C Have My Baby Pt. II [Closed with Hockeypreg2]

Infant #2 was finally cleaned up and then brought over to the beds. The nurse laid #2 in Gio's arms and smiled "Now, if you'd like to breast feed him - You can. It's totally safe and okay... Since they were all born on the same day, this will make feeding easier on all of you if you get them on a schedule as soon as possible." The nurse explained, once again showing Gio how to properly feed the newborn.

Gio smiled happily as he held one of his four sons in his arms, rubbing the infants back with his thumb as he laid his head on Sirius's shoulder "Got any ideas on who is who at this point?" Gio asked quietly, eyes traveling over to the other two snoozing babies in the room.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I think this one is Ben," Sirius as he gazed down at his son who was done eating. "He feels like a Ben to me. Who do you have? I think we're just going to have to go off how they feel to us."

Sidney looked at Silas, leaning in to whisper. "So Benjamin is one name."

Gio tilted his head from one side to the other, biting on his bottom lip as he watched their son - who happened to be looking right back up at Gio with wide and intently focused eyes "I think this one might be a Dominic..." Gio whispered, clearing his throat "I know that we wanted my two to be C and D, and yours to be A and B... but this one just... Dominic looks like it fits him."

Silas nodded when Sidney whispered in his ear "And now we have Dominic... But we're still lost on A and C."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius looked over at the baby Gio was feeding as he patted Ben's back to get him to burp. "He does look like Dominic. Can you see the other two? What do you think they should be named?"

Marc gestured at Julia to pick up one of the babies. He picked up the other. "We'll help you guys out. Here are the other two. And still fast asleep."

Julia cradled her grandson, turning him enough so that Sirius and Gio could see his face. She cooed at him, smiling happily at his tiny face. "Gio, he has your nose. So does the twin Marc is holding. That is definitely the Aetos nose."

"Oh great... They got my nose." Gio huffed in irritation as he laid back against the pillows and Sirius's shoulder, still helping Dominic to feed from his chest. He looked closely at the twins that Julia and Marc were holding, raising one hand carefully to the twin that Julia was holding "That's Andreas. You can tell from here, he has full claim to that name."

Gio smiled up at Sirius and nudged him lightly "You can tell everyone else the last name we picked out. I'm sure they are anxious and dying to know, just what it is."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius smiled and leaned over to kiss Gio's nose. "It's an adorable nose. I love your nose." He pointed at the twin Marc was holding. "And that's Collin. Andreas, Benjamin, Collin, and Dominic Flint." Sirius smiled at his brother and Sidney. "There you go. Now you know everyone's names."

"Finally," Sidney chuckled, taking his nephew from Marc so he and Silas could cuddle him. "Oh look at him. I miss having babies."

Silas choked on the saliva in his throat "Hell no." he said adamantly "I am not putting myself through that again. We are not adopting. We are *done* having kids, Sidney." Silas said firmly and shook his head; but he still had a soft smile on his face as he played with one of the infants foots.

Gio yawned tiredly and snuggled closer to Sirius's chest, Dominic finally done eating. Marc took over for Gio as it looked like the younger man was about to pass out from over exhaustion, burping the baby and smiling "I do miss having infants around as well, but Kris would kill me if I even suggested adding one more kid to our bunch." Marc said as he rubbed up and down Dominic's back "You two should get some sleep while you can... These next few months are not going to be easy."

Gio nodded and curled up, tucking a pillow between his knees out of habit "Sleep sounds good. I am so tired again already..." Gio murmured, eyes already slowly slipping closed as he set his hand on Sirius's thigh, squeezing lightly.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius handed Ben over to Silas who took him happily. Once all the babies were in other ha bvb d, Sirius snuggled up against Gio, falling asleep almost immediately.


Two years later...

Sirius shifted nervously on his feet, trying and failing not to fidget as he waited for the ceremony to start. He didn't know why he was even nervous. He and Gio were married all but legally at this point. They had the house, kids, bank accounts, and everything that really mattered. But he was still nervous for the wedding.

They were getting married at the botanical gardens with the reception there as well. They had looked at a dozen places before deciding on the gardens even though it was the first place they had looked. It was beautiful and Sirius couldn't wait to see how Gio looked all dressed up. They had picked out what they were wearing separately - Carlo and Silas as the best men knew and made sure they didn't clash.

The 'quads' were all sitting in the front row with Gio's siblings. Alexander was the ring bearer since it was impossible to pick just one of their kids and having all four would have been too crazy. They weren't the best walkers.

"When is it going to start?" Sirius whispered to Silas who was standing next to him.

Silas laughed softly, hitting his brother in the hand "Very soon. Just keep breathing, Sirius. You will be married very shortly, and then you will never have to do this again." Silas promised, squeezing his brothers shoulder briefly.

Just at that moment the processional music started to play. Unlike a traditional wedding with "Here Comes The Bride" - they decided on going with "Love They Say" by Tegan and Sara for their processional. Gio was dressed up in an all-white tuxedo, and even had a small veil to go along with it. Julia and Gio's father, Hugo, were right there holding onto each of Gio's arms as they walked down the aisle behind everyone else.

All of the participants at the wedding were standing up and watching as Gio made his descent down the aisle. He looked absolutely nervous, his skin pale and there were definitely tears in his eyes as he tried to keep himself upright and moving. Never in a million years did he expect to be walking down the aisle to marry the literal man of his dreams, but here they were.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Oh my god," Sirius whispered, reaching back to clutch his brother's arm. Gio looked ... Sirius felt tears fill his eyes at how beautiful Gio looked. He reached his free hand up to wipe at them so he could still see Gio. He wanted to hold him in his arms and kiss him but that would have to wait.

Anya, their officiant, smiled happily as she waited for Gio and his parents. When he was in front of her, she waited for Julia and Hugo to kiss Gio's cheeks and then hand him over to Sirius who kissed his hand and whispered to him something she couldn't hear that made Gio blush.

"Thank you to the friends and family that are here today to celebrate the union of Sirius and Giovanni .

This occasion not only marks the beginning of their marriage commitment together, but it is a commemoration of the love nurtured and shared between these two. Together, they embark today on a new life together, built on the foundations of trust, compassion, and mutual respect.

Who gives this groom today?"

Julia and Hugo stood close by as expected, smiling when Anya asked who would be giving Gio away "We do." Julia and Hugo said at the same time. They gave their son one last kiss before making sure that Sirius had a secure grip on their little boy's hand. The older couple then retreated to the front seats, joining their largely growing family.

Anya turned to all that were gathered and allowed them to finally be seated "If there is anyone in attendance who has cause to believe that this couple should not be joined in marriage, you may speak now or forever hold your peace." She questioned, looking around at all who were gathered in the gardens.

When no one spoke up, she nodded and turned to face Gio and Sirius solely "Marriage is an ancient human tradition. The personal and social merits that accompany the bonds of marriage have led to its continued endurance and have paved the way for us to be standing here before the Universe celebrating the union between these two people today."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius kissed Gio's hand again, staring at him adoringly. He barely heard what Anya was saying, so focused on Gio.

Anya looked at the both of them with a serious expression on her face. "As we celebrate this bond of unity today it is important that we keep in mind that, while this is certainly an occasion of tremendous joy, the promises we witness here today are serious and life-altering commitments.

Love, it has been noted, is the reason we live. It is with simultaneous feelings of elation and expressions of respect that we proceed."

She paused for a moment, letting her words sink in. "At this time, before proceeding with the bonding ceremony, I would invite the couple to share their vows. Sirius, would you please deliver yours first?"

Sirius wet his lips, turning to face Gio and lift his veil to reveal his face. "Today I take you as my husband. I love you now as I've always loved you, and as I always will love you."

"And now Giovanni, would you deliver your vows?" Anya requested.

Gio nodded, cringing almost at the use of his full name. He cleared his throat a few times, tears still dancing in his eyes "Today, I take you as my husband. I love you now as I've always loved you, and as I always will love you." There was just the faintest hint of a blush on his face as he said the words, knowing that he had been the first to fall in love with Sirius, but that no longer mattered as they stood before each other.

Anya smiled encouragingly, glad that everything was going off without a hitch so far "Sirius and Giovanni, if you could please join hands." Once the couple did so, she had them face one another and she cleared her own throat "Sirius, do you take Giovanni as your cherished husband, in front of these witnesses, and promise to stay by his side through sickness and health, joy and sorrow, so long as you both shall live?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius cleared his throat, feeling choked up from the emotional moment. He squeezed Gio's hands firmly, smiling at him. "I do."

Anya turned to Gio. "Giovanni , will you take Sirius as your cherished husband, in front of these witnesses, and promise to stay by him side through sickness and health, joy and sorrow, so long as you both shall live?"

Gio blinked the tears that were building quickly in his eyes, nodding his head rapidly "I do." he said and returned the squeeze to Sirius's hands, not ever wanting to let go of his almost-husband.

Anya smiled proudly and made a small gesture to Silas, so he knew to be ready for his cue. "Sirius and Giovanni, take a moment to recall every magical moment in your life that led you to this point. All the smiles and tears endured, all the meticulous plans that went awry and the happy accidents that got you back on course. Everything that has ever happened has led you to this miraculous moment, right here. While the words you have spoken have sealed your union, it the smashing of the glass that truly seals your spiritual union."

As Anya spoke, Silas was wrapping up a small glass goblet in a white linen cloth. He placed it close to Gio and Sirius's feet and then gave the thumbs-up before moving back into his position right beside Sirius. He loved that he had an actual part in this wedding, even if it was just placing a glass on the floor and standing beside his brother to keep him calm throughout.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius looked at Gio and together they stomped down on the glass, smashing it under their feet. The sound of breaking glass resulted in clapping from the crowd and a few whistles from some of Gio's friends.

Anya waved her hands to settle everyone down before speaking again. "The glass, once broken, may never be truly re-assembled. The change is permanent. Likewise, the bonds you have formed today are permanent and spirit-altering. Having entered into the beautiful institution of marriage, your lives have been changed irrevocably for the better."

She gestured towards Alexander who stepped forward, carrying a small wooden box inlayed with stone. "The wedding rings perfectly symbolize the never-ending love you two have for each other. By exchanging these rings, you solidify a lifelong commitment to one another. The rings serve as a welcome and constant reminder of the bond you've formed with your partner.

Please repeat after me:

I, Sirius, give you, Giovanni this ring as a symbol of my enduring love. Just as the circle of the ring completes itself, so you complete me."

Sirius took the ring in his hand. "I, Sirius, give you, Giovanni, this ring as a symbol of my enduring love. Just as the circle of the ring completes itself, so you complete me." His hand shook as he slid it on Gio's left ring finger, snug up against his engagement ring.

Anya then turned to Gio and smiled warmly at the tearful man "Take your ring and please repeat after me:

I, Giovanni, give you, Sirius, this ring as a symbol of my enduring love. Just as the circle of the ring completes itself, so you complete me."

Gio took a shaky breath before reaching for the simple platinum band that they had picked out for Sirius "I, Giovanni, give you, Sirius, this ring as a symbol of my enduring love. Just as the circle of the ring completes itself, so you complete me." Gio's words were hardly above a whisper, his hands shaking as he carefully pushed the ring up snug against the base of Sirius' hand.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Anya broke out in a wide smile. "Sirius and Giovanni, by the power vested in me by the state of New York, I am pleased to pronounce you husband and husband, sealed together today both in law and in love . Sirius, you may kiss the groom!"

Sirius cupped Gio's face in his hands and leaned down to kiss him, pouring all of his love and happiness into the kiss. He was crying openly now, so happy and amazed that he got to marry Gio. He didn't want to break the kiss and it was obvious Gio didn't want to either, the two of them lost in each other for the moment.

Gio smiled into the long and drawn out kiss. One hand was holding onto Sirius's hip while the other was wrapped around Sirius's wrist, small whimpering moans were vibrating in his chest as he pressed himself up against Sirius - completely forgetting that they had a *massive* audience watching them as they practically swallowed each other's tongues.

All of Gio's friends were clapping and whistling wildly at the almost triple-x rated scene taking place, but the more reserved people - Sirius's friends - were clearly growing uncomfortable with all that was happening before their eyes.

Anya cleared her throat and finally Gio and Sirius broke apart, panting heavily and still clinging onto each other. They had eyes only for each other still, and that would likely never change; although when Anya announced "I now present to you, for the first time, Mr. and Mr. Sirius Flint!" Gio's face turned bright red and he turned his face into Sirius's chest.

He couldn't believe that they had done *that* in public, in front of everyone! He was normally not so embarrassed by public displays of affection, but he knew that Sirius's friends were not exactly the type to be fond of such heatedly passionate moments between the duo; and it didn't help that Gio was completely hard and it was noticeable in his white tux pants "Sirius... I can't move." Gio whispered against his new husband's chest.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sirius laughed gently, rubbing Gio's back, and leaning down to whisper in his ear. "Take your flowers and hold them in front of you. We'll get down the aisle quickly and then I can take care of that for you. We have a few minutes before we're needed for pictures and everyone else is going to the cocktail hour."

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