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Marcus listened intently to the doctor as she answered his questions, settling in and smiling at Elsie when she came in. "I'm hoping to meet my kid today, definitely," he spoke, letting her work to set up everything that was needed for the labor. He nodded when she told him to call her when he felt regular contractions, which didn't take long to set in. He ate breakfast easily as the baby seemed to settle in his pelvis, calling Elsie back in a little while after he finished dinner. "Hey, uh. The contractions are getting pretty regular, about fifteen minutes apart or so. It'll probably be a while, but I just wanted to let you know."
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Dr. Hughes gives Cairi a sympathetic smile having already heard Nurse Martina’s concerns for their patient’s wellbeing. “Thank you for telling me all that. If you would like I can set up an appointment with one of the hospital social workers to see if she can get you some support and a place to stay with your babies. You don’t need to decide now but let me know when you are ready,” he tells her as he makes a note in her chart.
“The ER doctor downstairs said that he did an ultrasound and that the babies are looking good. He said that the monitors they hooked you up to were showing some mini contractions. They were so small you probably didn’t feel them wi5b everything else you were going through but they were fairly regular. If it is alright with you I would like to do an exam so we can see if you are dilating and decide where to go from there.”
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Cairi nods with understanding and smiles. "Thank you, doctor. Thst would be wonderful. I only want what's best for my babies." The doctor tells her bout everything in the ER and she nods in understanding. She is a littlr nervous, but allows him to do the exam.
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“That is a good sign,” Nurse Elsie says as she steps into the room and pulls the privacy curtain closed. “That means your baby is officially on its way. Now I know it isn’t the most comfortable thing but I need to check to see if you have started dilating more. Can you get into position for me?” She asks as she starts lowering the bed before moving to get a glove and some lubricant to perform the exam.
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Dr. Hughes performs the cervical exam and when he is finished he covers Cairi back up with her blanket and removes his gloves. “I know those exams aren’t comfortable but you did great. You are already at two centimeters but if you aren’t having contractions yet we have a couple of options. We can wait to see if labor starts on its own or we can start you on Pitocin and induce labor. I know it seems early but twins often come early and the exams performed in the ER show that they are ready to be born. The decision is up to you.” He tells her while he records his exam in her chart to give her a few minutes to think about her decision.
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Marcus laid down on his back, pulling his legs towards his body so the nurse could have better access. Despite the exam still being rather uncomfortable, he was learning to get used to it. "Am I any further along?" Marcus asked once the exam was done, shifting to sit back up.
✨don't look at my sin✨
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She thinks for a while, thinking back to when she was attacked. She knew she felt some pain in her stomach, but she wasn't sure what it was. How coild she? At that point, she was in pain all over and was far more focused on making sure she didn't lose her babies completely. Now that she thinks back, it was tight. It may have been a contraction. She speaks up. "Um... I think i'm going to wait for a contraction."
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(02-17-2019, 08:35 PM)BabyDoctor Wrote: If you are interested in joining this roleplay please check here for more information!
This post will be edited as spaces fill up!
*If interested in joining please send me a PM or post on the link above. I would like to try and keep all out of scene conversation out of this thread. Thanks!
Patient 1: (lxcttrll) Marcus Fletcher, mpreg, 1 baby, Dr. Abigail Foss, Nurse Elsie
Patient 2: (devotedhelper15) Cairi, fpreg, twins, Dr. Ed Hughes & Nurse Martina
Patient 3:
May I join as the last patient please?
I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.