Baby Pt. II [Closed with Hockeypreg2]

Silas sighed in defeat, lowering his head and leaning his scalp against the kitchen cabinets "Yes..." he said quietly, shaking his head as he reached up to wipe at the tears on his face "You deserve happiness, Sirius. Love, Happiness, you deserve it all..." Silas slowly moved away from the kitchen and sat down on one of the dining room chairs, bringing his legs up and hugging around them tightly.

"I am a terrible brother, I never saw the things that you did, never saw what you tried to do for me..." Silas said quietly, resting his chins on between his knees - he looked so much like that lost teenager once again, despite now weighing 150 more pounds and being six-foot-seven "I'm so sorry, Sirius... I'm... so, so sorry."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I'm sorry too," Sirius said tiredly. He put a hand on Silas's shoulder. "We both made mistakes and should have talked about things before now. I've always just wanted to take care of you and protect you. That's all I was trying to do back then and it spiraled out of control. I was only 13 and I couldn't handle everything that I thought I could. I should have gone to our parents before we were even in that situation instead of just trying to deflect his attention."

"I want us to learn how to be brothers again. Do you think we could do that?"

Silas inhaled shakily and nodded his head as he stood up and hugged his brother again "Yeah, I think we can do that... It's been a long time, but I think the fundamentals are still there somewhere." Silas said quietly.

Before either man could get any further into their conversation, Silas' cellphone beeped and he sighed as he pulled out of the embrace with Sirius, looking over his cellphone messages "Damn it. Sid texted me... Apparently the twins got into a fight at football practice - with each other. Theo has a broken nose and Titan needs stitches..." Silas said in exasperation, a wary look coming across his face as he pinched the bridge of his nose tightly.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Do you need another set of hands?" asked Sirius hesitantly. "I can take Calla or the triplets if you want. Gio isn't going to be home until later so I'm free."

He wasn't sure if Silas was going to accept. Normally he went through Sidney even when he and Silas were together. It just was easier to deal with Sidney because Sidney always accepted help, knowing that they were severely outnumbered and Sirius helped even things out.

Silas nodded slowly "The triplets are at home with Maria and Carmen, so they're covered. Calla will be at the hospital with Sidney and I'm sure we'll need someone to distract her from all the noises so we can deal with the boys..." Silas said as he dug his keys out of his pocket and held them out to his brother "Do you mind driving? They'll be heading to the emergency clinic near the school..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Sure. Let me put Misha in her crate." Sirius went looking for her. She didn't like yelling so he wasn't surprised to find her hiding in the bedroom. "Come on, princess." He picked her up and cuddled her close, trying to let her know that everything was okay. He pressed a kiss to her nose, getting a few licks in return before putting her in her crate. He straightened up to see Silas watching him. He just grabbed his wallet and phone. "She doesn't like yelling. I needed to reassure her everything is fine."

Silas shrugged his shoulders and walked to the door, phone still in his hand as he passed his keys over to Sirius "Sorry about that. She must love it when you and Gio are 'sleeping' together then... Cause I can only imagine he isn't quiet, boy has a set of lungs on him that would make any restaurant owner happy." Silas said with a short laugh as he trotted down the apartment stairs slowly, glancing up at his brother briefly.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius laughed at that. "You have no idea. I think my neighbors are happy that he tends not to speak English during sex. Misha just goes in her crate and ignores us now. I think she's used to it."

Sirius got into Silas's giant SUV, looking at the array of car seats. "Thank you for telling me about him. I don't know if you were doing it more for me or him at the time but it changed my life for the better. He is really wonderful."

Silas shook his head and chuckled "Sounds like you guys need to buy a house, not another apartment. Ever since Sidney and I moved into the house, we haven't had a single neighbor complaint." Silas said and leaned back in the passenger seat, closing his eyes and rubbing his temple slowly.

"I'm glad you're finally happy, Sirius... I really was trying to help you out in that moment - I saw the string of men you had been 'dating' and they were..." Silas shook his head and laughed a little "They weren't good enough... I wanted you to be with someone who would love you, and I knew you would love back - Gio was perfect... Is perfect."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I wasn't looking for love with most of the guys I dated. I was kind of a novelty to the ones that tended to stick around," Sirius said wryly. "The ones that I actually liked were the ones who disappeared after seeing me in the bedroom. You can warn people but they don't always believe it until they see it."

Sirius drove quickly but carefully towards the clinic. "I thought I loved the man that got me pregnant. Looking back at it, I was so stupid. He was older and married. I actually let myself believe that he would leave his wife when I told him I was pregnant and we would raise our baby together. He told me to lose his number and I never saw him again. I don't know if you remember but I called you and asked you to come visit me. You said you couldn't get time off work and I didn't want to tell you over the phone so I just ...never did. I should have trusted you."

Silas reached over and squeezed his brother's knee lightly "I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you, Sirius..." Silas said quietly and brought his hand back into his own lap "You should have told me... I would have dropped everything... If you needed me *that* badly, I would have dropped everything, bought a ticket, and came back home - as much as I cannot stand it... I would have come back to Greece, just for you, Sirius..." Silas said quietly and reached up, wiping tears from his face once again.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius reached over and squeezed Silas's hand firmly. "It's okay. Even if you had come home, I wouldn't have kept her. I was really just looking for reassurance that putting her up for adoption was the right choice."

He turned down the street where the clinic was, knowing how to get to the school on autopilot by now. "Have Theo and Titan been having problems? Why would they be fighting each other?"

"Well it was, and I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you that then..." Silas said quietly as he watched the buildings pass by the windows "You should think about looking her up, just to see how she did with her life... She's what? eighteen or so herself, now?" Silas asked, looking over at his brother briefly.

He shook his head a bit "You know they've been butting heads since Calla was born, most of that tension was resolved when the triplets were born..." Silas rubbed his forehead as they pulled into the clinic emergency parking lot "Now they are apparently 'in love' with the same person at school and its been the source of all their fights recently... It's - I hope - only a temporary thing between them, just like everything else so far."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"It was a closed adoption. I don't know who adopted her. The adoption agency and her parents have my name and information so if she wants to find me she can, but not the other way around. She will be eighteen in May," Sirius said calmly. "And aren't they too young to be interested in girls or boys? They're only nine. That seems far too young to be fighting over a crush."

"Sid and I have tried telling them that... They insist they are old enough to be in love." Silas said, a level of frustration evident in his tone. "Those two are more stubborn than we are... I think with each added generation, the stubbornness just gets worse."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius laughed. "Dear lord we're all in trouble then. I thought you and I were the most stubborn people alive. I'm sure Sid and Gio would agree."

He parked the car and turned to look at Siilas. "We can tell everyone about me later. Let's just focus on the boys and Calla for now."

Silas nodded his head and sighed "Yeah, sounds like a plan..." Silas said as he climbed out of the SUV and grabbed Calla's bag of toys "I'm tired of the two of them fighting though, they've just been going at it over random little things for the past few weeks... Its irritating."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I'll see if I can talk to them. Sometimes they tell me stuff easier then they tell you and Sid," Sirius said as he followed Silas. "And you need to be patient with them. They're just kids and having three new siblings has kind of thrown their lives upside down. I know it's been months now but there is no way they're used to how much less attention they get from you and Sid."

Ever since finding out Sirius was pregnant, it seemed like all of the older man's pregnancy symptoms disappeared - at least they did by the time the third month of pregnancy came around.  The rest of the second month was still a little turbulent with back pains and occasional vomiting but the Zofran definitely helped curb the violent vomiting that had been going on with Sirius.

Things were starting to, yet again, look up for the couple; Sirius was finally coming to terms with the fact that he had gotten accidentally pregnant, apartment or house hunting wasn't going *great* but it wasn't going bad either.  They had a few potentials lined up that they wanted to see - both of which were big enough and nothing over a twenty-minute commute to Saucer II for Gio, since Sirius could work from anywhere he pleased.

The only thing that wasn't looking up was Gio's job - the past few weeks had been very stressful for the younger man, he had been struggling to keep orders straight, sometimes sending out food that wasn't fully prepared or just in general incorrect.  He'd been feeling sick, mostly just throwing up, headaches, and occasional dizziness.  Everyday he pushed it off as stress, and he hadn't even told Sirius about it - not wanting to worry his pregnant boyfriend that there may be something wrong with him, other than stress.

Today, however, seemed to be the tipping point.  Gio had screwed up every order that came to the pass, threw up *in* the kitchen and they had to shut down progress so that it could be cleaned up, and he was just in general, very clumsy; dropping plates, glassware, and pretty much everything his hands touched.  Silas' boiling point was when Gio dropped an *entire* tray of what was considered VIP-Table food, and the kitchen had to start all over again -- Everyone was pissed, actually.

Gio didn't even try fighting the dismissal.  He took it, he knew it had been coming, being fired... It was a bitter pill to swallow, but he knew that he had been screwing up.  And whatever was making him feel sick was just adding to that.

Gio got back to Sirius' apartment quickly and was happy to find the place empty - Sirius was very likely walking Misha, it was about that time anyhow.  He dropped all of his things, practically ripped off his tie and button-down shirt, dropping them haphazardly on the couch, before racing into the bathroom.  He dropped to his knees in front of the toilet, one arm resting over the hole and his forehead resting on that arm as he started throwing up.  A lot of it consisted of dry heaving, but some things did come up - that was another thing, the boy who could put away anything, had hardly been eating at all these past couple of weeks, losing weight in places he shouldn't have been losing weight - considering he didn't have much to lose to begin with.

He didn't know when Sirius would get home, he just hoped his boyfriend wouldn't find him like this; head in the toilet, tears riding down his face, and looking paler than his normal.  He felt awful, and he didn't want Sirius knowing what had happened; surely he could find a new job cooking, before anything bad happened... He just had to keep the firing a secret for a *little* bit longer, find out why he was so sick, and get on with his life.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius came back with Misha, surprised to see Gio's stuff on the couch. He wasn't supposed to be home for a few more hours. Misha went tearing through the house to the master bathroom, Sirius following her in confusion. He dropped to his knees next to Gio when he saw him at the toilet, vomiting.

"Baby," Sirius said, shocked. He rubbed his back gently. "What is going on?"

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