C B-side Stories (with Whoknows)

Felix came out of the bedroom wearing a bathrobe. He looked at Alex with a smile.
"Sorry... I felt bad and rested a bit today," he whispered, then hugged him. Felix was infatuated with his brother's husband. "I missed you, my love."

“I missed you too, I had a long hard day”, he groaned, rubbing his eyes. He held his love close to him comforted by the closeness but something felt off - he just didn’t know what.

“I think I’m gonna take a nap”, he said and collapsed onto the sofa.

Felix nodded and led him away with his eyes. I found my brother's pregnancy test. He must have made him carry Alex's baby. He would seduce him. He should be the one with it, not Jordan.

Alex yawned and promptly fell asleep, loudly snoring on the couch. It must have been around half an hour before he woke up feeling dazed. “Babe, where are you?”, he called out.

Felix put the platter on the table and then walked over to the couch, placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Here I am... Relax," he replied with a small smile

“What’s this?”, he asked, referring to the thing his husband put on the table. “Gosh I’m getting hungry”, he groaned whilst stretching.

Felix rubbed his cheek lightly. "It's steak... I also cooked asparagus. I want to eat very well now. Because you know, Alex..." he began quietly, and then sat on his lap "I'd like to have a baby"

“I swear you hate asparagus”, Alex said, “but maybe I’m wrong”. He was too tired to think anything of it and so he sat up. “A baby?”, he asked, “I don’t see why not”.

Felix laughed slightly awkwardly. He stroked the back of his head. "I heard that asparagus has a lot of vitamins so I'll sacrifice myself.... A child is something I secretly dream about," he whispered to him and looked into his eyes. He connected their lips gently.

Alex nodded, “right okay”, he ended the kiss and grabbed a plate and started to eat the meal. “This tastes great”, he said.

Felix looked at him with a gleam in his eyes. His desire had come true. That night they made passionate love in bed. At the end, Felix lay down on his husband's chest.

What Felix didn’t know was that Alex had snuck a condom on when he wasn’t looking. He didn’t want to tell his ‘lover’ that he wasn’t ready yet especially as he had looked so hopeful. He was just greatful he hasn’t noticed.

Felix hugged Alex, looking at him with a smile. "You are wonderful... Our baby will be so beautiful," he whispered quietly.

He smiled back, “I’m sure they would be”, he lied, knowing there would be no baby. “Now we should sleep, it’s been a long day”.

Felix kissed him on the lips, then embraced him tightly. He put his hand on his belly, hoping for his beloved baby.

Alex once again fell into a deep sleep, feeling unsettled but not knowing why.

Felix was unhappy when the pregnancy test came back negative two weeks later. He was teased. But he refused to let go.

Alex of course tried to comfort him but knowing he wasn’t pregnant relived him, he didn’t want a child and he could barely look after himself!

Felix touched Alex's cheek as they slept at night. "Maybe it's me that's the problem? Why can't I give us a child? Am I infertile?"

“I don’t know, maybe you should get it checked out?”, he suggested, turning away to fall asleep. “Goodnight Jordan”, he murmured.

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