Jungle Fever (Open)

Wolf manages to find a hideing place amongst a few of the natives in his anger and sorrow he leaves his army clothes and the sling Jon had made for him in a cave coverd in deer blood.he even leaves a few bones to make it somewhat convincing.

"I just thought..." he moaned softly as Jon began to exit out of him, entering again at a certain pace. "Found your best friend?" Another amused look with a raised eyebrow formed on his face as Jon kissed him again. "I never knew you found a replacement"

Wolf accepts thier hospitality and offers to work and live with them. He didn't look too different after all. even injured he could be great help.

The soft moans were replaced by louder ones as the lust for each other seemed to get stronger. The fever however was beginning to lessen, but Luke did not seem to change any. "Good 'cause I could think of more than one way to...." he would have to think of something later. All he could truly focus on was Jon riding him, his own memeber brushing up against his body as he entered in and out at a rougher pace. "That's more than likely..." he said in terms of staying.

Wolf nods and thanks them. He promises to do his best at any job they give him. He lets his long black hair out of the tie before resting. Hopeing it won't be too long before he heals.

Luke's body was drenched in sweat as Jon finally released, the warm liquid finding its way into a newly formed area. He chuckled a little. "Yea. It's as almost as if this..." he was probably overthinking it. "Nah. That's ridiculous." He.never knew of anything that would drive someone to having sex virus wise.

Wolf blushes and answers all thier questions honestly. He still felt heart broken so telling the tale seems to hurt him worse but he isn't one to lie to those helping him. He lets them know that he wants to hide from the one called Jon befort. He is willing to work and hunt with them if they want him to.

"What is Ridiculus?" Jon asked already dressing again, for he wanted to go and check on Wolf, he was worried about the wound in his shoulder as it might get infected.

"So it this Jon Befort the lover that betrayed you?" the leader asked to make sure he was understanding the tale right. "Of course, our land is rich and there is plenty of space for men who desire to work," he said

Wolf nods "yes he betrayed me for a traitor. Ill work my hardest sir."

the leader nodded "now we are happy to have you, but...wouldnt you like to go back to your own land?" he asked thinking that he would long for his land if he was far away.

Wolf "my land has been taken over long ago where I live is nothing but a shell of its former beauty. Your land still has its beauty. And it's sprits aren't forgotten or mocked.

Jon went over to were Wolf had been sleeping and found him gone and quickly began to look for him, finding his feather and got over to where he had left his uniform with the bones and deer blood, he smelled the blood and knew it was not human "what are you trying to do?" he asked to himself, knowing that Wolf had tried to pretend his own death, he continued to search for him through the jungle.

"then you are mostly welcome to our tribe young Wolf, Ill take you to the healer, my people claim you have some sort of sickness and your shoulder doesnt looks good" the leader said

Luke shrugged as he looked at his clothes. "Just overthinking it, but you notice how the second we had sex, this sickness seemed to let up?" He remembered seeing a stream somewhere. He was going to wash off before getting dressed. He noticed Jon looking around for a few where the other male should have been. "Is everything alright?"

Wolf nods and follows him "I understand thank you." He watches the healer wondering if he knows what the sickness is and how to cure it

"Wolf is not here, he even pretended his death," he said to Luke showing him the deer blood clothes. "we have to go and find him, he might get hurt" he said

"you will be in good hands, I will leave you then," the leader said leaving wolf at the healers hut. The healer welcomed him to his home and made him lie in a simple matress as he gathered his herbs to cure his shoulder first

Wold nods and lays there waiting for the healer. His long black hair spreads out under him. He can't help but think of Jon as he lays there

The healer started to work on his shoulder applying a brown paste to stop any infections, he was an old man and wise " be postive, you have been left down, but the spirits have given you a great blessing," he said as he cured his shoulder.

Luke stared at the fake scenery. "Where did he manage to get Deer blood that fast enough..." he shrugged as he stared at the beach. He returned after splashing himself off several times before getting dressed. Chances were the other male saw him and Jon. Luke could not explain it, but something drove him to do it, no matter how wrong it felt. He wanted out the forest as soon as possible. With his clothes back on, he put his scouting to work, spotting a trail Wolf had attempted to cover up in the night.

"I dont know, Wolf can be fast when he wants too, but he should have known better...I can tell human blood from animal blood," he said worried, "you found something?" he asked to Luke who was better at finding tracks than him as he found the trail the two quickly followed.

Wolf blinks "why would they choose to gift me now that I've chosen to not go home." He winces as the medicine is applied to his shoulder.

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