C Pampering and indulgence (w/lovebite)

Jamie frowned hearing Morrison telling him to fix a bottle. By feeding her he had expected Morrison to be feeding her with his milk... he knew he was lactating - there were all the signs and sometimes he'd leak. although it almost looked like Morriosn had sweated himself, Jamie could smell the difference. His olfactory senses were heigthened as an alpha.

Jamie opened his mouth and almost wanted to urge Morrison to breastfeed - it'd help his womb contract and in general, was better for both him and the baby. But his omega was not looking at him at all, too fixated with the baby , so Jamie relented and went to fix the bottle as told. He returned and stroked Terri's chubby cheeks busy suckling from the bottle. "you don't want to feed her yourself...?" he asked. "weren't you aching with the swelling?" his eyes trailed from the baby to Morrison's chest...

Morrison ignored the frown and just looked down at their daughter as he stroked her cheek with his pinky gently and smiled as she rooted towards the tip of his finger. Latching on with a small whimper, he cooed at her and kissed her head,"Daddy's getting you a bottle, pretty girl." He said to her softly and rocked her as they sat there on the bed together, humming with her laying against his chest,"Papa knows your hungry, you won't be hungry for long. Promise."

Taking the bottle from Jamie as he came back, sitting back with her against his chest and angling the bottle so she latched on to the warm nipple. He watched her eat for a few moments and smiled softly, glancing up at his mate and shrugging,"I just don't want to stay here any longer than I need to. We need to get a house and I need to get back up into the skies." He shook his head, looking down at their daughter in his arms as she suckled from the bottle,"I'm fine." He murmured and smiled brighter as the baby looked up at him from beneath her eyelashes,"Hi..." He cooed and rocked her gently.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

In moments like this, Jamie really felt the frustration. He had heard his mate telling him he was to leave the little family they created so soon. For the first time Jamie realised he wasn't as strong as he expected. he had been the one supporting Morrison's wish to get back to the skies - and he truly believed so. Morrison was a born leader and his talents would be wasted if he chose to stay on earth... however, watching the cute interaction between the baby and her papa... it was really difficult for Jamie to say he wouldn't miss Morrison terribly once he went back up. it was an understatement to say Jamie was conflicted.

Jamie sighed and nodded. "ok... " the baby was accepting fomula. "But won't you at least give her half of your milk? at least relieve your discomfort for a little." he counter-proposed. "It'd be good for your recovery as well. And also for the immune system of the baby." he said ahd shook his head. "Just saying. You can do whatever you want. I will respect that."

The latching of the baby had slowed. To the new born, suckling was a very tiring job and soon enough she was falling asleep, only occasionally suckling from the bottle. Jamie smiled at the cute baby and offered to take her. "want to let me change her? she should sleep for a blissful few hours before the next feeding." he said, taking over the bottle to check how much teh baby had eaten - the good side of bottlefeeding. They'd know exactly how much milk the baby was taking.

"And still have my tits producing milk? I don't think so." He shook his head,"I'll just pump if the pressure gets too bad." He said and as the baby slowly started falling asleep, he rocked her and sank back more, taking the bottle from her and laying her on his chest. His hand patting gently at her back to get her to burp,

"Let me burp her first." He said and looked down again after a glance to his mate, his fingers running through the little girls thick head of short hair. Watching her face and smiling softly for a few moments, before Jamie came and lifted her from his arms,"Make sure to powder her." He mentioned, running his fingers through his hair as he laid back on the bed, sighing as he did so.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jamie hummed. The intimacy between Morrison and Terri was touching. The sweeter it is now, the sadder it was to think thiswould all be impossible once Morrison returned to the battlefield.

Jamie was good at taking care of the baby, managing her with skillful hands. When he returned to Morrison's side, however, the powder was still with him and there was another diaper. He had to change Morrison... it had been a few days but thedischarge was still there, partially becauese of the work out that Morrison had prematurely introduced on himself.

Jamie climbed up onto the bed and pulled away the blanket slowly. Morrison was looking at him with an alarmed look and Jamie tilted his head to the side. "you have to change too. How's it today?" he pulled open Morrison's robe to expose the huge diaper for adults, wrapping around Morrison's stretchmark littered belly that had been overstretched.

Morrison didn't even think about what might be going through Jamie's head as he shifted his weight after the girl was taken from him, his arms already aching from holding her for so long, he sighed and laid back more against the pillows. His eyes had drifted closed for a few moments until he heard Jamie coming back towards the bed, looking to him and his eyes widened when he saw the diaper and powder,"No... You just changed it."He complained and he did his best to try and keep the sheets tucked around his body, frowning at his mate when he came closer,"Why can't I do it myself anyway? I'm a grown man."

The captain pushed Jamie away when he tried to tug at his blankets,"I'm not a child."He argued and he shifted again, trying to get further away from Jamie, but he couldn't walk, of course, his hips were wrecked from the birth just a week before. He looked at Jamie and he was obviously angry about something,"I'm fine, it's not even wet."

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"These aren't supposed to be on you for so many hours! and i hadn't changed it since this morning." Jamie argued. If ti was for Morrison's health, there was no compromise. "this isn't designed for one to change themselves. So no, stop fighting it.."

Jamie tried grabbing the blanket but he was too late and Morrison again had it wrapped around his middle. Jamie crossed his arms in front of him and shook his head. "whether it's wet or not, I will have to see with my own eyes. I know you're not a child, but this is normal!" he said pouting. "all omegas would experience this phase. It might not feel the best, but this is what your body does when its recovering. So please let me do this... i'd be quick. You know i'm quick." Jamie said again climbing up on the bed and yanked the blanket, timing his attack perfectly and threw it away as far as he could.

"just let me check ok? if it's really not wet i would wait..." he said reaching out to tear open the large diaper warpped around Morrison's noticeably widened hips.

Morrison turned red in the face from embarrassment as he looked at Jamie,"It's not fucking normal. Never has been since the day you slapped it on me." He grunted, making sure to keep his voice down for Tess, frowning at his mate and shaking his head firmly, but Jamie had already torn off his sheets. "I'm not the other omegas..." He tried to say but he said it beneath his breath, his fists balled up as he almost punched him in the face out of anger when he revealed his body to the open air.

A shiver escaped him and he frowned, his cock flopped against his inner thigh and he shifted his weight again, looking away as he was cleaned up by Jamie. He frowned, over at the tv as he stared at it, his hands resting on his stomach.

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Jamie muttered an apology. If Morrison hadn't been this stubborn he wouldn't have to do this by force - and mayb eth eomeag also recognised the need of the change. He believed Morrison, despite bed-ridden after the birth - had more than enough power to resist if he was to really try.

Jamie sighed at the large, pungent smelling discharge. The waste tissue from within Morrison was at such a large volume, or that his uteral contractions were vicious enoguh that the womb continued to expel waste matter quickly - too quickly even. it was similar to the situation when the scrub was prematurely scratched off, the underneath skin wans't given enough time to heal yet.

It confused Jamie so much. Morrison was bed-ridden and ther was little chance he was exercising, so why would there be this much discharge? he used a wipe to clean the dark matters away from his genitals, wanting Morrison to feel comfortable as far as he could.

Morrison continued to look away, he was frowning as he looked up to the tv in the corner of the room that was turned down low as not to wake or irritate Tessa, sighing and draping an arm across his face as he laid there. The medicine they were giving him knocked the pain right out, but when he exercised it made the pain so bad that even the medicine couldn't help it feel better, he knew that was his fault though. Not that he would say anything as he laid there like a child, getting changed, he was frowning deeply,"Are you done yet?"If it took more than a minute he was immediately impatient, he grunted lightly and a hand went to his stomach as it cramped, his womb was recovering slowly but surely and the cramps were a sign of that, or at least that was what Jamie told him.

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"not yet...." Jamie said with a pout. He was working as fast as he could but he had to lift up Morrison's flaccid genitals to get to all parts. Besides he had to check on the recovering of the tear. It was stitched up and the stitches had been absorbed after a few days. He was at least healing well in that area.

"Ok,, almost." he said powderng Morrison before wrapping the huge diaper around his middle. His midsection had come down quite a bit, with too much skin crumbling up together. "Don't move around too much ok? you could only recover well if you're really resting - mind and body." he said wrapping up the trash. he then moved onto morrison's swollen chest and went for a warm towel this time. The congested milk had to be compressed out, or it would easily lead to inflammation. Morrison might have felt like an invalid right now, but that wast he case for all omegas recovering from a birth. and sometimes he wished he could knock some sense into Morrison so that he would reocgnise he was also an omega - and not some super man.

Morrison frowned as he was cleaned and checked on, powdered easily before his diaper was replaced and he sighed heavily, looking up at the ceiling as his fingers played with the fabric of the bed. "Yeah yeah yeah." He rolled his eyes and waved him off as he finished cleaning him, he tugged the blankets over his body again and sighed. Looking to Jamie as he walked around, tending to him and his trash before coming back with a warm towel,"You don't have to treat me like a child. I'm fine." He said and he pushed away the warm towel, his milk flow was fine.

The older omega laid back and his eyes closed as he relaxed, sighing and turning his head to look over at the crib again, he loved their daughter. But he wished that she hadn't taken so much out of him, he sighed end his hand went to his bloated middle, the cramps were few and far between but still there as his womb contracted to its usual size,"How much longer until I can go?" He asked Jamie,"I don't want to stay here any longer than need be." He said and frowned towards the alpha as he waited for a reply.

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Jamie looked at Morrson wearily. His chest didnt' look like they weren't bloating to the point of pain, but if Morrison insisted... Jamie backed off. he knew how humiliating this could feelf or Morrison. he'd figure out another way to relieve of Morrison's milk production.

It saddened Jamie to hear of Morrison's strong desire to leave as soon as he could. He sucked it up knowing that was what they BOTH wanted. he watned Morrison to continue to perform in the field, and he was very much content with taking care of Tessa. "if things are going well, i'm estimating 3 more weeks." he said glancing at the bloated belly and touched it. "Give your body a bit of time. It has gone through such a drastic change... it needs time." he said warming up the area, feeling the size of the contracting womb.

"but until then, no physical exertion." he warned. morrison's tear was big, his womb wasn't recovered enough, he didn't want the omega to risk huritng himself in his rush to recover.

Morrison covered his body up with the sheets again and sat up more as he looked at Jamie, leaned back against the headboard, sighing a bit as his hands rested on his bloated stomach. He didn't believe it would take that long, he had already been here for a month and now he had to add another onto that time. A groan escaped him and he tilted his head back,"For fucks sake." He complained,"Can't we just pay extra for whatever wonderful medicine they can give me? I'll do anything to just be let out of here."

He didn't know if he was going stir crazy or what but he did know that he wanted to get out of there and as quickly as possible. They needed to move anyway, Tessa needed a real room and they needed a real house and Jamie needed a job on earth. He sighed again, running his fingers through his hair,"We've got to get out of here and get a place and a car... You've got to get hired somewhere and Tessa needs furniture." It wouldn't be hard, being a space ship captain had gotten him very rich and he had saved up a pretty good amount of money. Yet he couldn't do anything with it while stuck inside of a hospital room.

"Can't you just get me a wheel chair? I promise I'll let you push me around and I won't move a muscle." He told him, a hand pressed against the flabby mess that had once been his abs.

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"Trust me, if there's such wonderful medicine, I would have given that to you already." Jamie shook his head. "You just ahve to give time and space for your body to recover. Rest up, that's the 'magic rememdy' you need." The smaller alpha didn't understand Morrison's urgency to get their place and for him to get a job. "I could just apply for ground work. I'm sure there are a lot of veteran hospitals that i could work in. But i wasn't planning to do that. Tessa needed someone to look after her, at least until she's old enough to go to the nursery. Wouldn't it...." he blushed now that he realised he had always assumed. He thought that he could be a stay-at-home dad while Morrison provided them with the financials, no questions asked. Apparently morrison didn't share that thought and Jamie might have been too naive to think that way. "Y-you want me to get a job?" he said sheepihsly.

"W-we could do all that, but ... wait, you want to do that now?" Jamie agreed they would need a home and furniture for Tessa, but he wasn't expecting Morrison to want to get it all done, like right now. He looked highly doubtful at Morrison's promise. Knowing the captain, he wasn't sure if Morrison would be as obedient as he made it sound... "Even if i got you a wheelchair, we could only move around this place. To get some sunshine maybe, in the courtyard, but we aren't heading out." He wouldn't allow for that. The pollution outside aside, Morrison had a rather nasty tear on his bottom now and it wouldn't be good, even with the wound covered, to head out of the facility.

(hmm, we're planning for Morrison to go into unexpected heat just before he was release from the hospital right? to get him pregnant again before he headed back up tot he space ship? are we gonna make them fight over Jamie finding out Morrison had been exercising and go behind his orders attmepting to sepeed up hsi recovery?)

((Yeah that was the plan. But maybe we should wait a little while? We can stall it a bit, I'm not feelin it with all the sex XD. They can just stick around earth and stuff, maybe they can just focus on getting a house and maybe they raise Tessa together because of some rule the government has for breeders. So when she finally goes to nursery he heads off to the ship but right after going through heat. ))

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

((yea that'd work as well! we'd hv them staying and really living together for awhile. Bonding through Tessa and the building up of a home. I'm thinking Morrison would be lactating throughout, but he hid the fact from Jamie, squeezing the milk out every morning. Eventually when Jamie ofund out about it, Morrison might be a little nervous thinking the alpha might be mad at him? to his surrpise, Jamie didn't, what's more, he might even teach Morrison how to do it without hurting himself? ;)

In fact how old should the baby be to be admitted in a nursery? lol, like, 3 months? would that do?))

((That sounds good to me. Whatever keeps the rp going XD. I love them too much to let them go.

Hm... Like a year old. That would shock Morrison because he'd have to stay for an entire year on earth before he could go back. The struggle to get his job again will be something. ))

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

(haha i'm not ready to let them go either!! LOL in fact... all our characters are too good to let go of.... Orz

He'd be so grumpy being "trapped" on earth! xD yea but maybe Jamie would gradually gorw up to become an equal wiht the captain. He's a daddy now so he gotta keep up with Morrison. LOL can't help but think how Jamie would blush when they went out shoppin with Tessa - and every single one of them referring to Jamie as the omega.... )

((Morrison wouldn't correct them either XD, they'll figure it out when he starts showing with their second kid. Morrison would want to castrate Jamie XD. He'd be like "Next time wrap it up or I'm taking you to the doctor to get snipped." lmao, but of course that doesn't happen either, I feel like they'll end up having almost 6 whole kids. They need to have twins at least once.))

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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