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Couguar had to walk fast to catch up with the jaguar, who had a quick gait. As he walked beside him, the urge to talk increased. "Your parents are a mixed couple? Father a coyote and mother a jaguar?" he asked curiously. His parents were both cougars and it was a slightly different subject, therefore also interesting. Besides, he hadn't expected Kinney to have a younger brother and one his age. He looks more like the dominant type who is an only child... And yet.

''If your brother doesn't agree then tough... Clothes aren't the most important thing, right?" he tried to calm his rapidly beating heart. He's going to a party... God.

Laughing lightly at the question, McKinney nodded as he continued up towards the carnivore dorms on the opposite side of the school as the herbivores. "Yep," he confirmed with a shrug. "Gross high school sweetheart story. Could have been a sappy teenage love movie; high school prom king and the school rebel." The jaguar moved his hand in a talking motion as he spoke. "Blah, blah, blah. They get a few stares here and there but no one says anything, ma would chew 'em up anyway. He's more aggressive than I am if you can believe that."

Pierce shrugged at the comment of his brother disagreeing, seriously doubting it. "Oh please, I'm sure he has plans to sit in his dorm and mope tonight instead of going to the party just like you did. You guys are a lot alike, actually," McKinney comments off-handedly. "Except Prince is a lot more..." The jaguar waves his hand around like he's searching for a word. "Outspoken about his contentment to stay in a be boring. I've never been able to talk him into any parties, so you're already way cooler than he is."

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By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Hearing about Pierce's parents' laconic love story, Austin smiled slightly. It must have been a lovely and beautiful feeling... He too would like to experience such a thrill when someone looks at someone with such tenderness and yet fierceness.... "It's beautiful... Your parents had a cool youth. I envy them..." he said, smiling slightly.

Hearing Pierce lament a bit about his younger brother he looked at him slightly amused "Oi, being unsocial has its advantages! For example... Now you don't have to be afraid that your brother will do some stupid thing at a party. You don't have to babysit him" he said and walked with him, no longer feeling as much pressure as he did at the beginning "But this could be my last and first party ever.... I don't belong there" he muttered honestly

Reaching the near top of the stairs, McKinney had to sort through his brain a moment to remember which dorm his brother's was. The current floor they were on held all the freshman and sophomore dorms, whereas the floor above them housed the juniors and seniors. Shrugging at the thought of his parent's romantic life, McKinney ran his gaze over the numbers on the doors they were passing. "They were...interesting to say the least." Growing up in a very open and out-there family always way; perhaps a good explanation towards McKinney's brazen, outspoken, and somewhat pushy nature.

This time a chuckle leaves him with a shake of the jaguar's head. "I think I'd rather he do stupid things at a party, how else do you experience and learn? You know how I know I can land on my feet all the time? 'Cause I was a little wasted one night and wanted to put it to the test!" McKinney was certainly not the best example but he felt his point was made. Stopping at a door, Pierce knocked loudly with his knuckles until a voice from inside told him to come in.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Austin went inside. The room was cramped but clean. A coyote lay on a single bed in sweatpants, watching something on his phone. When he saw his brother with the couguar he put his mobile phone away. "Is that your boyfriend?" he asked cheekily. Prince although he was a bore had a cut tongue like his brother. He knew when to bite back. Austin blushed furiously on his face hearing this statement "No... I.... I'm an acquaintance, right?" He looked at Pierce and then looked away, feeling embarrassed. He tried to hold back a sigh. He really needed to loosen up, because at a party this was either going to make him pass out or fall asleep from exhaustion over having to work hard at his loose demeanor or words.

Prince looked at his brother suspiciously "What do you want? I know you didn't come here for no reason" he said and rolled out of bed and the first thing he did was hang onto his older brother's neck like he was a little kitten. Sometimes his puppyish behaviour came over him and he liked to show it on Kinney.

Pierce shot Austin a grin when their eyes met briefly, the poor cougar now getting the brunt force of his brother's personality. "Not my boyfriend," McKinney confirms, though not because the cougar wasn't cute or anything. "He's more into nerds who study way too much," he added, talking about Brayson but without actually giving away any hints as to specific people. A heavy, dramatic sigh from McKinney. "I'm just not up to par, I suppose." Though he chuckled and flashed Austin a grin to let him know he's only teasing. Prince is practically hanging off him at this point, Pierce busy opening the closet to sort through a number of black clothes in order to find something suitable for the cougar to wear at the party.

"I'm looking for an outfit," Pierce tells his little brother, trying to shoulder roll the coyote off. "Something for Austin to wear to the party." Finally letting go of the chokehold Prince had against his neck, his little brother flopped back down onto the bed with a rumbling chuckle. "Good luck with that. My wardrobe isn't exactly built for partying either you know." Pierce waved him off, pulling out something and holding it up to Austin before putting it back with a groan. "Don't you have anything in here that wasn't bought at Hot Topic or whatever dark shop you're into these days?"

Prince shook his head, thumbing through whatever he was doing in his phone, lips pursed together in mock thought. "Um..... no."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Austin stood and listened to the exchange of words between the siblings. He felt a little uncomfortable but nice at the same time, which was strangely peculiar. He glanced at Coyote's room out of the corner of his eye, then compared it to his own. Certainly his room was not decorated with posters or figurines of some character like Prince's room. It was duller. When the jaguar couldn't find anything cool for the couguar, Corden patted him on the shoulder gently. "How about my wardrobe? I don't have a lot of clothes, but something loose will suit too, right?" he suggested.

Prince for his part looked at them curiously. "You two would fit right in... Mum and Dad would be delighted if you had a quiet, laid back boyfriend. The complete opposite of you Pierce" he mumbled and reluctantly showed him his tongue before sinking down between the sheets. Austin blushed again. He didn't want Pierce to feel bad "Pierce is cool, but I have someone I like" he explained quietly and then looked at Kinney "Someone I'm sure you'll like someday.... It's a matter of time" he said politely to him.

It was almost at the same time Austin reached out to pat at his shoulder that Pierce finally found what he'd been looking for- stashed away in the back of Prince's closet, probably new with tags still on them. "Got it!" He exclaimed, pulling the black trash back out of the closet. "Oh yeah-" Prince commented, peeking over the top of his phone to see what Pierce was currently searching through. "I forgot about those." Pierce pulled a few things out, tossing them towards the cougar with hopes that the feline would catch his messy collection. "Clothes from our parents," Pierce explained to Austin. "They're pretty...well off," the jaguar added with a snort from his coyote brother sprawled on the bed. "That's an understatement."

Prince's comment earns a scoff from the jaguar, Pierce throwing one of the articles of clothing he had in the direction of his brother's head. "Yeah right," the jaguar commented with a shake of his head. "Anyone quiet or laid back runs in the opposite direction of me." A grin towards the cougar as Pierce motioned towards him with his head. "This one practically did during our first run-in." A chuckle to let Austin know he was mostly joking. It certainly hadn't bothered the jaguar who enjoyed a little game of cat and mouse once in awhile.

"You hear that?" Pierce asked, sticking his own tongue out at his brother. "I'm cool. Way cooler than you anyway." Turning to completely face Austin, Pierce gave a small shrug. "If I found someone who could actually put up with me I ought go buy a lottery ticket the same day." He chuckled at his own joke before sorting through some of the clothes bundled in Austin's arms- Pierce might have gotten a little rambunctious. "Well? See anything you like?"

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By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Pierce and Prince were pretty special, but for that brief moment, Austin felt like he was part of their community and even knew each other well. Austin's brother has unfortunately studied abroad and they very rarely see each other in person, which hurts Corden a bit. He had a very good relationship with him and always relied on him when he had a concern. Still, the phone calls somehow make up for the separation, especially as he is due to arrive soon.

When he heard about the wealth of the jaguar and coyote parents he was surprised. Pierce didn't look like the rich heir to some family or anything. He was more of a rebel, talkative and painfully stubborn. But also humble. If someone else told him he was rich he wouldn't believe it.

"The clothes are cool, I'll try them on in my room some more..." he said and smiled slightly "Can I give them back to you after I wash them?" he asked the coyote, hoping that the coyote would not be offended if he gave them back to him a little later. Then he looked at Pierce, who seemed indifferent, but still! "Don't pretend... We all need someone whose heart beats faster at the sight of... You don't scare others away, just a bit too bold, nosy, stubborn though..." he began to enumerate his character traits, and Coyote laughed at this. Austin blushed "But you are also kind, helpful, handsome..." that last one slipped out unexpectedly

Prince shook his head, the coyote waving the cougar's words off. "Keep 'em," he said, hardly looking up from his phone. "I'll never wear them anyway." Which was definitely true- the style much too 'preppy' almost for Prince's taste. Pierce laughed at his brother's comment, tossing the black bag containing the rest of the clothes back into the closet. "He's probably planning a midnight bonfire with those clothes," Pierce teased. "That's why they're in the bag."

Pierce turned to look towards Austin, surprised at the cougar's words, grinning sheepishly while the coyote snickered in the background. "You hear that, Pierce? You're kind and handsome!" Chuckling manically behind his phone, the coyote resembled more of a hyena at that moment.

"Better looking than you anyway, dog breath." Pierce shot back with a flash of fang, taking attention away from the light pink on his cheeks. The nickname earned the jaguar a flip of Prince's middle finger, still laughing while Pierce tried to usher Austin out the door. "Come on, little cat. Time to go before he laughs himself into oblivion. Besides, you got clothes to try on."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Autin felt embarrassment to the point that he could not look at either Prince or Pierce. He was now excoriating himself in an idiotic way.... Why was the word "handsome" on his tongue? "Pierce is handsome, but... Damn it. What are you thinking about?" He chastised himself in his mind as the he started walking to his room. Without surprise, accompanied by Kinney.

Through the commotion, he walked past his room, but quickly realized it and soon let the jaguar inside. Closing the door, his gaze was fixed on the floor "Make yourself at home, I'm going to the bathroom to try on clothes" he said timidly and entered the room, leaning heavily against the door. What was he doing? He had just let a dominant male jaguar into his room.... What could possibly happen? As he tried it on, he listened to what was going on outside, curious as to what Pierce was currently doing

"Huh?" Pierce asked as the two of them walked down the hallway, an eyebrow raised towards the murmur that had left Austin's mouth. The jaguar was busy trying not to read too much into the word that had seemed to slip out of the cougar's mouth without him realizing. "Oh. I'm thinking about what we're going to do at the party cause I assume you're not into drinking gam-" McKinney blinks slowly, coming to a realization. "You're not talking to me, are you? Having an inner conversation?"

Following the cougar into his dorm room, he was about to say something when Austin disappeared behind the bathroom door- voice quiet as he excused himself. "Alright..." The jaguar trailed off, running his gaze around the room while he stood in the center of it. It was certainly different than his own; full of action posters and sports trophies. Jerseys of famous sports players hung on the walls. The whole room smelled of the cougar, a light and airy scent compared to his own heavy, dominating one.

After a few minutes, McKinney couldn't stop himself but knocking on the bathroom door lightly. "Everything okay in there? You decide on an outfit?"

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


During that whole day, Austin thought of only one thing. "Don't go crazy!" he said to himself in the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror "Let's hope these clothes fit" he added and started to lay out clothes from his bag. There were tops, trousers and even one skirt but he didn't comment on that. He just blushed. He put the leather trousers and one of the tops over his bottom, exposing his stomach a little. He looked at himself uncertainly in the mirror... "Isn't that a little defiant?" he asked himself, and then heard ask.

He grunted in response to the jaguar "G-give me five seconds" he asked and quickly took a deep breath and opened the door. He stood in front of it. "I don't think this looks good..." he said, blushing as Pierce eyed him closely "Pierce... There was also a skirt inside... Your brother likes clothes like that too? And why did you pack it for me... Dominants like something like that?"

Once Austin stepped out of the bathroom, McKinney couldn't help his wandering gaze- raising an eyebrow at the cougar's new look. "Wow." The word fell out of his loose mouth without hesitation, and Pierce had to clear his throat to bring himself back into the present. "I think it looks great," the jaguar commented, motioning a little spin with his finger. "Come on, do a little twirl- lemme see the whole thing."

"Huh?" Pierce was surprised to hear that, peeking around Austin's shoulder as if to confirm there was indeed a skirt within the pile of clothes. "That's weird, I swear I thought they were just tight shorty-shorts, you know?" A grin with a flash of fang from the jaguar. "Wonder if that means Prince has been having girls over, or maybe he's the one into it. I'll have to bug him about it later." Giving a small shrug as Pierce stepped back, letting himself fall into a sitting position on the cougar's bed. "I mean probably some dominants are into it. Everyone's gotta like something right? Me personally? I like birthday suits," McKinney adds with a suggestive wiggle of his eye brows and a quick chuckle.

"C'mon, for real. You like it? The outfit I mean. I think it fits pretty well- I was a little worried but you're both pretty small."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Austin started walking around the room to see how Prince’s clothes were on it. The boy felt how tight the pants were on his butt, but he didn’t say it ashamed. I think there’s a hole in the pants when he goes in there. No way. He needs to change his pants.

“Nudity...” He blushed when he heard what Kinney said. Instinctively, he covered his bare belly with his shoulder. He looked down at his feet ”Did you see a devotee naked?” he suddenly asked and felt the urge to know the answer to that question. He looked at him slowly, with a twinkling in his eyes. His inner cougar came a little closer to the jaguar. “The trousers are drilling my bottom.. Do you think I can wear a skirt? I like it”, he admitted strangely, without stuttering. The Kinney's society had a strange influence on him. Once he was ashamed for a kitten, and once for an open, very honest cat. He couldn’t explain it, but the pressure Pierce felt was good for him.

Leaning back, arms stretched behind him as he held himself in a lounging position against the bed, McKinney hummed as the cougar walked about- testing the clothes. They certainly were form fitting, tight and shiny leather. It was eye catching.

"A devotee?" The jaguar asked curiously, not quite understanding what the smaller cat meant by that. "I mean I've seen quiet a few people naked... You know in like the locker rooms and stuff, but I certainly wouldn't call them devotees and it was never sexual." A shrug from McKinney as he thought. "I've had a couple dates here and there and seen them naked too but it was never anything serious and I've sworn off the drama of having a significant other. I like to party after all."

The whole atmosphere shifts as Austin leans in closer to the jaguar, the air warm between them as Pierce's eyes follow the cougar's every move. An eyebrow raised at the other cat's admittance, McKinney had to force a grin down- thinking how completely different the cougar was acting now. Like a true wildcat. "If you want to wear the skit, wear the skirt." The jaguar told him with a cock of his head. "You'll get plenty of stares. In a good way."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Austin feels like he's going crazy, but he continues to remain in this position, hiding the slight blush on his face. He squeezes the leather material of trousers in his hand, not taking his eyes off the jaguar either. They are now playing with who will let go first. And Corden, for the first time, feels an uncontrollable desire to win and just needs to see his triumph over the dominant male. He can't give up.

"Me, I don't like seeing naked bodies... Not even my own. It makes me uncomfortable..." he whispered quietly, then let out a quiet sigh, trying to hold the reins "Seriously? Because I'm already lost... When should I interpret this as a joke and when should I interpret it as seriousness? You're hard to understand sometimes" he wheezed somewhat surrendered and looked at him with a pained expression "I'll be attached to you for the whole party because I'm a nerd, a faggot.... Or whatever you call it. Do you want to babysit me? I don't understand your behaviour... You don't even convince your brother to come with you" he said and knelt down next to the bed, putting his face on the mattress. He groaned brokenly. There was no turning back. He was too proud not to go after all. He didn't want to give Kinney the satisfaction. He had to go there tonight. Maybe he'd meet Brayson? Maybe he could talk to him? That would be wonderful. "Shall I try on this skirt and show you in it?" he asked immediately, raising his eyes to him

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