Jungle Fever (Open)

Wolf nods and moves over useing his good arm to move his whole self "here Jon"

Wolf looks down "do you not like it sir. I-I can stop. " he blushes and pants

Wolf nods "I veiw you as a close freind Jon that's why I call you Jon. It's been a great pleasure surving with you" he pants less as Jon moves closer.

Wolf nods and looks away "I feel a little better. I don't know if I might I'm the first one sick the first one to get sick normaly dies."

Wolf blushes and looks Jon in the eye lust glimmers through his pain and worry"so what happens in real life? Cus this can't possibly be real. " he pants in desire and his good arm reaches for Jon's chest but he stops and pulls back

He pants and kisses him "I sure hope so. D-do you think you know the cure?"

(You all don't need Luke to appear again just yet huh? lol. Didn't mean to disappear. I'm just tied up a little bit more than I thought. I can post however.))

Wolf moans and with his good arm holds onto Jon's shoulder "I-it's a good cure." He kisses Jon back the fever disappearing slowly

Wolf shakes his head "no I've never found the right person to be with." His muscles are refined but only so much he has only been in the army for two years. He blushes and watches Jon " but I want to give myself to you"

Wolf nods"I'll be completely honest and sincere" he moves his head so Jon has more access to his neck

Luke sat in a hut waiting for his men to bring back Jon or for Jon to come to him. He rested on a wooden chair examining the place. It reminded him of the mayans or Aztecs with not just how the hut looked, but the entire vacant village. It looked deserted as if lost by time as vines and other forms of nature now inhabited the place. He wiped a few beads of sweat off from his face. They (his men and Jon) were taking too long. He got up from the chair and headed out back into the forest. His light brown eyes were shocked at a few sights. Some of his men and Jon were engaged with each other, but just not the way he was expecting. Firing his rail gun did not even snap them out of it. Disgusted, he shot them all with his tranquilizer. Maybe some sleep would snap them out of their little fever. He looked at the cave, noticing the way Jon and the others went in was now caved in. He grabbed a C4 from off a sleeping soldiers bag and placed it on the wall. With an explosion, the debris flew as the large rocks were now rubble. A look of annoyance now graced the violent pacifist's face.

Wolf moans and nods slowly "yes I did but I knew you had a girlfriend and I didn't want to ruin your love with my stupid feelings. " he blushes and looks away

Wolf moans into Jon's kiss "I want you Jon. I will give all I am to you. " with his good arm he helps remove his pants

Wolf is already half hard he blushes and moans as Jon touches him "I'm glad to honer you h-have you had s-sex with anouther male before?" He couldn't help but to wonder. He watches Jon with lust filled eyes.

He moans and kisses Jon back "I'm glad I'm your first of males at the least " his arm moves to Jon's back. his penis hardens quickly

Wolf "I never thought I would get anyone at all. Even more so once you found a girl friend. " he blushes and spreads his legs

Wolf moans "I have you now though right?" He smiles"d-don't stop please"

Wolf nods and pants. He waits for a moment "please continue. I need you"

Wolf kisses him back he try's to thrust back with Jon he pants and clings to Jon with his good arm

Wolf pants and moans "t-thank you." He is getting close to a powerful climax his womb opens to accept the seed

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