The Interview (Closed w/RedThunderYellowSky)

By the grace of medical studies, fertility has come a long way. With Embryonic Implantation and the medical transitioning to develop a functiong womb, men could start raising a family with their partner, whether they were gay or with a partner with fertility issues.  In Trent “TJ” Hinton’s case, it was the latter. His then newlywedded wife had been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Before treatment began, they agreed to save her eggs, embryonize it with his sperm and have him undergo the transition. While she was going through treatment and recovering, he was beginning to sport the all common symptoms of pregnancy. He delivered their first child, Leanne Maria Hinton, five years ago. Presently, here he was having their next children, twin boys, and showing well into his fifth month. It should have been a cause for celebration, but here he was, with his daughter and family, burying his wife instead. The disease had returned and came aggressively years later. Life wanted him to move on however. Keeping the house would be difficult and tending to the sports bar and apparel store he owned in the city was also going to be difficult as he dealt with the later stages of the pregnancy. He would need someone who knew a club in and out, knew enough sports lingo to help customers and clearly, keep the atmosphere as friendly as possible. Ads went out on every job website and news ad.

Where do we start off: You (As the character being interviewed), have just been called by the now 28-year old TJ. As a result, this roleplay officially starts off then and there. This will be partially long-term and no, I did not lie in the title. A Carrier here is required because ultimately, this leads to a new romance amid some drama themes and other elements. Your character could have been someone who has been on Pregnancy Prep for some time in case the chance ever occurred.

What kind of roleplayer am I seeking: Third-Person with at least some literacy. I’m not expecting you to be a novel writer, but if we both can manage at least two or three paragraphs, we can progress decently well. I am also asking you to be really considerate about your character too. Yes, you will be a Carrier, but this does not mean they’re five-foot-four with a really bubbly appearance and eighteen years or younger. The character has to be someone with a college education or so. That being said, let’s see where this goes ^^

Marcus fiddled nervously with the buttons on his collar. He spent too long getting dressed this morning and still second-guessed if he was overdressed for the interview. It was important to look professional, but he was interviewing for a position assistant managing a sports bar. Should he have gone more casual? He ditched his tie at the last second. He hoped desperately that the Axe body spray covered the odor of his nervous sweating. Marcus didn't know why he was so nervous. The details on his resume made him qualified for the position, his previous boss wrote him a glowing letter of recommendation, and his love of sports meant he knew exactly how to chat up the clients. He was even a former college baseball player with a lean athletic body and a pitching arm like a cannon.

When he heard the office door open, he shot up onto his feet and thrust out his hand like a monster dork. "Mr. Hinton, sir! Thank you so much again for this opportunity. I was so excited when I got your call about this interview."

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There were plenty in line for the job position. For instance, there was this much younger male named Nick. He valued sports with a passion, enough to talk someone down for days about Football and Futbol. His passion came with anger and that in itself came with arrogance. Good luck working in the industry with that kind of a self-destructive mindset. 

Then, there were just some who did not quite understand that TJ was not looking for them to apply at all. That in itself came in the form of Judy. A lady too well into the ages, someone likened to be past the term Baby Boomer. She was a local, someone who many liked, but her work ethics were legendary and that was not a compliment. One of the people you had to occasionally say "Aw, bless their heart."

Neither him, Leah, nor the incoming twins needed that in their life when that in itself was racked with other obstacles presently.

That was where Marcus came in as TJ stepped outside his office from the apparel section of his business, his hand subconsciously rubbing his baby bump. 

"Pleasure is all mine," he said with a smile as he delivered a powerful handshake, one that spoke of being well earned out on the gridiron. "Your resume was quite interesting. Interesting than most, to say the least."

TJ had nothing bad to say about that. Anyone could make a resume look stellar and get testimonial praises from peers and higher authority figures without trying, after all. TJ needed to see how well Marcus might do in a scenario.

"You don't have to call me Mr. Hinton either. I'm sure I could tell that lame joke about that being my father or not being that older than you," he continued with a slight chortle. "Anyways, I think you are perhaps one of the three likely candidates that are in line for this position. If it's not a hassle, what are you doing tonight?" 

Marcus' eyebrows went up at the strength of the handshake. Impressive. TJ definitely had the look of a gym rat about him. Too many guys gave up the workout routine when they got pregnant, too afraid it would cause problems. Marcus was more impressed by the ones who knew that staying fit during a pregnancy was important and only needed to make adjustments as their gestation progressed. TJ for sure seemed like the latter. He stole a few glances at the belly accentuated by a black polo shirt tucked into a pair of jeans with a matching black belt. Now he didn't feel too overdressed.

"My schedule is wide open, actually. The Cardinals are playing the Braves tonight, but I can always record it and watch it later. My family are huge Missouri fans; college and pro teams. I was a Mizzou Tiger, actually." Marcus rolled his eyes at himself. "Duh, except you already knew that since you read my resume. Sorry."

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