C Baby In Wood [closed with @Cmull45965]

That day, Alexander got up as always. He put on a clean shirt that was taut across his enormous belly, and he brushed his hair.

During this period, pregnancy was difficult. He was approaching the ninth month and was terrified. His brutal boss will probably want to sell the child or leave it to become a prostitute, just like him. But the boy didn't want it. He did it by force anyway to survive in this world where the poor were dying of hunger or disease, and the nobility still held lavish parties. Especially that he didn't even know the toddler's father. He had many clients a month, and it could be anyone.

With many worries, he sat down on the edge of the mattress, waiting for the next client.

The door opened as Christopher one of the wealthier merchants of the town entered. He was known for his fairness and decency to people as well as his upstanding in the community. So it would have surprised Alexander to see him enter his room.
He gazed over Alexander noticing that he was very pregnant. Christopher smiled a pleasant inviting smile.
“Hello what is your name?” As he extended his hand.

Alexander was surprised. Usually, customers, immediately after entering, began to pick him up or feel his belly. Others also preferred to suck on his enlarged breasts, which may be feeding the baby in some time. He shook his hand uncertainly.
— My name is Alexander... - he introduced himself quietly and began to take off his shirt, revealing his naked and round pregnant body. If they were to do it, let it be quick. He wanted to accept a lot of clients today. Maybe thanks to this the boss will let him keep the baby.

Christopher smiled and said “you’re pregnant aren’t you?” I’ve heard stories of men who could do this but never met one before”
“It makes you look even more handsome than I thought”
He sat on the bed next to Alexander. “May I?” As he pointed to Alexander’s baby bump

— I have such an opportunity and I am glad, but on the other hand I would prefer to be in a different situation now... - he explained, emphasizing what work he is doing. As soon as he heard Christopher's compliment, he blushed. — Thank you... - he whispered softly, massaging his stomach. At the merchant's question, he nodded. - Sure. The little one kicks well today.... - He smiled involuntarily.

Christopher placed his hand on Alexander’s bump and reacted with surprise when the baby kicked.
“How did this come to be if I may ask? A man never assumes the woman’s role like this. But it does make you even more lovely”
He lowered his head to kiss the baby bump

Instinctively, he put his hand in the man's hair. He felt extremely intimidated even though he was so close with other men more than once. With his free hand, he started stroking his aching spine.
- I don't think I need to explain to you how to make children.. - Rolled his eyes at the client's question.

He chuckled at the response.
“You know what I mean. Was it because of your job? Or do you have a man at home who’s baby you are carrying?”
He kissed the bump some more.
His hands then pulled Alexander closer as he laid on his back. His mouth went to one of Alexander’s exposed breasts

— Job... - he explained, but after a while he stopped and began to gasp as Christopher sucked on his chest. Milk began to come out of the nipple and drip along the body. Instinctively, he widened his legs a little for the man to come in between. - How much time do we have? - he asked, groaning under him. Sometimes, customers took out more time alone with him.

Christopher tasted the milk which was very sweet. He felt Alexander shift and widen his legs. He was surprised at how much this aroused him but it was.
“Don’t worry about any other customers. I have you for this whole day”

- Whole day? - he asked as if he didn't believe it. Nobody had bought that much time with him yet, so he was surprised. He moved his hips, feeling the shivers run down his body. The baby, on the other hand, started kicking again, and a grimace appeared on his face.

Christopher nodded. He removed his pants so that Alexander could get a good look.
“I’ve talked to your boss and if things go well you may not need to do this job anymore”
Chris grunted as he played with Alexander’s opening. He felt the baby kick again and smiled.

- Listen? What have you done? - he asked, jumping up. He was scared as hell. Now everything could collapse. Thanks to his work, he had this small room with a wooden bath barrel and regular meals. What will he do without a job? There is nowhere to go, and a baby will be born soon.
- What am I going to do? What have you done?!

(08-25-2020, 05:24 PM)justpush Wrote:  - Listen? What have you done? - he asked, jumping up. He was scared as hell. Now everything could collapse. Thanks to his work, he had this small room with a wooden bath barrel and regular meals. What will he do without a job? There is nowhere to go, and a baby will be born soon.
- What am I going to do? What have you done?!

“You know who I am correct?” “I am looking for someone to be my assistant and I will pay you handsomely. You won’t need to do this nor will your child”
“Please let me help you. You can have your baby and raise him or her without any undue stress”

He began to analyze the man's words. Assistant? But he could barely read and write. He did not even graduate from the children's school.
- I don't think I am qualified for this position. Can't you pick someone more suitable? - he asked, rubbing his tummy to soothe the little one.

“You are a quick learner from what I’ve gathered. You were very good at your job before you took this one. I am looking for someone who betters themselves and helps others. Someone who wants to makes better place for his children “
“You know this isn’t the life for you or your child. Allow me to help you.”
Chris kisses his belly again.

— What's your business in this, sir? What is the reason it happened to me? Have you been here before? - he asked, trying to remember the man. They must have missed each other somehow, since he knows him, and even a little of his past.

“I have seen you from afar as well as having seen you come to one of my markets.” He smiled as he continued to kiss the baby bump
“You were very handsome but didn’t act on my impulse. Then a few months later you came and I could tell that you had changed. Your body was blossoming like that of many a maiden that were expecting. That’s when I knew I wanted you more.” He paused.
“To be with a beautiful man and have children makes you unique in this time. Oh the job is very real as I did check your background so that you don’t think I’m offering you a job based on your looks” he chuckled again

— Oh, that's nice of you... - the hand was on the man's head again - But it will be a great expense for you. If I was alone or you fired me before the birth, it wouldn't be a problem yet. You know, raising a child is not that simple and easy. I don't want to bother you. Especially that I'm giving birth for the first time soon... - He blushed deeply, feeling the baby calming down after each kiss from Christopher - Are you sure?

“Don’t you worry about it. To be honest I am jealous that I didn’t put that baby in you or that a baby isn’t in me. I want a family but never desired a woman”
“You don’t have to make a rash decision as this is all sudden for you. But know that I am truly sincere in my offer to you and I will do my best to make things go easy for you.”
“Once you go into labor I know midwives who are very discreet in case you needed privacy”

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