Jungle Fever (Open)

Wolf nods"we should keep going ill be fine just need to rest I guess I'll row when one of you is tierd or done"

Wolf nods and sleeps. Useing the jacket like a blanket.

Luke resumed the task. "Perhaps we could reduce the task of days into hours if we keep rowing fast enough" Luke could not see them out in water for too long. Although they were on a raft, certain creatures of the sea were still rather bold to attack.

Wolf wakes up and is willing to row if anyone is too tierd.

Luke nodded and kept on moving. After hours in, the sickness eventually faded and he was back to his usual energetic self. "Getting tired already, Jon" he teased as land was finally in view. To his surprise, the place they were approaching looked almost unreal. "I thought you said a town....where'd you get that map from anyways?" He stared up, seeing a large statue of a man towering high above them as he continued to row into the passageway that now resembled a river as there was no true way of getting off the raft at the moment. They were surrounded by nature yet again with water, high rocks that were otherwise unclimbable, and large monuments that would give Lady Liberty a run for her money. Spotting a makeshift shore, he steered right allowing the raft to hit land. He hopped off, taking a look around once more. "To think some part of the world was hidden like this..." His attention turned to a few people that seemed to be oblivious to them. Out of the three men that vaguely resembled the other villagers, albeit different, the one in the middle carrying a large vase of water seemed to have a rather huge gut portruding out of his clothes.

(It's cool. I was planning to time skip a little anyways so it worked))

Wolf looks around in amazement "it's amazing how could we have missed this?"

Luke stared for a few. "So the army gave you a map to a place they themselves have not charted?" Of course that question sounded odd as even when Luke searched for the place on his own mao and device, the place was not on there. He shook his head and stared. "I said I'm just fine..." he did not want to see a healer of any form unless he really had to. From his current condition, he was feeling fine.

The male with the vase full of water placed it down gently while making sure he did not overexert himself from the weight. "Mayor?" He understood Jon, but not the word itself. A small bulge stuck out from his belly as he instinctively rested a hand on it. Healer however was familiar to him. "Oh, the Shaman is in the Emperor's Castle in the kingdom." He pointed at the large clearing of dirt road in the forest. Though it was far, there was a sign of a large civilization as part of the pyramid esque castle was visible.

The male thought for a few before he realized what he meant. "You mean the King?" He stared at the other two, motioning for them to keep going as he waddled towards the same direction. "Thank you. We were heading there now." Not carrying the vase of water helped a lot. The three walked down the same road that led out of the forest and into the mountains.

The male continued miles in. "I've been here for five years. Can't remember what brought me here, but I kinda don't care anymore. The kingdom is split into five regions with the kingdom itself being the center island." There was no neede for leaders on thud island when the King himself governed and sensed almost everything. "What brings soldiers here?" He noticed Jon's uniform.

The male nodded. "Certainly. He oversees all of the healing here with a very select few of others."

Luke was getting annoyed. "Dude I told you I'm fine..." he stared at the man. "I don't need to see him."

The man simply nodded. "I understand. I'm certain if you were in one of the regions for too long, the bug there may have rubbed off on you. It's nothing to worry too much about" he stopped at the long wooden gates as they slowly opened up. "If you're looking for the Shaman, his house is not too far from here. You won't miss it as smoke is usually forming" he pointed at a large amount of smoke near a makeshift house of stone. Of course the castle itself stood out being built into the mountains.

Luke stared for a few. "Whatev..." sighing in some form of defeat.

The male chuckled a little. "I wish, but your friends may need help a lot more than I do. If you want, perhaps I can free up a room for you in the castle since it seems ya'll come quite far. This region hardly gets too many strangers." The male had used an American Southern tone as he lifted the vase with ease. "Besides, that's what these two are here for" he pointed at the two other men that seemed to serve like some form of escort. He nodded a little as he carried off with the vase, walking up the rather ridiculous steps that a person would think led to the mountaintop. He was heading towards the castle instead.

Luke stared at the smoke, a signal of sorts from all the huts placed there. To him it seemed like a low class part of a city. Out of his sight, he seemed to see different cultures mixed into one like modern meeting the aztecs. To make it more apparent, there were others with guts as well only in varying sizes. Some had them covered, others really did not care. "Hate to bug you, but I rather slip out of here immediately."

The male stared for a few. "You may want to check in on your friends first. The shaman has some good medicine that could help." Truthfully the male knew what was going on with them just by glancing. He motioned for one of the escorts to stay and wait on Jon and them as the other began to lead him off. "Sarvange will help you in the castle when you're done" the castle's gate rolled up as he walked in with the other nameless guard.

Luke stared at the long steps. "Perhaps checking in on Wolf should be the first thing to do."

Wolf looks around and follows Jon confused by all the large gut men. He stays really close to Jon the whole time

Luke sighed. "I don't need a doctor..." he walked up the steps, waiting on the other two. When they reached what seemed to a busy place in the city, a marketplace of sorts as many were scurrying around with baskets, his eyes focused om the smoke that was near. He walked over to the hut, noting the door was made out of a reb fabric rather than wood or something else. "After you" he said to them both.

"How do I need one exactly?" He was not passing out like Wolf was. He was just nauseated for a few that morning and now he was over it. "If it puts your conscience at ease, I'll go on and do it" he entered the tent seeing a man inside smoking a rather strange pipe as he chopped on various herbs. "Sarvange yes." He turned to look at them for a few. "Sick you say?" They appeared to be foreigners again, so he could sum it up. "If I had to guess, you all ran a high fever and had sexual intercourse the other day?"

(I could play him if that helps)

Sarvange chuckled. "I don't need to see a vision for that. I'm very certain you have seen some men with very huge bellies already?" He set the pipe down, standing from his chair. "If both your friends are sick after your little encounter while you yourself are alright, then it's very simple what happened..." he examined Luke and Wolf just by glancing at them.

The shaman only smiled as Jon still look confused. "They're pregnant. The men you saw outside is not a fashion." The men only seemed to have weight in one place on their otherwise healthy bodies. "If you want to be certain, they could take a test"

Wolf eyes go wide "pregnut? Y-your crazy right" feeling dizzy and faint from the old mans words he struggles to not pass out again

Wolf sits down "my tribe is going to be pissed if they find out. Father will want me back on the reservation for sure."

Wolf nods and looks pained as well "I guess I have to hide it from my family and tribe. " he puts a hand on his stomach.

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