C Teacher's sweet pet. (w/ SilentFeather)

Renzo had no favorites when it came to his students. He kept things strictly professional, always. Had no weaknesses or anything close to that.

He was feared and respected, and his reputation kept intact.

Connie was brought to the institute a few weeks ago, and so far he couldn't believe he found himself advocating for the naive boy when one of the other teachers attempted to "discipline him", which meant he was going to be punished by something as absurd as using his phone.

Apparently the new boy didn't know every rule yet, which was understandable.

"I will take care of it, you don't need to take it out on the boy. You know he's new and it's your fucking job to be a better instructor and sit him through a reading of the rules, that's it," He walked out on that discussion room with that.

He went looking for the boy in question, well aware where his room was. He knocked on the door twice and waited. Then, cleared his throat. "It's Renzo, your teacher. May I have a word with you, Connie?" His voice was ever so stoic, emotionless and firm. That day he whore black slacks and a white buttoned up shirt with the sleeved rolled up. A black tie matching.

Swallowing thickly, Connie's adam's apple bobbed up and down with noticeable movement for a mereness of moment but it alone was enough to reveal something from the younger pupil, he was wearing a rather femenine skirt, a dark ebony raven black, marked by the addition of long black silk soft lingerie which decorated his slender, lanky thighs and "barely even there" of an ass.

Stiffly, he arose from his seat, his right hand, seeming to be of a feminine apendage had clutched his left arm, rubbing up down it's upper area with noticeable uneasiness. To others that only meant one logical thing. He was nervous.

"Y-Yes Mister Renzo." He cleared his throat softly and spoke as clearly as he could, following after the Professor as had been instructed to do. When an an authority figure had demanded to do so of him he did not hesitate, nor did he disobey or second-guess.

He just obeyed. As such was what what had been instilled into him with his upbringing.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

He led Connie into an empty classroom, the same room he had been nearly slapped to the face by the teacher that wanted to condemn the poor boy for something not nearly as atrocious as many other stuff the other students did.

"So I sent to your email the rules to this institute since apparently you have no idea of what these are," He said, not showing an ounce of kindness, just politeness and professionalism.

"I don't want you to get involved in any more trouble again. This one thing was truly a minimal thing to me, and that comes from someone that always sticks to the rules," He went on to say, his accent slipping slightly into his words.

He rubbed his chin a bit, his trimmed stubble gave him an even more masculine look, as if his entire virile aura wasn't enough. "I will discipline you myself if I hear from anyone that you've gotten in problems. You're here to learn and be a good boy, no less. Understood?"

In silence, obediently, the docile Connie followed, the lower hem of his short almost short enough to reveal the tip of his puny lengthed excuse for a"pecker" and shamefully he was aroused by each encounter with the overly-attractive, handsome appearing and just as alluring accented Professor Renzo, glancing up at him whenever the Elder directed his gaze away, swiftly concealing it to appear as if he were devoid of eye-contact the entire time and simply staring at the floor.

His Professor's voice, although cold, unfeeling and devoid of emotional depth, he still seemed attracted to it, curious even, wondering as to how it was when it was engorged with the very licks of passion's infernal flame. He wanted Renzo, oh Gracious Gods above, he did! He felt so desperate for the man's touch, body screaming out to him but knew that he lacked even non-verbal skill-sets. So he waited for a miracle, some genie's lamp to rub, some lone star in the day-clad skyline and wished that his Professor, his first-time teacher-crush from afar would somehow take a step further in punishing him.

When he was scolded further, he reached a point where his blood was boiling, and like soup simmering upon a stove he was close to over-flow. In other words, he was enraged, very .. but he did not react like most men did, infact, he always did the opposite, that way, he avoided the downpour of insults, beatings and discipline. Yes he could be a bit accidental, but above all he was a polite lad, a lover of all things book, poem and song based. He was feminine by secret of personality but he did not ever reveal such things to another male.

Not even Professor Renzo. Not even the other teachers, councilers, or even the infirmary nurse. Basically he was facing a war withn himself. And for a young man that was hard, but what hurt the most was that he was enduring it all .. alone.

"B-But Sir .. I mean Professor Renzo, I-I was simply texting my Mother, you see she is .. she is .. well .. nevermind. I promise to be mindful and respectable of the rules you sent me, I shall also re-read them repeatedly until I analyze and can recite it word for word."

'Oh Renzo .. Renzo my beloved .. just bend me over a desk and spank me already! I was a bad boy .. a really bad, bad boy." He thought over and over, sounding like a broken record on repeat within the depths of his over-imaginative head. He noticed this day he whore raven black slacks and a pristine, freshly-ironed, bone white buttoned up long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves ever so neatly rolled up. And to complete the ensamble, was the last addition, a suave dark as night tie.

"Y-Yes Sir .." He replied softly, meekly, shakily. lifting his eyes for a mere moment so his almond hues could drink in the image of Renzo to reserve for a nightly romp of self-exploratory masturbating after all would be asleep in the household. "U-Understood."

When he was told about he would be disciplined after another mistake, mentally he perked up but consisted of a melancholy outer persona while pleading his part of the case. He would make entirely sure to secretly bring his phone the next day. To get a few strikes from Professor Renzo's hand itself would make him die a happy little vixen-boy. He had always felt like a female but was also confused by his feelings to be a male as well.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Renzo knew Connie's kind. Too good for his own good, too naive. So blatantly oblivious to the potential dangers of this world.

And the teacher himself was sure he was a dangerous force as well. He had dreamed of doing dirty things to his student. Had dreamed of ripping him off his clothes and spanking him until both his cheeks were bright red and the boy begged to be forgiven.

He dreamed of burying his hard price inside Connie after lifting his skirt up and heard him begging to slow down since he was too rough for his poor virgin self.

Renzo pushed those thoughts away and looked down at Connie once again. The uniform looked incredibly good on him. The uniform skirt was perfect on him and so did the high socks.

"You're dismissed now. I'll see you tomorrow for our class," Renzo said, looking away and leaving the room without looking back, acting as if Connie meant nothing to him, when in reality he was the only main character in all his darkest fantasies.

Connie kept his thoughts to himself, even ashamed by feelings that naughtily roamed through his innocent as snow of a mind. As Professor Renzo spoke further the young Connie remained silent, eyes ever downward to his heeled feet, slightly squirming but back-straightened of posture as any proper-minded and bodied lad in training could be.

He was waiting ever so patiently docile to speak, and when such a chance was of opportunity was realized he replied, softly, feebly, whisper like that barely seemed like such no such words were carried upon his vocal cords nor tongue. "Y-Yes Profesor Renzo, i-it will not h-happen again, I apologize, and I shall refresh myself with the rules sent to me."

He did not know diddly-squat of sexual things as other young maturing boys did, nor did he even indulge in the form spoken in the halls with other pupuils, the topic was unsual, uneasy and a rather "touchy" subject to well .. take part of in. Even the sight of his own body was too much to bear in the mirror, too lewd to raise his head and direct his eyes at. He had severe body dysmorphia so yes, even any mention of nudity was out of the question, preferring to delve into a good book of fantasy between dragons, faeries and others of well .. imaginary themes.

Sex and masturbation. Two such terms were of which brung a heated surge of blush upon his high feminine appearing cheekbones, uneasily like to be honest. He hated anything of sexual nature, even a hug was inappropriate to him. He covered his torso, making Renzo think he was simply hoisting his books against it, his chest seemed slightly breast like, small but with mere raised peaks topped by rosy pink, bubblegum, tuggable nippled nubs. The same which were now pitifully hardened and stiff after the barrage of unfeeling yelling from his unearthly handsome Professor.

"S-See you t-tomorrow, and again .. I .. I a-a-apologize for my d-d-disobedience, Professor." He said softly, darting from the main room and into the bathroom after his teacher left, mentally shouting at his body to return to his sense of "normal" as he simply collapsed against the wall, feeling as if Renzo was a grizzly bear and he, a victim who somehow escaped his wrath.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Renzo was far more severe with every other student, but he hadn't gotten there with Connie. The boy seeming too precious and innocent, and he felt an unexplainable weakness. Like he didn't want to break him. But in truth, his dark fantasies unfolding in his dreams said otherwise.

Once their improvised meeting was done with, Renzo went to his room, which was two floors up, where the teachers' room were, also a place where students were not allowed ever.

He was free and needed to release some steam, so he snuck in his friend's room, who was also a teacher, and fucked him senseless, taking it all out on him.

A couple days went by and Renzo found he couldn't take Connie off his mind. It was something he had never experienced before, feeling so drawn and obsessed over a student.

He acted on his virile and predatory instincts, the need to breed and fuck like any other alpha-type man like himself, and decided to make a move.

Renzo appointed Connie for another "urgent meeting" and waited for him in an empty classroom, in the exact section he knew they wouldn't get interrupted.

He took another glance at his catch and, right on time and as if on cue, he watched the petite, feminine looking boy letting himself inside the room, wearing his uniform skirt.

"Thanks for coming," He stated, standing up on his feet. He was at least two heads taller than the tiny boy, and his physique was seemingly far stronger and muscular than Connie's feminine built body.

"I heard some students mentioning today that you misbehaved again," He began to say, which wasn't true, but he did catch Connie early this morning texting his mom again, which wasn't exactly a bad thing, but he would use that as an excuse to commit to his only goal here.

After the passing of a few dreadful days, like Renzo Connie had feelings for the Professor but he wished for a friend more than a male companion of "lover-status". He sighed mentally, dreading the appointment. He made the unbearable trek to the "devoid of life" classroom, not knowing that this would be end up being a very unfortunate situation when it ended.

He obeyed as usual, picking up the pace, as to not prolong the impatience that Renzo was probably under, and the anger, oh Gracious Lord, the anger was something that was agony to endure. But yet, he would face it as he usually did, after all, he did text in the early hours of morning, letting his mother know that he would return home to her to tend to her for the evening since her nurses were to be out with other patients that day.

He had on the usual black light-weight longsleeved shirt with the usual white button up, the usual daring to be short skirt flowing a bit past his "business" and his slightly sassy bumped rump.

"I-Ineed Sir - I-I mean Professor Renzo, please accept my sincere apologies for adressing out of turn. I .." He stammered, but became silent as taught, waiting until he was properly admitted to speak.

"I .. called my mother .. she is a bit unwell today. I just wished to check on her. I promise it will not happen again. P-Professor Renzo, Sir." He spoke feebly, softly. He was blindly unsuspecting of the utter danger he was now in, basically within the Grizzly Bear's den. Blindly unaware indeed.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

He could easily excuse Connie and allow him to leave, but today Renzo wasn't exactly in his right mind. He was needy, he was hungry for his beautiful prey.

Renzo shook his head vehemently, glaring eyes staring into Connie's soft, sweet ones. "A boy like you should be walking in line. Your needs are not your teachers' business, so this information... It doesn't concern me at all."

He walked over to the door and locked it, then dimmed the lightening and turned to face Connie again. He closed the distance, taking long steps, and cornered Connie against his desk. "I don't want to hear a single sound from you," He hissed, flipping Connie around and forcing his petite body to bend over his huge, wooden desk.

"Still, boy. No moving, understood?" Then, he yanked Connie's skirt up, revealing his bubbles ass and delicate panties.

Connie discovered a new side of his Professor, struggling not to cower as he was suddenly approached, boxed in and not before long, cornered against his own desk. He wished to apologize, to make up all for what he made critical mistake of. But when Renzo's voice took a lewd, hazed over, hiss of a razor edge, Connie's reacted, posture straightening, bones snapping into a stiff, rigor-mortis position as the sensation of the Elder's hands took domain of the such innocent eyed femme-boy in question, clenching his pearly whites behind his closed lips, resisting the urge to grunt in discomfort, both from being unfairly touched without an ounce of permission and other, from being brutally contorted into a bent position over the quite large, spacious desk.

He remained silent, blinking away tears of bewilderment, unknowing of what his next few hours upcoming were to consist of. When he was told by command to remain still, to remain un-moving, he did so, pretending that he was a dead opossum, the very same he saw upon the Television when a mere toddler. And as his short, pitch black skirt was grabbed, yanked upward and his rear as well as lacy black dress-coded panties were revealed he merely swallowed, further resisting the urge to yelp as the beginnings of sexual abuse were underway.

'W-Wha? .. what is Professor Renzo doing? .. w-what is he? what is he?! -- oh God .. oh God .. Ohhh .. Gracious Lord above .. this does not seem right?! maybe I am getting a spanking .. he did say I would be punished if I used my cellphone while on available school hours .. I guess I deserve this .. but .. why is he being so rough for something so simple? did I anger my Elder that much .. he sounded angry .. it is alright, I disobeyed the rules and I am getting punished. It is just how things are here, have to get used to it. No matter .. how embarrassing they are .. oh well, just clench your teeth, make your nerves steel and simply .. e-endure this punishment. It will be over before you know it Connie." He thought to himself, closing his eyes and mentally coaching himself with an abnormally stilled, unroused by movement of a body. He simply breathed, eyes shut, obedient.

When told not to move he simply agreed, responding with a clear, affirmative to his Superior of a Professor, closed lipped, closed teethed, just responding with one answer from his voice box. "M-hmm .."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Renzo couldn't help but to stare at Connie's butt cheeks and thighs. The sight was perfect and all too arousing, and he hated himself momentarily because he couldn't put a stop to his racing, highly lewd thoughts.

His hand landed harshly against Connie's ass, offering a loud and not even close to delicate smack on his quickly reddening, tender skin.

"I don't even want to hear a single whine or whimper fall from your fucking lips," He said sternly, through his gritted teeth.

Then, he hooked one of his fingers in Connie's underwear, very much aware that the boy was trembling under his touch out of nervousness, and tugged his lacy panties down to the middle of his creamy thighs.

His hands parted Connie's ass cheeks and he nearly creamed on the spot at how pink and tender and inviting his boy hole looked. His tight, puckered butt hole was winking in anticipation and terror.

"Fuck, Connie," The erection in his pants was becoming unbearably painful. With a curse falling from his tongue, Renzo spat right onto Connie's hole. His warm, sticky saliva landing right on his ass hole and the teacher was quick to slide a finger in with it as lube.

Connie simply clenched his pearly whites behind his sealed lips, simply tightening his eyes, scrunching them to a point where he saw bursts of color behind them from the strain.

He quivered, mentally reeling from the aftermath of an unfamiliar, unholy strike from his Professor's large hand, the same of which made an audible impact against his vulnerable underwear clad ass.

As if he was not degraded enough, the thing that the Elder did next shell-shocked him, but he remained still, God he tried so hard to, but in all actuality he was a nervous, jittery mess of frayed nerves and confused minded.

He sobbed within his mind as his round, spherically pouty ass-cheeks were separated, revealing his vulnerability in the form of his virgin entrance was. And as it was spat upon by saliva, he swallowed uneasily, clenching his teeth and gritting them to a point as the presence of a lone yet noticeably thick finger invaded inside of his channel, gritting his pearly whites where he chipped a few small pieces of it's enamel but not to a unsightly point.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Slowly but steadily, Renzo pumped his thick digit back and forth through Connie's tight, very tight, canal. His inner muscles clearly rejecting the invasion but were unable to push it out.

His hole was warm and supple in the inside, it felt heavenly even though it was only his finger inside him. "You don't need much preparation, it'll make no difference," He drew his finger out all of sudden and suddenly he was no longer touching or penetrating the younger one.

Instead, Renzo took a step back. "Don't move," And unfastened his pants, the zipper being lowered made an echo in the classroom.

Soon, Renzo's gargantuan piece of meat was out. Dark, thick and oozing pre. "I've dreamed of this. Of making you mine," He couldn't help but to say, in a low, husky voice, his accent more notorious than ever.

He slapped his enormous cock against Connie's ass and then the head began to force itself inside Connie's puckered entrance. "Your boy pussy feels so tight, so good on my dick," He panted, already so worked up. They had a sexual education class and boys like Connie were taught that their holes, their pretty fuck holes, were called "boypussy" by their men.

Connie felt his Professor's finger breach past his entrance, then pierce inside, invading his inner depths without even an ounce of mercy, sympathy or guiltful emotion, snatching way from him what was once sacred, what was of value, and above all, what was whole, pure and true to him.

His innocence, his trust and above all .. his very virginity.

He let out a slight peep, a feminine grunt as the finger was quickly replaced by something larger, much, much .. MUCH more larger. And as the sound of Renzo's pants zipper allowed itself to present it's presence with an outburst of unfastening, he resisted an urge to shudder, not knowing of what was to occur next but the sound was terrifying to say the least, still.

'W-What?! what does my Professor mean?" .. He thought to himself, not moving a slight inch, just breathing and obeying like an obedient little boy, a good little boy. When his tightly clenched hole was being pierced by the tip of Professor Renzo's behemoth Connie could not hold back the flinch his body responded with, it was a reaction of pain, but yet he did not protest. He had no idea what was in store for him this evening.

No damn idea at all ..

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Every boy who entered this institute, came as a virgin. If a boy was not a virgin, they were left out and had to move schools, as such "tainted" boys were not allowed in here.

And Renzo was now introducing poor, innocent Connie to a whole new world he wasn't prepared to meet.

The much bigger, stronger male pressed himself flush against Connie. Both of them still clothed, except for Connie's bunched up skirt and Renzo's half open pants. The only place where their skins touched were Connie's ass and Renzo's crotch, as well as the younger's hole and the teacher's gigantic cock.

Renzo brought a hand around Connie's neck, not applying much pressure. "I figure you don't really comprehend what's going on," He whispered in Connie's ear as he bucked his hips harder and shoved the rest of his length inside the boy, deep in his guts, letting his cock be engulfed in Connie's grasping heat and unprotected womb.

"I'm taking you like a man takes his wife," He rasped, grunting in pleasure; the sound was deep and low, making his chest rumble against Connie's back. "My prick is in your boypussy, and I'm so fucking deep inside you," His hips kept moving back and forth in long, rough strokes. At this point, he was sure he was bruising Connie's raw canal. His cock was far too big for a boy who's body didn't even seem like it had properly developed. His hips were wide, sure, but not as wide to receive a cock this size.


Connie struggled to control her reactions, trying to further endure, to remain docile, obedient and unphazed but yet he found himself expressng a feminine mereness of grunt as he was pressed against by Professor's front to his back.

His grunt was wiftly cut off, becoming of a sharp, uncontrolled gasp as his neck was seized by a forcefu hand that greatly dwarfed it in size, claiming such a portion of it's middle column but not enough to deprve him of precious, needed oxygen.

"P-Professor Renzo .. I .." He whimpered shakily, softly, feebly, clenching his eyes shut as his hips were violently gripped and his ass was pierced ever further inward by the presence of his Professor's beast-like endowment. "OOF! .. nghhhna! .. huh .. huhh .. HUHHH! .."

With each thrust from Renzo, Connie grunted, out of agony, clenching his teeth as his very insides were bombarded, brutalized and his "cherry" no longer existent. He cried out at the snapping of such flesh, feeling as if he were being impaled like a kebab, eviscerated and disemboweled from between his very loins.

He was bent over the desk, the same wooden desk he was assigned to, and holding on to what was atleast his, he endured, endured it all, short as sin black skirt still wrapped around his slender, petiteness of waist but was draped upward from his rear to rest bunched up upon his backside a bit above it, right where his barely-there lughandles were, while his upper body was clothed accordingly. He was holding his desk's wood, gripping it for dear life as he was pummeled from behind like a pistoning, high energy jack-hammer.

By the end of this, his asshole would be a damn chasm.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Renzo's strength and sex drive dictated the rough, fast-paced thrusts. His built was far bigger compared to Connie, who was barely able go take such a brutal fucking.

He was lost in the moment, large hands gripped Connie's hips in place and he ravished his insides to no end, ravaged him inevitably.

The teacher didn't bother speaking anymore, instead he only focused on drilling Connie's no longer virgin hole.

He kept going for what felt like hours, until he finally felt his climax crash over him. His thrusts were ever so rough as his thick sperm shot out of his hole, spilling what felt like gallons of his potent seed, directly inside Connie's womb and eggs.

"Connie!" He growled out in pleasure, unable to hold himself back. "Fuck, baby," The pet name slipped, and he didn't think too much of it. His thrusts finally died down and he stepped back, letting his gargantuan cock draw out of Connie's hole, very much aware that the boy's canal was left throbbing.

He wiped the remnants of cum on his cock off Connie's bunched up skirt, then pulled the fabric down to cover up the mess showing on his student's overly abused hole.

"I'm done," He let the younger one know. "You should go back to your room before it gets later," Renzo fixed his clothes and stood there unfazed, like he hadn't just damaged his pupil for life, like he hadn't just cruelly ripped away his virginity and spilled his balls inside him. "I can walk you to your room, I know you're probably unwell right now."

Connie's grunts became more and more heightened, seeming to coax and arouse Professor Renzo's brutal thrusts. He was not in pleasure, he was in agony, and his outbursts reflected that of such.

He could only endure, curling his slender as twigs fingers into the smooth, yet hard material of wood, as his very feeble of body was contorted, gripped, groped, kneaded and thrusted into with what seemed like no possible end in sight.

Tears streamed down his face, seeming to flow for an endless amount of time to where he felt very drought-driven and water-starved. But through it all he just endured, not pleading, not resisting and not struggling, because after all .. how in the hell could he? Renzo towered over him like a damn skyscraper and he was a mere vase meant to be smashed into pieces.

God, he was weak. So DAMN weak. But he kept thoughts to himself and simply endured with complaint. After all .. that was ALL he could do.

After a few hours, Connie the once bright eye lad was now fuzzy-minded, brutalized and torn down by insecurity. He was hunched over, slightly breasted torso heavily chest heaving and a stirring of nausea brewing within the pit known as his stomach. He closed his upper eyelids, breath hitching painfully within his raw-scream scorched throat that was brought on by a pained-shriek like cry as the violent surge of thick, viscous sperm filled his unprepared womb and expanded his abdomen to a certain noticeable extent.

He cowered, twitching with a flinch as his name was growled out, something that he was not at all familiar with. He was not the sexual driven lad, nor did he engage in any self-stimulation, not even when his body felt tempted to "explore" as he was taught in Sex-ed class. He found it immoral, wrong and just .. plain .. disgusting to indulge in.

As Professor Renzo led himself out of Connie's now-chasm-gaping of hole Connie responded with a pained hiss, but yet did not attempt to move, simply remaining hunched over the desk that he sat in each day in attendance of class, now regarded as a "location of innocence snatched-away in it's prime" and when the remains of froth sperm was discarded with a wiping upon his crumpled fabric of skirt he shuddered as it smeared upon his marked by smacks of hand, swollen and tender to the touch, scarlet red riddled asscheeks.

Connie arose, slowly .. ever so slowly and had regained his senses and where he was in sense of reality, resurfacing mentally as he slowly adjusted his now cum-contaminated and smoothed out the wrinkles to a bearable extent. His movements were slow, sluggish and hesitant but yet bearable to manage .. atleast some of them. He wiped his face of tears, grooming it and his hair which was now a wild, unkept, frizzy mess back to civilized, formal school-public status .. or atleast to a neat extent to avoid unnecessary attention from to other pupils who would probably roaming the halls back to their rooms.

"Y-Yes P-Professor R .. R .. Renzo .." He responded softly, feebly, but enough to where he could be heard with his smidge of voice left remaining. His body was achy, his lungs burning with a scorch no human seemed to have known, especially him. And above all, he felt as though he could barely gather strength to move .. if even he could at all. But still, through it all .. he did not complain. After all .. if he told then who would believe him anyway? he was now just another statistic, just a boy who had wild stories and an overactive imagination.

"I .. would appreciate the help offered, M-Mr Professor R-Renzo .." He tried to take an attempt to step forward but his stance was unable to be balanced, his steps wobbly, off-beat and his stride off kilter from the usual jaunty bantered perkiness it once had, he had a slight hop, a skip to his steps as all girly girls had but there was a difference to him, he was a boy and now he was uncertain of himself. Very much unsure.

"I a-appreciate it ever so .. so much Profess-. a-ah .. oh .. Whoa?! .. OH NO! .. NOO! .." He lost his footing and stumbled forward, feminine-vocal gasping once as he tried to redirect his descent from standing to crashing to ground he once stood upon. When unable to he closed his eyes tightly, bracing himself for eventual impact as he fell head first toward the Professor. His dainty hands were open, arms flailing as he responded with panic and terror but his movements were subdued and sluggish from the rough penetrations, thrusts and rough-treatments and he was spent of energy ..so entirely .. drained.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Renzo's gaze was fixated on his student, never wavering away. He couldn't. It was like he was in a trance after their encounter. He was still half worried, but so damn sated after making Connie his. The boy's femininity, his sweet, pained sounds... Goddamn. Renzo was sick, that much he was aware of, and he wasn't sure if this would be the last time he was going to be like this with Connie. He was sure he couldn't just go on with his life without touching him again or having him near.

When the boy stumbled forward, nearly falling face-first onto the ground, Renzo's muscled arms broke his fall right away, tugging him close to his chest in an ever protective manner. "I'm here," He said in a surprisingly gentle voice, yet ever so deep and intense.

He held Connie close, feeling the warmth that still radiated off his petite frame, picking him up in his arms bridal style. "I will take you to your room. If anyone asks, you were feeling unwell and I came to assist you and make sure you were fine," The Italian man spoke, as he made his way down the hallway to take Connie to his room.

He held him extra close, his hot breathing against the top of Connie's head, fanning his hair over slightly.

Eventually, Renzo opened Connie's dorm's door and walked inside with the boy still in his muscled arms. He gently put Connie's weak, tiny body onto the mattress and looked down at him. "Good night. I'll see you tomorrow in class."

Connie, the feminine-wombed boy, but now Professor Renzo's "boy-toy" had tensed up, but did not dare to proceed with movement, not any single bit. There was a shudder of cold down his spine, a particular icy chill that had took possession of the longated bone of nerve ad bone, brought on by the gentle yet deep intensity of his Predator of a Professor.

"Y-Yes, Professor Renzo, Sir." He responded softly, feebly even, highly fearful of what occurred but just thought it was just "part of" the punishment process. "I deserved to be"punished" for my cell-phone usage on school grounds during active hours. And good night, see you tomorrow as well."

Indeed, his body was weak, both body and mind. Even physically an emotionally. He did not know of the actions of sexual process so Professor Renzo was in the clear.

Eventually, he nodded off, practically dead to the world, not moving from where he was placed by Professor Renzo, just breathing, resting and healing.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

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