Navigating the Seas (BabyDaddy and Eskal)

Arvia took Ralor's cue and swam beside him. "Where are we going?" she asked after a substantial amount of silence.

"Around. I just like this park," he replied. Ralor stopped and turned to the sentry. "Besides, you're the one who approached me, miss. I figured you would have some plan," he said smartly.

"I've never gotten this far. Ok? I just figured...If the old ways didn't work, then to try something new. I guess." She shrugged. "This is a nice park though."

(Did you get my PM?)

"What, the old way of 'Come with me and make my babies?' I'm not that easy to win over, honey," Ralor replied, doing a bit of a twist in the water.

"I've gathered that. But I'm not one to back down from a challenge," Arvia said with a smirk.

She still thinks she'll get me..., he thought. Taking a bold move, he turned and said, "How about we go out tonight? You and me, restaurant in the third sector?" Ralor asked, hoping to catch her off guard.

Oh. You're one of those men. She smirked. She didn't know whether his stubbornness was annoying or a turn on at this point. She swam up to him, their faces merely inches apart. "Fine. When and where should we meet?"

Ralor leaned in, seemingly for a kiss, but pulled away and smirked. "You tell me," he trailed off, fully enjoying toying with her at this point.

Arvia scrunched her nose. "Fine," she huffed. "We'll meet there." She pointed at a large dolphin statue that stood in the park. "At six tonight. Don't be late."

"I don't plan to be," he replied.

(Skip to then?)

(Sure thing)

Arvia sat at the base of the statue. She had managed to coerce her hair into a fancier braid and adorned it with pieces of blue coral. She wore her best bangles on her wrists with a matching necklace. It was typically the man who dressed to impress, but of what she gathered from her interactions with Ralor, she would need to step up her game if she had any hopes of mating with him.

Ralor floated into view, glammed up for the world to see. He sported a silver chain and a shimmering tiara. He had applied some body paint, accentuating the deep purple spots on his tail.

Arvia herself looked very attractive, but he wouldn't show it. He floated slowly over to her, letting her soak in his appearance.

Arvia blinked and tried to prevent her jaw from dropping, among other things. She straightened up. "You look great," she said politely. "Though..." she snuckered. "The tiara's a bit much. I haven't seen one of those in years."

"I quite like them, bit of a retro style," he replied, fully aware of the effect he had on her. "Now, you are going to take me to that restaurant?" he asked.

"Very well, right this way." She offered her arm for him to hook into before swimming in the general direction of the restaurant.

He barely took her arm as they began to swim towards the nearby restaurant. Fancy, oozing with pretentiousness, and perfect for a date, the Argonaut was a meal to remember. "Wonderful choice, my lady," he said, managed to lace his voice with appreciation and sarcasm.

"I'm glad you approve, dear sir," she retorted.
The host lead them to a table near a large window that over looked a vibrant coral garden. "The waiter will be with your shortly," he said as he handed them the menus as they took their seats.

"I am definitely getting a drink. Long day of work, no? And the braised mussels look delightful to start..." Ralor murmured, glancing over at Arvia.

"A drink sounds lovely," she scanned over the menu as the waiter wrote down Ralor's order. "I'll have the roasted squid. what would you recommend for our drinks?"
"We have some red wine from the farms of the central kingdom. This year's stock is their best yet."
"Perfect, we'll have that."
"Shall I bring the full bottle?"

Ralor chuckled a bit. "A full bottle? Now that I like the sound of," he said. The waiter rushed back quickly and poured them each a glass, which Ralor began to sip immediately.

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