C Trying to Save the City w/ bhdire8

"Next weekend would be perfect, I would love to see him and the baby in person," Louiza beamed, happy that her son was back in her life even if things had changed so much. Michail nodded silently, glancing anxiously between his wife and his future son-in-law.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Having lingered at Nick's home for some time, Brad happily returned to tell Nick this good news. He knew Nick still had his reservations and was afraid to meet his parents again, in this new form, butnow that there was a concrete date set, it'd force Nick into action.

He returned home, much excited to update Nick on what he did. He told him how he had secretly met up with his parents, hopefully looking at Nick to see how he'd react to the news.

Nick was sitting in the rocking chair, nursing Marcus when Brad came home. He was a little stunned to find out Brad had gone to see his parents, anxious that they were going to be going back there together. "Did it go okay? Do they know I look different?" Nick asked, knowing his parents were already going through a lot.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Not yet. I figured it is not my story to tell. In fact... I didn't know how you come to be the Ice Crawler. Care to enlighten me, next we visited, alloiwng me to stay to hear the story?" Brad smiled, rubbing the cheeks of Marcus that was so busy suckling from Nick. "Not too fast, Marcus... you could choke. There's plenty...." he chuckled, knowing how abundnat the "supply" is, intimately.

"It isn't a very interesting story, honestly," Nick confessed, shaking his head at Brad's comments to their son. "He's hungry, he eats like you do. A lot and very quickly," he teased, gently rubbing at Marcus's shoulders.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Hey! i wasn't that.... was I?" Brad had never taken notice of hwo much he ate - but well, let's say his metabolism rate had always been raised, the superpower maintaining it at high level so he could heal from any wounds fast.

feeling a slight bit left out with Marcus os contently suckling from Nick, Brad somehow managed to squeeze his big body into the same chair as Nick, pushing him towards the side in a very tight fit. "hmm, better." he settled, happy at last being so close to his family.

"I'm teasing, I'm teasing," Nick laughed, letting Brad shift him around so they could both squeeze together in the chair. He shifted himself so he was halfway into Brad's lap instead of pressed up against the arm of the chair. Marcus soon decided he'd eaten enough, unlatching from Nick. Nick burped the baby, smiling as he easily fell back to sleep.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Watching their son fall asleep inNick's arms, Brad said quietly. "i havn't really told your parents about who I am either.... i figured we could tell them together - anyway it's going to be a shock when they see you as you are now. But remember, Nick... you're still their son. Don't be afraid. Your parents love you dearly, no matter how you've become, that love's not going to change."

"You know I'm still scared that it'll change," Nick replied softly, looking down at their son as he slept so soundly. "You know how hard it was for them to take the news of me having Marcus, I can't imagine my entire appearance changing is going to sit well with them."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"With Marcus here... you should know better." Brad smiled looking at his nervous boyfriend. "Will you love him any less if Marcus' grown a tail? grow some horns? or maybe have wings? after you've seen him... would you feel like you could detach with him by any change in appearnce?" He hugged Nick tighter. "If that answer's no, then rest assured. I see the same love in your parents eyes, as I do see in the mirror every single day., and also in your eyes."

"Well, no, of course not. At this point, I'm surprised he doesn't have any of those features," Nick joked weakly, pressing close to Brad. He let out a soft sigh, pressing a kiss to Brad's cheek. "Thank you for keeping me together, Brad."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"We'd just have to wait. If this little guy grow up as a normal person, it hink that'd be an even greater blessing." As a superhero himself, he knew the pressure only too well and if he coul d have a say in this, he'd rather Marcus grow up to bean ordinary kid.

"You'll do the smae to me, Nick. And you've actually kept US together bringing Marcus to the world. so thank you too.." Brad welcomed and reciprocated the kiss.

Nick smiled at the kiss, leaning into it, laying his head on Brad's shoulder. "I guess it's Marcus keeping everything together, huh?" he teased, gently stroking the baby's hair. "You're so loved, Marcus," he whispered, gently moving the baby into Brad's hold, knowing that Brad loved to hold their son.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Brad was a very hands-on dad. Despite him not able to take over the feeding part, he was always more than glad ot tkae up the dirty work, change the diapers, give Marcus his bathes, and took great pleasure into putting clothes onto the baby. He smiled looking at the baby, who'd begin to recognise his parents.

"Hello little Marucs... you're the glue of the family even before you know it. Aren't you proud?" he smiled and lured hte baby to sleep.

Marcus yawned in response to Brad's words, pressing close to his chest with a content sigh. Nick smiled, closing his own eyes. "I love you and Marcus so much," he whispered.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Me too, baby. me too." Brad whispered his reply, holding his fiance securely.

With Marcus in their lives now,each day was filled iwht new discoveries and joy. A week went by and they were due to meet wiht Nick's parents. Brad wrapped Marcus up tight in his cute onesie, watching Nick get changed for the reunion. "You look good enough in this... I'm sure they'd find you equally as handsome as before." He joked looking at Nick appearing rather nervous in front of the mirror.

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