Birth rp idea (St Andrew's hospital for men) (closed) (NSFW)
well, I have this idea on my mind for a birth rp. I wrote sort of a short story of it and decided to make an rp out of it. I'll be playing the Dr in the story. Contact me if you're interested in what you see.
We could have different characters unrelated to each other in the hospital. Kind of like a universe of our own.

Leslie was a Dr at St Andrew's hospital for men. This hospital handles basically anything related to pregnancy. It consists of two wings, the birthing centre and the normal medical building. Leslie was doing his usual rounds in the hospital checking up on patients. Rounds have been increasingly difficult as Leslie's pregnancy progressed, now overdue with his first baby. The reason he wasn't on paternity leave is because he just couldn't leave the his patients. Another reason was because most of the senior Dr and the majority of the nurses had a very strict work ethic and Leslie didn't want to be the one slacking.

As Leslie was going around the hospital checking patients, he was met with disagreeing stares by most of the nurses. You see, the nurses were doubtful that Leslie could perform his duties properly with his pregnancy, especially with how big he's gotten." I really shouldn't have had sex with that nurse" Leslie muttered to himself after having climbed a flight of stairs. He was huffing and puffing while nurses all shook their heads as they passed him. The mother of the child was on of the nurses that He had a fling with. He didn't intend for her to be in the child's life and he knew she didn't want to be either. The week Leslie announced his pregnancy, the mother decided to transfer to another hospital.

" Well at least I'll have you all to myself" Leslie said to his baby doing the stereotypical pregnant pose with one hand cupping his massively pregnant belly while the other was holding his aching back while waddling to his next patient over at the birthing centre. These day, Leslie couldn't keep his legs close together even if if the world depended on it and he was the "model pregnant man" with his waddling. It was largely due to the big baby and his small frame. Many patients were shocked at how much more pregnant he was than they were.

As he arrived at birthing room 220, a senior nurse spat at him for being late, " Dr Leslie! Mr Ryan and his wife wated a good 20 minutes for you!". Leslie ignored the nurse and rushed as fast as he could to his patient. "OK, so Mr Ryan how are we doing? Contractions seem to be 20 minutes apart" Leslie greeted his patient. "My husband has been complaining about wanting to poop but it seem like he's having constipation."said the laboring man's wife. It was the couple's first child and it showed. "Nothing to worry about Mrs Ryan, its just the baby pressing down. Now I need you to spread your legs for me Mr Ryan" said Leslie.

Mr Ryan was in mid contraction so all he could muster up was a" hoo....yea.....nghhhhhhhh". His wife and the nurse helped move him from the birthing ball to the edge of the bedafter the contraction ended. "Hurts so much babe" the laboring man said to his wife. All his wife could do was stroke his hair back and kiss him.

"Ok now Mr Ryan take a deep breathe, this may get uncomfortable" said Leslie as he tried to check his patient's dialation. It was hard for Leslie to do the check. His pregnant form woldn't allow for him to crouch down and he wasn't one to make his patients lie down flat on their back on the bed if they didn't wan to. So, with much difficulty he had struggled to sit down with his legs spread wide to accomodate his pregnant belly on a low stool set up there by the disapproving nurse. After a good 10 minutes or so, Leslie finally finished the check and announced that Mr Ryan was 8 cm dialated and it shouldn't be long. He then quickly got up and rested his hand on the bed leaning on it as sitting down low like that felt uncomfortable with the pressure and all.
this looks great i'm interested
My DeviantArt page
Now on Kik MFPregLover
Now on Skype: kaliasgirl
Discord: MFPregLover #0337
In birthing room 227 Evan was restless. His contractions started hours ago. His husband Jaden was holding his hand as they awaited the doctor to check his dilation.
To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly man, and undoubtedly inhabited.

Evan: Get this dumb egg out of me

Jaden: You can do this

Evan: you're not the one pushing a watermelon out of your penis.
(06-01-2013, 06:58 PM)preggster Wrote: well, I have this idea on my mind for a birth rp. I wrote sort of a short story of it and decided to make an rp out of it. I'll be playing the Dr in the story. Contact me if you're interested in what you see.
We could have different characters unrelated to each other in the hospital. Kind of like a universe of our own.

Leslie was a Dr at St Andrew's hospital for men. This hospital handles basically anything related to pregnancy. It consists of two wings, the birthing centre and the normal medical building. Leslie was doing his usual rounds in the hospital checking up on patients. Rounds have been increasingly difficult as Leslie's pregnancy progressed, now overdue with his first baby. The reason he wasn't on paternity leave is because he just couldn't leave the his patients. Another reason was because most of the senior Dr and the majority of the nurses had a very strict work ethic and Leslie didn't want to be the one slacking.

As Leslie was going around the hospital checking patients, he was met with disagreeing stares by most of the nurses. You see, the nurses were doubtful that Leslie could perform his duties properly with his pregnancy, especially with how big he's gotten." I really shouldn't have had sex with that nurse" Leslie muttered to himself after having climbed a flight of stairs. He was huffing and puffing while nurses all shook their heads as they passed him. The mother of the child was on of the nurses that He had a fling with. He didn't intend for her to be in the child's life and he knew she didn't want to be either. The week Leslie announced his pregnancy, the mother decided to transfer to another hospital.

" Well at least I'll have you all to myself" Leslie said to his baby doing the stereotypical pregnant pose with one hand cupping his massively pregnant belly while the other was holding his aching back while waddling to his next patient over at the birthing centre. These day, Leslie couldn't keep his legs close together even if if the world depended on it and he was the "model pregnant man" with his waddling. It was largely due to the big baby and his small frame. Many patients were shocked at how much more pregnant he was than they were.

As he arrived at birthing room 220, a senior nurse spat at him for being late, " Dr Leslie! Mr Ryan and his wife wated a good 20 minutes for you!". Leslie ignored the nurse and rushed as fast as he could to his patient. "OK, so Mr Ryan how are we doing? Contractions seem to be 20 minutes apart" Leslie greeted his patient. "My husband has been complaining about wanting to poop but it seem like he's having constipation."said the laboring man's wife. It was the couple's first child and it showed. "Nothing to worry about Mrs Ryan, its just the baby pressing down. Now I need you to spread your legs for me Mr Ryan" said Leslie.

Mr Ryan was in mid contraction so all he could muster up was a" hoo....yea.....nghhhhhhhh". His wife and the nurse helped move him from the birthing ball to the edge of the bedafter the contraction ended. "Hurts so much babe" the laboring man said to his wife. All his wife could do was stroke his hair back and kiss him.

"Ok now Mr Ryan take a deep breathe, this may get uncomfortable" said Leslie as he tried to check his patient's dialation. It was hard for Leslie to do the check. His pregnant form woldn't allow for him to crouch down and he wasn't one to make his patients lie down flat on their back on the bed if they didn't wan to. So, with much difficulty he had struggled to sit down with his legs spread wide to accomodate his pregnant belly on a low stool set up there by the disapproving nurse. After a good 10 minutes or so, Leslie finally finished the check and announced that Mr Ryan was 8 cm dialated and it shouldn't be long. He then quickly got up and rested his hand on the bed leaning on it as sitting down low like that felt uncomfortable with the pressure and all.

i am interested. can i be part of this?
This roleplay is from 2013 and is clearly not active any more. Why are you persistently asking if you can join it?
Sometimes, the world is cruel to shiny things...

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