Jungle Fever (Open)

Wolf pulls the blanket close but is still panting he finally manages to sleep but its filled with burning desire

Luke sighed as he forced to have to stay a night there. To make it worse, he was forces to go wherever Jon had went. "Y'know you don't have to keep watch over me like this..." he had been out there for hours, exposed to the point he was not walking straight. Wolf had finally fallen asleep, but Luke could not sleep with such a restrained form and the fact that Jon was attached to him by a handcuff. He rubbed his head, keeping his eyes closed, hoping he would not lose some form of composure. He felt like an animal in heat or something else.

"Sneaky? I can barely even think straight right now..." he opened his eyes for a few to see Jon massaging Wolf's back. Seeing two other men was starting him up all over again. Jon being his former friend did not make it any better. He closed his eyes again. "This is gonna be a long night..." Eventually his thoughts started to haunt him as they were filled with seeing the two men naked the night before. He tugged on the handcuff slightly, trying to get as much room as possible from the two.

"So that means you should..." before he could finish, Jon had tugged back. After giving a brief little tug war, Luke was pulled closer to Jon. When their sides touched, that form of contact sent his mind wild. The man was already struggling to get loose, even telling them to let him go, but now a firm hand traced along Jon's bicep. "Someone's happy to see me" the tone was sarcastic as he noticed Jon's tent in his pants.

Luke never noticed his own bulge until then. "Really?" He stared down realizing his length was fully erect. He thought to move away, but for a strange reason, he could not move a muscle. "So about letting this friend gone rogue off the leash?" He could barely contain himself after touching Jon and the worst of it was that Jon really did not offer a form of resistance other than some grunt. That was becoming too risky on his end. He soon shook his head coming to a minor sense. "What am I asking you for?" He got up quickly, staring at the chain. With enough force, he could break out of it.

Luke chuckled for a few while tugging on the handcuff. "Who says I need to break it to get out?" Of course with Jon pulling back on the chain, the male had two options: he could take Jon out with close quarters combat or he could break his thumb and pull his hand out.

Luke smirked as he pulled on the handcuff even further. "We'll see about that..." his eyes noticed a small trail of blood forming on Jon's wrist. Without thinking, Luke loosened his hold, causing him to be pulled forth, bumping right into Jon. The two fell on the sand, but he was interested in one thing at the moment. "You're hurt..." he said flatly while rubbing Jon's wrist from where the cuff had dug into his skin.

Luke continued to stare at the wound for a few before turning to look at Jon. "You're one to talk" he smirked before patting his hand around Jon's stomach. "I remember you were thin as a pencil" he teased back at the other with a warm friendly smile. The wound was not deep, but Luke did not like seeing too much blood. "I'll tend to it'

Luke chuckled. "That doesn't explain why you had that light voice a year after enlisting. I remember our Drill Sergeant taking jabs at you about it" he teased while reminiscing about when they were fresh in the Army. "Look at that...Got a small cut and you're jumping at the lightest touch" he touched it again just to see Jon's reaction before reaching towards his belt buckle. Pulling off a secret compartment, he pulled out a small vial with a light green paste inside. "This may sting a lot" he laughed before applying it to his skin. The strange compact stuck to the wound like paste while he cleaned the blood off his wrist. "Can't risk you getting Gangrene if you're so persistent about watching me get naked" It was him basically referring to the fact that Jon would not take the handcuff off.

"Crying like a...Stronger one?" Luke gave an amused look before pinching him in one of his sensitive spots on his body. "You couldn't even beat me at tugging the cuff. I let you win. I suppose you can have that though seeing as you could never beat me at a race or on the obstacle course" he looked at the paste. "What do you take me for? Some psychotic maniac?" It did not dawn on Luke that he was a terrorist at the moment as it seemed as if Luke had never defected in the first place. "Nah. It's something I picked up while we were in the forests in Africa. The caretaker or whatev that we were staying with showed me how to do it when I cut myself on the arm..." he looked at Jon's hand. "Sure you would...You looked like the kind of guy that like to take peeks when no one's looking."

Luke smiled as Jon tried to stop him from trying to pinch him. "You're quite the porker yourself. Told you to go Vegan..." He stared at Jon for a few. "You're right...It's Poison Oak" he stuck his tongue out at Jon, joking with that he was paranoid. "Africa was a strange place. Had to deal with a dude that had skin like a Croc's and swam in the rapids. I still think he's out there..." that same exact man was in the Terrorist Cell. "I'm not the one that peeks. More like the one that barges in taking his towel off and hitting people with it." He stared away when Jon asked about his best friend. "I hear he never left..." that phrase had multiple meanings to it, but he stared back at Jon. "I miss my best friend as well..."

"Not all meat is healthy for you though. Can make a person go mad I hear..." he thought on Africa a bit more. "Yea. It has it's ups and downs. Just don't go there with false security like some tourists...they're the worst" he felt the hit to his shoulder prompting him to hit him back. "I hear he's watching over his prey very carefully." With a click, he heard the cuff fall off. "Oh? Someone's done playing Cops and Robbers?" He chuckled lightly before poking Jon's nose. "Who ever said I play fair?" He leaned in.closer, kissing Jon roughly on the lips, the fever still coursing in his veins.

Luke smiled as he continued before breaking off, his hands trailing around Jon's shirt, toying with his dog tags. "Plan about what?" If he was referring to the forest itself, he had nothing to do with that. Of course his mind was not worried about it at the moment. He kissed Jon again before moving to his neck.

"Nah...I fugured somewhere down the line you didn't hate me" after wrestling around with Jon for minutes, something that resulted in the male being in just the black boxers, he laid on the sand floor with Jon on top of him. Now Luke was rubbing Jon's entire frame. "I suppose the cuffs would have made that a bit difficult though..." he smirked. "You could always still put them back on"

Luke chuckled. "Not really, but it keeps my mind sharp. I could have slipped past you both several times and had the cuffs on you both you know?" Of course he did not want to be chained against anyone unless they were someone of particular interest. His hands lowered around Jon's waist, tugging at the underwear the other male wore.

"Bluffing? You sure I didn't get tired of sitting in the trees waiting?" He was telling the truth partially. A twinge of worry did spark up when he found the men at it with themselves and then seeing Jon and Wolf. His common sense at the moment was at a minimum as he looked at the 9 and a half member in front of him. Jon had went back to making out with him however as he felt a hand teasing his own stiff member.

"Maybe it's a little complicated than it looks" he stared as Jon hovered over him. Of course his usual norm was not taking the receiving end, but the way Jon stared at him gave a look of hunger. "Since I gave you all the trouble, I suppose you could" he felt his legs part open partially by Jon's hand.

"Well I..." he stopped mid sentence as his hole was stretched to accommodate the large member making its way inside him. "Miss you a lot." His voice did not raise in the slight pain he was in from having his hole stretched for the first time. "I got worried is all."

Wolf slowly wakes up. Looking at Jon and Luke he can't help but feel betrayed. Sighlently he sneakes away and goes into the jungle as he hurrys away his feather falls out and is left behind. Wolf begains to wonder if Jon ever truly liked him at all or if it was just this crazy place.

Luke chuckled as Jon was now fully inside him. "Of course. N-not just you though. Everything e-else as well" the previous psychotic Luke that gave a laugh that could send chills down almost anyone's spine seemed to have vanished, his once calmer self returning. "You're good though you could pick up the pace some. When I saw the cave in, I thought the worst-case for a few."

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