Jungle Fever (Open)

Wolf nods and gets dressed he follows Jon blushing madly at all of the naked men. "What about the rest of the men?" He walks close behind Jon.

Wolf nods and starts to walk besides Jon. Keeping an eye on Luke. "I hope they wake up soon just us dealing with whomever planned this wont be fun"

Luke sighed. "Worth a shot..." Jon picked him up and was escorting him out. The rough housing was getting him aroused very easily, prompting him to shake his head "I suppose you don't have any painkillers or anxiety pills?" He then thought about the horrible cliche of terrorists burning the world. "But creating a better world isn't wrong...more so like international terrorists like you are..." Luke chuckled. The army went wherever their leader told them to. He got tired of war and joined a faction that wanted to put an end to it all. He thought back on the cuffs, already knowing how to give a slip.

Luke rolled his eyes a little, trying to find other ways to stay focused. "Oh I would be if you count me stopping the government as corrupt and their loyal dogs, that's you..." he felt the harder grip on the cuffs, the event arousing him even further just as well as allowing him to think. "What makes you think when they wake they won't just go back to it? I tried everything before knocking them out. It was as if they were in a trance." Maybe Luke was lucky in that he was not around anyone. Now he was catching the strange virus in full effect. "You act like me getting tired of war, wanting something better for the world is wrong...Like every stereotypical American: When one person sees differently, you see them as monsters." He turned to look at Wolf. "And what about you? They (Caucasians) came to your motherland and practically wiped you out. Now here you are acting like a sick slut to him..." Luke was trying to make them come to some form of sense in his own way.

Wolf"don't think my kin are happy I wanted to serve what my country has become. But I don't want to stay home with the mind sickness that you white men give us with your free money. I chose to be an army man" he holds onto Jon's hand worried and upset at what Luke called him. "I chose to forgive the white mans transgressions"

Wolf nods and sighs holding onto Jon's hand. His other hand strays to the eagle feather in his hair. He can't help but wounder what else this place might do.

"That's what any brainwashed lapdog thinks..." he only chuckled at his comment about fire. "You wish you knew the depths of fire you have etched into your soul already. Yoyu keep comparing me to a monster when you forget I never once dirtied my hands" Luke simply refused to kill anyone. "But as always it seems to fall on deaf ears and people like you try to dub others as fools when they think differently. Taking me back won't change my way of thinking..." he only laughed at Wolf's comment. There was nothing white about the light brown colored male. "Forgiveness is one thing. Watching a country rot upon itself is another thing...I remember a time when America was truly a beautiful sight to behold. Now all I see is ruin and decay. Greed and corruption. War, crime, hatred. The list goes on. At least Black List aims to putting an end to useless killings...Of course for someone like you Jon, you've never seen just how wild the Devil can dance..." he stared at the tunnel, thinking on giving them the slip there.

Wolf looks away from Luke trying to control his anger at Luke "no one can learn if they aren't given a chance I never viewed you as a monster just a traitor. Similer but still different. "

"Family?" That was one thing he wanted to laugh on, but he was not going to give an answer. His family was gone. He never knew them as he was in one house and out the other. His "siblings" were just as bad as his "parents." "You can't betray something when you were an expatriate to begin with, but I can see this petty chitter-chatter is only frustrating you, so perhaps I'll save it for someone who is truly listening to me..." he stared at the tunnel as they were nearing a beach. Even if he did get arrested, chances were that he was not going to stay locked up long. Deep down, everything felt a little too easy though.

Wolf holds onto Jon as they enter the tunnel he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched.

Wolf nods and pants trying to stay in control he moves closer to Jon. He can't help but to blush

(I didn't realize I posted twice in a row above. My apologies)

"Then perhaps you will open your eyes from the dimmest of paths then..." Luke found those last words a bit difficult as he started to burn up. Usually being around a large body of water kept things breezy. The feel of the beach gave that calm breeze, but his mind felt foggy and his body felt hot, sweat falling off him in almost every place of his body. The worst was that he was not tired, but full of energy instead. Jon's hand on the cuffs had him fully erect in his pants, the male slowly realizing what was happening. "It's...getting worse out here..."

Luke felt Jon change in position, his hands now gripping him by the forearms. With a tighter grip on his arms, Luke struggled to walk as he was now at full attention. The sounds of the men in the forest did not make it better. "Get me out these cuffs...I need to get out of here..." the beach was doing something worse than the forest was in his eyes. At the rate he was going, he was close to taking his clothes off as if he had some kind of ecstasy or other drug.

Wolf shivers and pants keeping very close to Jon he can't help but feel the strong desire run through him making it hard to walk

Wolf "it's much stronger here and rather hard to concentrait. If we hurry we should be able to make it though" he pants and blushes more. "I'm sorry Jon I really am I know how important it is to lock Luke up"

Luke cursed as his mind raced almost as fast as his heart. "Jon...please..." the tone was in a begging form, completely different from his careless personality. The sight of Wolf stopping made it even worse. Luke would rather knock himself out, but Jon took all his weapons. The swollen bump from Jon hitting him in the back of the head made his thinking worse. His mind only thought about two things both of which were not looking so well, but sounded so nice at the same time. He shook his head, staring at the beach. He could swim away even cuffed. He just needed to get away. Everything was not as it should have been. Even now he was finding it hard to remember why he was even in the forest in the first place.

Wolf nods and kisses Jon back leaning on Jon a little bit not wanting to slow them down any. "We won't be fine if Luke gets away. We will have to track him down again. "

Wolf nods "yea I guess" he pants and sits down trying to think straight. But it's a loseing battle he moves closer to Jon and kisses him

Luke was dragged along to some form of makeshift camp ground. His apparent request for freedom was shot down as Jon assured Wolf he was not going anywhere. It was as if he was trying to conceal their fates rather than to keep moving. With the handcuffs now joining them together, the good thing that came out of it was a free hand. The downside was the two lovebirds weighing him down. His light brown eyes rolled as he would rather be tied to a tree at the moment than to be stuck with those two sharing an intimate moment.

Wolf nods and lays down trying to sleep "I'll try Jon" sleeping baca me hard as every time he closes his eyes he sees those moments when he and Jon where haveing sex.

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