Jungle Fever (Open)

Wolf sighs and sits down "yes sir" the wound was worse then wolf had let on his shoulder had been shot. the bullet is buried into his right shoulder bone a bit. He looks at Jon his blue eyes scanning Jon's face looking for any emotion

Wolf sighs and takes his shirt off "I didn't want to slow us down sir" he looks away "besides it could be worse. If I had slowed us down some one could of died"

Wolf looks down "I'm sorry sir." He winces as the bullet is dug out. His sharp hearing catches one of the older solders teaseing about the weak Indian.

Wolf nod and bites hard trying to concentrate on anything but the pain that will come soon. His arm may take a while to recover

Wolf nods "yes sir" he try's to sound strong but a bit of weakness creeps into his voice as he stands. "I-ill be fine sir I'm sure. " he is ready to follow Jon again.

Wolf walks alongside Jon stumbling now and then but it's not till he needs to lean on something that he says anything "I-I could use a rest now sir."

Wolf shakes his head "the others needed it more" he looks down"I-if there is any to share ill take it." Wolf hates being weak this was practiclly torcher to him. "I'm really sorry Jim"

Wolf slowly eats and nods "I'm sorry to make you worry Jon. I thought I was helping the others. If I helped them maybe they would get over thier petty problems"

Wolf nods and finishes his plate "I'll do better Jon honest. " he looks at Jon then away moveing into his sleeping bag "when is my watch sir?"

Wolf "what about you Jon? Don't you need to eat and sleep" he can't help but look worried.

Wolf nods blushing slightly as he lays down. Tierd he sleeps till they start getting packed up.

Wolf drinks it and nods "I'll be fine it's just an ache. " he stands up a little wobbly for some reason the further down this cave they go the more streangth he looses.

Wolf "I-I guess" he pants "I haven't felt this weak sence I was 5. " he suddenly trips and collapses. He struggles trying to get up " I-I'm sorry Jon. "

Wolf nods "I'm here I'm awake Jon. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation." He pants "is any one else affected?"

Wolf pants and blushes. His forehead is very warm "heat. I-I feel very warm" he blushes bright red wanting to explain more but is emberessd. "How are the others?"

Wolf "it's stupid but the heat i-is makeing me horny" he looks away blushing madly. " I'm sorry sir I should be stronger then this"

Wolf nods smiling weakly "yea I know it's weird and stupid" he pants looking around trying to stay awake some how.

Wolf nods"be careful sir" he watches him for a bit then looks away

He nods "yes sir. I-it's weird when your surrounded by men." He watches the wall panting trying to keep his eyes open

Wolf nods "I'm trying sir I'm trying. If your getting sick too then you should lay down as well"

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