Posts: 2,884
Threads: 44
Joined: May 2016
Sex: Female
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Location: "At my rightful place, which is "King Nitrogen's" side, kneeling before him or simply, in his lap. Those places are where a true "Brood-mare" belongs, until said otherwise by such a masculine "Man".
Sexual Orientation: To be honest, I am quite deeply Detached in real-life, riddled by severe-dissassociative/brutal BDSM-addictive tendacies to an extremely persistence and long-standing Anti-socialness by nature, but still clinging to signs of what Humans call by word as "Hope", as if so to say I suppose .. erm .. ~Pokes nearby balloon, humming to pass time quicker ..~ So .. um .. merp .. merp ...
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
Connie's grunts became more and more heightened, seeming to coax and arouse Professor Renzo's brutal thrusts. He was not in pleasure, he was in agony, and his outbursts reflected that of such.
He could only endure, curling his slender as twigs fingers into the smooth, yet hard material of wood, as his very feeble of body was contorted, gripped, groped, kneaded and thrusted into with what seemed like no possible end in sight.
Tears streamed down his face, seeming to flow for an endless amount of time to where he felt very drought-driven and water-starved. But through it all he just endured, not pleading, not resisting and not struggling, because after all .. how in the hell could he? Renzo towered over him like a damn skyscraper and he was a mere vase meant to be smashed into pieces.
God, he was weak. So DAMN weak. But he kept thoughts to himself and simply endured with complaint. After all .. that was ALL he could do.
After a few hours, Connie the once bright eye lad was now fuzzy-minded, brutalized and torn down by insecurity. He was hunched over, slightly breasted torso heavily chest heaving and a stirring of nausea brewing within the pit known as his stomach. He closed his upper eyelids, breath hitching painfully within his raw-scream scorched throat that was brought on by a pained-shriek like cry as the violent surge of thick, viscous sperm filled his unprepared womb and expanded his abdomen to a certain noticeable extent.
He cowered, twitching with a flinch as his name was growled out, something that he was not at all familiar with. He was not the sexual driven lad, nor did he engage in any self-stimulation, not even when his body felt tempted to "explore" as he was taught in Sex-ed class. He found it immoral, wrong and just .. plain .. disgusting to indulge in.
As Professor Renzo led himself out of Connie's now-chasm-gaping of hole Connie responded with a pained hiss, but yet did not attempt to move, simply remaining hunched over the desk that he sat in each day in attendance of class, now regarded as a "location of innocence snatched-away in it's prime" and when the remains of froth sperm was discarded with a wiping upon his crumpled fabric of skirt he shuddered as it smeared upon his marked by smacks of hand, swollen and tender to the touch, scarlet red riddled asscheeks.
Connie arose, slowly .. ever so slowly and had regained his senses and where he was in sense of reality, resurfacing mentally as he slowly adjusted his now cum-contaminated and smoothed out the wrinkles to a bearable extent. His movements were slow, sluggish and hesitant but yet bearable to manage .. atleast some of them. He wiped his face of tears, grooming it and his hair which was now a wild, unkept, frizzy mess back to civilized, formal school-public status .. or atleast to a neat extent to avoid unnecessary attention from to other pupils who would probably roaming the halls back to their rooms.
"Y-Yes P-Professor R .. R .. Renzo .." He responded softly, feebly, but enough to where he could be heard with his smidge of voice left remaining. His body was achy, his lungs burning with a scorch no human seemed to have known, especially him. And above all, he felt as though he could barely gather strength to move .. if even he could at all. But still, through it all .. he did not complain. After all .. if he told then who would believe him anyway? he was now just another statistic, just a boy who had wild stories and an overactive imagination.
"I .. would appreciate the help offered, M-Mr Professor R-Renzo .." He tried to take an attempt to step forward but his stance was unable to be balanced, his steps wobbly, off-beat and his stride off kilter from the usual jaunty bantered perkiness it once had, he had a slight hop, a skip to his steps as all girly girls had but there was a difference to him, he was a boy and now he was uncertain of himself. Very much unsure.
"I a-appreciate it ever so .. so much Profess-. a-ah .. oh .. Whoa?! .. OH NO! .. NOO! .." He lost his footing and stumbled forward, feminine-vocal gasping once as he tried to redirect his descent from standing to crashing to ground he once stood upon. When unable to he closed his eyes tightly, bracing himself for eventual impact as he fell head first toward the Professor. His dainty hands were open, arms flailing as he responded with panic and terror but his movements were subdued and sluggish from the rough penetrations, thrusts and rough-treatments and he was spent of energy entirely .. drained.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.
A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Silent Feather