Closed Werewolf Bred (Closed with Littleittyboy)
When its mate fell limp while it was fucking him but it didn't stop. Not until it finally felt its release spill forth, a loud howl leaving its mouth as it spilled its seed into Jace. Keeping its coco inside him, the wolf stayed still for a time until it was certain its seed took. When it was certain, it took Jace to a quiet glade in the first where moonlight was streaming in and placed him directly under it.

Satisfied, the wolf then curled up around Jace, a clawed hand on his gradually growing belly.
Jace woke early in the morning, whimpering quietly, his whole body aching and his stomach felt so bloated it hurt. He whimpered loudly as he sat up rubbing at his eyes hoping that everything was a horrible nightmare and he had a bad flu causing hallucinatory dreams.
When the sun had come up, Matthew looked at what he had done in horror. There, laying beside him, was Jace. His stomach was stolen and his state of undress was enough of a clue for Matthew to guess what he had done. He felt sick at the thought of what had happened but he also can't just leave Jace alone in the woods. He'd already mated with him. There was no going back and no undoing this.

He picked up Jace and brought him to his cabin, laying him down on his bed. Leaving only for a moment to set down some of his spare clothes beside Jace for him to put on. Satisfied, Matthew left to cook breakfast for Jace to eat, certain that he would need ways to recover from what happened the night prior.
Jace looked down at himself blushing brightly at his naked demeanour before looking around realising he was in Matthews cabin. He took the clothes next to him putting it on biting his lip a little as he walked out rubbing his bloated stomach not sure what exactly was happening to him and how he got to Matthews cabin
When Jace came in sight, Matthew was already setting the table for breakfast. Grimacing when he saw Jace, he raised a hand in getting.

"Hey," he greets, his voice strained, "how're you feeling? "

He eyed Jace's bloated stomach before buying his lower lip. "And... what do you remember from last night? "

(Just a question, how many babies world their first litter have?)
(I’m not sure, how many do you think they should have?)

Jace whimpered even thinking about the prior night wrapping his arms even more tightly around himself shaking a little. Even looking at the chair made him shiver thinking of the pain in his arse and up his back.

“I don’t want to talk about how I’m feeling…” he said tears welling in his eyes “How did you find me?” He asked sniffling a little
(How many would you be willing to have Jace give birth to?)

Guilt welled up in Matthew when he saw how distraught Jace was. He can't imagine what he'd gone through and the fact that it was done by him was something he can't stomach keeping a secret. Swallowing past the difficulty speaking, Matthew plated Jace's breakfast and set it before him, gesturing for him to eat before sitting down in front of him.

"I..." He took in a shuddering breath. "I didn't find you cause I was with you the whole time."

Looking down at his hands, he clenched them into fists and refused to meet Jace's eyes.

"I'm from a bloodline of werewolves, my parents were from two different clans and I was raised with their methods of keeping my wolf form in check. Usually, I'd have a good grasp of the time so I'd have enough time to lock myself inside the cabin to avoid hurting anyone but---"

He bit his lip.

"I was having too much fun with you that by the time you left, my transformation was already happening. The wolf side was almost taking over by the time I caught your scent and well..."

He didn't wanna say this cause Jace might take it the wrong way, he knew Jace would already hate him as it is but he has to explain it.

"I like you, always had, so when I caught your scent and the wolf figured out that I liked you, it decided that you were my mate and that well..." Looking anywhere but at Jace, Matthew hurried to speak, "it decided I was ready to start my pack with the man I fell for. I'm sorry, I really didn't want to drag you into this and even hurt you."
(Nothing too extreme because want them to be big and I like it semi realistic, maybe 4?)

Jace panicked looking at him and stepped back quickly, his heart rate rising quickly. He couldn’t quite believe his ears. He shook his head feeling sick, both from the thought and physically. He quickly moved outside the cabin and began to vomit tears streaming down his face quickly.

He turned around looking at Matthew rage and hurt rising in his face “Don’t touch me ever again!” He said shaking. The idea of the guy he liked always liking him somehow made his heart beat quicker but his mind was all over the place, he couldn’t think straight.

“Wait…you mated me? What does that mean?” He said shaking a little

(I don’t know if we’re going with only females get pregnant and then males only get pregnant if something like a werewolf mates with them?)
(4 is perfect!)

The reaction to his admission was enough to make Matthew want to just lock himself up somewhere and throw away the key. Jace had every right to be furious with him for what he had done. He wasn't even mad and when Jace told him not to touch him... he nodded.

"I understand." He already knew to expect this reaction from him so at least it didn't come as a surprise.

It was awkward hearing Jace's question. But he owed it to his friend (ex-friend?) to be honest to him. Grimacing, he ran his fingers through his hair, untangling some locks in the process.

"Well, in werewolf customs, it's like marriage? But it's also usually done for breeding reasons and well...usually men who got mated with werewolves would get pregnant." He finished with an awkward cough, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm sorry." He added again.

Looking at Jace's clearly distraught and distressed appearance, he sighed. "You could make any choice you want to make here, I'll do what you ask and demand." Biting his lip, he added, "The wolf would be easier to control now. I just kept fighting it growing up since it would have done too many things I don't do so now it got to do one thing it might... let me keep control a bit better."
Jace shook a little “And if I refuse to be your mate?” He asked angrily, yes he had a crush on the man but having his hand forced was not what he wanted.

The idea of him being pregnant didn’t even cross his mind truly, it didn’t make any logical sense. “You’re sorry!! You’re sorry!” Jace laughed almost maniacally “What the hell is my choice here?! I can’t just go get an abortion, I’m a male!” He said angrily tears streaming down his face.
"You're allowed to and I won't fight against it." Matthew answered. "It's perfectly understandable that you don't want to be near me or involved with me after the mess I've made."

When Jace asked what his choice was, further guilt swallowed Matthew before he sighed. "I... don't have a solution for that one." He muttered, rubbing his jaw. "I'm sorry. The only solution I could offer you is to take the kids after they're born and you're free to move wherever after that or I could move, seek out my clan again and just-" he waved vaguely, "settle there."
Jace ran his hands through his hair desperately continuing to cry “What am I supposed to do until I birth these things then?! How am I meant to birth them, I don’t have a hole for that! Kids?! How many?” He said so overwhelmed his head started to throb.

Jace had no idea what he was meant to do now, had no idea about what was going to happen to him or the apparent things he was carrying.
Matthew was silent before he crouched down in front of Jace. He wanted to reach out but he can't, he didn't want Jace to feel even more horrible because of him so he just held back and kept himself quiet to think over what Jace had said.

"You could stay at your place for now and I could support you," he said this slowly, pondering, "or you could stay with me but in a separate room and I won't come near you unless you ask." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a handkerchief and held it out to Jace, keeping his tone as careful as he could. "And they'll be coming out the way they came in. I'm sorry. Again."
Jace sobbed brokenly. He curled in on himself as tightly as he could “If you say you’re sorry one more time” he said angrily “I don’t care Matthew! I don’t care how sorry you are! It doesn’t change anything!” He yelled before he went back to the room slamming the door behind him sobbing.

A few hours later he had to leave the room because he was absolutely famished, he had calmed slightly resigned to the fact that this was going to happen to him whether he wanted it to or not.
Matthew flinched when Jace slammed the door to his room. It was sad but he refused to dwell on how he felt. He didn't deserve to. He did that to Jace and he didn't have any word to excuse such a thing. Maybe moving away from his clan was unwise...

After going into his bedroom, Matthew sat on his bed for a moment before talking out his phone. He might as well prepare an explanation to his parents once he gets himself and any kids Jace gives birth to back to the Clan. It would be a mess considering things but he was already a troublemaker for leaving the clan to live alone. When he heard Jace open his door, Matthew got up from his bed and opened his door to peek at where Jace was,. When he figured that Jace eould be fine, he shut his door again and locked it.
Jace heard the door close and looked over biting his lip lightly before grabbing some food and whimpering as he sat down. He pinched at the food lightly eating it gently looking around the small cabin wondering how Matthew would even be able to look after children.

He looked over at the.closed door chewing on his lip, he had more questions and being slightly calmer he wanted answers.
Matthew was drafting up his explanation to his parents when he heard Jace's whimper. He paused and contemplated going over but he remembered how hurt Jace was. Unsure what to do, he stayed where he was and continued to try and write.
Jace stood and went over to the door knocking gently “Matthew, can we please talk?” He asked gently continuing to nibble on his food, his chest tightening a little about seeing the man who did this to him again
Hearing his request to speak, Matthew set down his phone and opened the door. Keeping his gaze down, he cleared his throat, "What queries do you have? " he asked, his voice hushed in an attempt to avoid scaring Jace.
Jacks couldn’t help but flinch when he saw Matthew. “You have no control?” He asked gently “And I smelled stronger because you like me?” He bit his lip a little feeling his heart beating quickly “How long do pregnancies like this last for? How will you be able to help me if it’s on a full moon or something like that? If you take them elsewhere what will happen to them?”

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