Slime monster (closed with Michime)
Henry Jones
Age: 29
Height: 6'0"
Pale skin, light brown hair and hazel eyes. He's scrawny.

Henry was working late in the lab at the military facility that he was a civilian scientist at. The military had been working on a project that made a slime soldier that could easily wipe out any enemy, and they succeeded. 

Henry's lab station was in the same work space as the containment area in which they kept the slime being in. He was working until almost two in the morning when a night alarm went off and froze his work. He wasn't too worried, because false night alarms went off on a regular basis. 

He got up from his station and checked different monitors and projects to make sure it was just a false alarm. When he was done he sat back at his desk, and started to resume work. He didn't check the containment area, so he was unaware that the slime man escaped.
The slime creature managed to escaped his containment chamber thanks to a small chip in the glass.  He oozed out from under the glass and slid along the floor making his way to the open labs.  He would be free in a matter of minutes and then the stupid alarm went off.  He knew he couldn't have triggered it because it read body heat and he had none.  He stopped at the door, oozed just enough of himself to see under it.  He saw only one person in the lab and they didn't have a weapon.  

Good, he might be indestructible but getting shot hurt like hell.  He heard the military men talk, knew they believed him to be a brainless killing blob because that's what they thought they created.  Someone must have messed up then but he was smart.  He might not be human, might not have a name, but he wasn't a mindless blob.  

Seeing the human, he continued to flow under the door and into the lab.  He thought this might be the scientist Henry but to him, all humans looked alike.  As long as they didn't have a gun, he didn't see them as a threat.  
Henry continued to work on his project. He felt as if someone was watching him, but each time he looked around he saw nothing. Hours passed and he was growing extremely tired. He stopped working and started to lock up the lab.
The monster gurgled its way along the wall when it finally oozed its entire mass under the door.  He wanted to get out of the lab.  Maybe he could use the human for his escape. 
Henry finish doing all that was protocol, and went down the hallway, leaving the door minusculely ajar in his exhaustion. He went to get his things from another room.
The slime monster slithered along the lab floor and through the open door.  He needed to catch up to the human and use him to get out of the compound. 
Henry took off his lab coat, collected some paperwork and placed it in his briefcase. He made sure he had everything that he needed before putting on his heavy coat and starting to exit the building.
The slime creature moved quickly oozing itself into the human's briefcase before the scientist noticed. He felt the man walk through the compound and as long as he didn't open his briefcase, the slime creature would be free! He just needed the scientist to get him out the building then the bad men with guns couldn't do anything else to him.
Henry was glad that it was so late that there were no guards to check him before he left, as he just wanted to go home and sleep. He went to his car, and tossed his briefcase in the backseat. Fifteen minutes later, he arrived at his tiny apartment. He placed his briefcase on his floor before going to bed.
The slime creature oozed a little bit out of the briefcase checking the surroundings and realized he was no longer on the compound. He popped out his temporary home then moved along the floor trying to figure out where he was. It didn't smell of antiseptic or heavy cleaners like where humans took their injured. There wasn't a heavy scent of grease or food so it wasn't a place to eat.

Could he be in the scientist's home? The thought delighted him because he had so many places to hide.
Henry had left his bedroom door open when he went to sleep, seeing no threat and didn't think he would be attacked by any intruders. He slept for hours. He'd occasionally kick off the sheets or moved as he slept.
The slime oozed around the floor finding all the little spaces to hide. He should be able to stay here for a really long time without having to worry about anyone finding him.

Once he got the living room completed, he made his way toward the opened door. He wiggled around a bit then saw the human sleeping in the room. He slid up the sheets and moved next to the man.
Henry slept in his warm comfy bed with a dreamless sleep. After some time he slowly woke up. He stretched out his leg, although his eyes were still closed. He froze when he felt something cool and goo-like, similar to jello. After a moment he lifted the cover and saw a pool of slime. He immediately jumped out of bed, freaked out.

He stared at the substance for a moment before starting to pace along the bed. It looked much like the slime creature that they were working on. He hated the idea of using it as a killing machine, but that was besides the point. He was currently trying to figure how to get it out of his bed and how the hell it got there in the first place.
The slime monster didn't like being awaken so rudely. The nice heat of the human's body made him curl up on the bed like a cat. He was so comfortable on the soft sheet and under the covers and now the human had to ruin it. The monster made a few 'poof' sounds. He was cold and the human needed to get back in bed.

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