True love. (Closed with bhdire8.)

(It is alright love, there is no need to apologize. There is no worries. Sometimes I also have my days where I cant come up with a reply to roleplays. I am glad that I heard from you again and I am back and eager to pick up where we left off.) 


Truly the middle aged shemale Aki wanted nothing more than to express a Cheshire cat like smile and admire the adorable antics that his three favorite people in the whole entire world but his heavy, low hanging mass of a belly was sadly plagued with the unborn child's many restless movements. He winced with each rough kicking and eager squirming, rubbing his sore, massive globe of a belly. He felt as though he were a planet, wanting nothing more than to be freed from the violent rough housing that were inflicted upon his vulnerable internal organs without a single ounce of mercy, the child was physically preparing to be born for what was to be after nine months. 

He was becoming increasingly fearful for the next few upcoming hours. He whimpered slightly as he was embraced by his beloved Nick. He felt nauseous and restless, desiring to make the pains go away. He buried his face into Nick's soft, wrinkle free shirt clothed chest, breathing shakily as he struggled to stay brave. "I believe it is .. my stomach hurts very badly, babe." He said with a gentle, quivering voice. "I am scared Nick .." he managed staying calm even though he was weary and an emotional wreck. 

He tried his hardest not to give birth early whenever the pains had tried forcing him downward. The nanny ran into the room a few minutes after being summoned. She picked up both of the children and held them in her arms and bowed her head to Nick and Aki before leaving the room and going into the nursery to play with the twin.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(We all have our moments and I’m so thankful for your understanding. You’re lovely and yes, me too, I am ready to continue with this!)


Aki’s body had gone through a lot of changes through the 2 consecutive pregnancies, he was no longer who he was. Before he was a muscular man, tall and strong, capable of attracting a lot of attention on him. Now he was also attractive, but in an entirely different way. He was almost feminine now. He had developed a much curvier body, he was breastfeeding so his breasts were swollen and his nipples engorged. His belly was so big, it hung disproportionately from his body, making his back arch forward a lot – and also made his figure appear even curvier with the S arch on his back.

Nick also noted he was much more vulnerable now. Aki relied on him a lot. The hormones, on top of the physical restraints brought on by his pregnant body, had forced him to be more dependent on him. Nick took much pride in watching the transformation on his wife. Even more so, he was proud of having grown to be the man Aki could rely on.

He stroked Aki’s back soothingly while his wife was on the verge of tears, muttering sweet nothings to him as he watched the nanny carried away the twins. The babies were oblivious to what was about to happen, Hercules even waved his daddies goodbye with his chubby hands before obediently let the nanny carry them away.

Now that they were alone, Nick also made a move. He lifted Aki up bridal style, then placed him on the bed to strip him. “Aki, don’t worry. We’re prepared for this. All you need to do is to concentrate, and to listen to my words babe. The pain is there, but accept it and go with it. As long as you follow my instructions, we will have our new baby very soon.” Nick smiled confidently, giving Aki a reassuring squeeze on his hand, he began to undress him.

“I’ll check your dilation now. Do try to relax.” Nick said pulling away the sweatpants. Parting his legs, he squeezed on the thick thighs of Aki (fat depositing throughout the pregnancy had made it rather enticing). “Ah, and I will shave you in a minute. For now… take a deep breath Aki.” Nick said, slipping his fingers through Aki’s feminine folds at that very moment.

(I agree, we do have moments of loss of inspiration from time to time and that is just being human. Sometimes it happens. You are doing wonderfully through our role-playing and I hope I am as well. I find myself adding touches to my posts from time to time. It is an OCD thing.)


Aki kept his face against Nick's muscular chest, trying his very best to focus only on breathing calmly and deeply in and out from his struggling, screaming lungs. He was becoming slowly focused but he tried his hardest to be calm remain that way. He felt his swollen, round stomach's size and noticed just how large the unborn baby was. He was both determined fearful at the same time but forced himself not to go into that of a desperate panic.

He was once a truly proud man who had muscles in all the right places and was manly down in the depths of his bones but now he was many miles beyond what was of a proud feminine shemale and he loved that too. He groaned gently, trying not to attract any unwanted attention. He took hold of one of Nick hands, feeling the agony becoming unbearable as the time passed by, it waited for no man or woman. He was eager to hold the child but for right now he needed to concentrate and that was exactly what he was doing for a time. He put all of his attention upon Nick's soothing voice.

He smiled for a second at Hercules who was waving to him. The reason that Angel wasn't responding was because she was softly slumbering upon the nanny's chest. He tried to be calm and remain that way but his folds were highly sensitive. They were painful to the touch and he was eager to feel pleasure instead of unbearable agony. When Nick was encouraging Aki he was put at ease for a time and had simply nodded in response to his words.

He continued to rub the area of tightly stretched flesh of his now belly which was now now bare of all clothing and as was his whole entire body. Life was like a true struggle, causing the almost elderly man to respond in his own way to the pain.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(oh I always appreciate you putting the effort into going back to the rp and change it. I have to admit I do not always proofread my own work, which is a bad habit, I must admit. Sometimes my mind was going so fast, and my thoughts so hasty, that I would find myself being barely coherent when I re-read it… for that, I’m also grateful for you. You had accommodated all my mistakes with marvellous patience and endurance, I must say! You’re a very lovely and invaluable partner ;))


Aki’s once more angular face had softened during his pregnancy. His facial expression was also more relaxed and gentle now since the babies were always surrounding them, bringing joy and laughter to their lives. HE was well fed , and most of all, the love between the couple had promoted his growth. Aki was almost an entirely different man now, much happier and healthier, both physically and mentally.

Nick was happy to see the change. He once despised his stepfather, thinking he was just another golddigger, but now he knew better. He had rescued his stepfather from the hands of his biological father, the greatest victory in his life.

With the twins whisked away, Nick was able to focus entirely on his labouring wife. He breached open his feminine parts, snaking his finger deep through. He did not bother using any lubricant, he knew Aki was able to take his fingers. “Good… you’re warm inside.” Nick smiled and actually teased Aki, before he focused on the feeling on his finger, mapping out what was happening inside of Aki.

“Hmm…. You’re just beginning to dilate.” Nick was so focused, his brows were knitted tight together. He removed his fingers carefully first, also tracing his insides.
“I would say it’s just 2cm.” Since Aki had both masculine and feminine parts, he was more sensitive than most people. ON the inside, there was also the prostate that he knew was Aki’s weakspot, the bundle of nerves so sensitive, all he needed was put a bit of pressure and Aki would jerk like a fish – and that was also something he loved to stimulate whenever he wanted to distract Aki from his pain.

Just imperceptibly brushing over his prostate, simply to confirm its location, Nick removed his finger entirely. “let’s shave you first.” Nick smiled. It had been awhile since he last shaved Aki, and since they got the time now, he would indulge in this little nasty habit of his and tease while cleaning Aki up for the birth.

(Aw, thank you so much for the compliment my sweet. I always love getting my posts just right in our wonderful roleplay. And it is no problem with your work. I mess up my words sometimes in our roleplaying because of getting excited to brainstorm fast for the each of your posts to read. I adore rewinding our thread and indulging in our past posts. If I do say so myself you are a true lover and I love you more than anything. My sister let me use her phone for a while so you and I can continue :))


Aki always adored to be touched, kissed and tended to like a mere, innocent wide eyed child by one man and that such person his incredible hunk of a man knows as Nick. That young man known as his lover he was so much more than just a stepson that he once was. He was now at true and complete ease and peacefulness.

He knew that his once beloved first husband was once the main reason that he once smiled but that was a distant memory now. Now Aki had an even better reason each bright, scorching dawn and slightly chilly nightfall. Aki felt as though he could remain with his protector forever and all of what was to be of a long, winding eternity.

Life was so much like Heaven on Earth. He sighed softly, closing his eyes as he tried his hardest not to be too loud when the painful pleasure took such tight hold on his sensitive, tender nerves. "You turn me on like a roaring flame, Nick." He said with a gentle moan. He always knew that he was able to truly live each day to the fullest.

He knew that his beloved Nick was Highlands intelligent for his age, looking up at him with a soft smile. He was aware that he had a long way to climb to reaching the time for birthing process. He wanted to stand up to his feet but his his heavy belly was overwhelmed. He stayed still while he was being carefully shaved by blades of the razor. He loved the moments together without meddlesome Christopher.

Whenever he was shaved by Nick he expressed a blush, becoming shy like a young child. He felt more woman than man and he knew that Nick loved that about him.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(aww babe I seriously don’t deserve you. You’re so lovely. I’ll always love you for the kindness you showed me, and for the brilliant rp we’re creating between us. I’m getting so much out of this too!)


Nick spread Aki’s legs out wide, with a absorption pad laid out under his bum.It was used for soaking up blood and fluid for births, a pad that was like a nappy, just square and flat in shape. He spread his legs wide enough that no part of Aki was hidden from him.

Nick smiled at the quivering parts he was seeing. Aki’s prick was half hard, his feminine parts shyly hiding behind his balls, anticipating his gentle caressing. He ran his finger over his wife’s most sensitive parts, before applying the shaving cream that would cover him entirely.

With a blade in his right hand, Nick started with the top part. It wasn’t strictly necessary, but he was shaving also his pubic area, the triangular patch on top of Aki’s prick was also cleared away. He was gentle, but in an arousing way he touched Aki, his fingers brushing and dancing around the area until Aki whimpered out loud.

Seeing Aki’s prick fully erected, Nick moved onto even more vulnerable parts. He got through the balls, then went to spread the intricate folds of Aki’s feminine bits. He stretched his lips and hushed Aki.

“Aki… you are whining like a puppy.” The smile on Nick told of how pleased he was of the lovely sound from his wife. “Try not to shake too much… I know it’s intensely pleasurable.” He chuckled pressing a kiss on Aki’s huge bump.


(I feel the same way about you, I do not deserve you. I am blessed that you accepted me the way I do of you. You are my inspiration just like Nick is Aki's. You deserve to be praised, you are doing exceptionally in our roleplay.


Aki laid still on the bed, sighing softly as he felt the child which was the remainder of the perished twin sibling. He whimpered pathetically, feeling him or her becoming more and more restless as time passed on by like unbearable, uneasy but eternal like years. He was weary but like times before he didnt complain.

He was shy but open to just Nick and him alone. He trusted his family and that alone. He knew that his pregnancy was reaching it's end but he was not out of the woods yet. Not even close. From time to time the sensation of pain was unbearable, causing him to grip a side of the Queen sized mattress as if holding on.

Whenever Nick touched him in his intimate areas he was reduced to a squirming, panting mess of what was once manly. He accepted things that there once was. He grew more and more tender as the day passed halfway to the evening.

When shaved he stayed still (or tried to) he felt so many positive emotions, never wanting to ever be away from Nick, not even for a single minute. His life depended on Nick's words when the time for birthing would soon arrive. The warmly nestled child was trying his or her mind in figuring out what was happening outside his or her now cramped nine month home but was innocent. 

Meanwhile .. Nick was always finding ways to make him cry out in pleasure. He bit his lip from time to time. He loved his young stepson more than anything. He was eager to engage in sexual play but knew that might frighten the child so he would stick and settle with simply being touched by Nick's eager to explore hands.

He did as told by his lover and managed to lie still as much as he could. He shivered as he became slowly aroused by Nick's skilled touches but tried his very hard to remain that such way. He wanted to make it through the birthing.

He squirmed beneath Nick's fingers as his tender touch made his slowly thickening cock and two sensitive bright pink womanly folds were responding to each one with moans and gasps, "Mmmh ...! .. You always know how to touch me, babe. Even when I am in pain." He spoke to his beloved husband with a smile.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

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