Out on the Frontier (Closed w/OrangeFanta)
The Birthland, some of the Natives called it. It resided in the depths of Colorado and could have been a major role in how the Frontier shaped itself up. At least, that's what most thought when traveling out there. Instead, what was given was inherent sickness. It wasn't the men who were affected though. Any woman who came had seemingly fallen ill. Some broke out in hives, others ran intense fevers. Some, if they were pregnant, miscarried. This place was nothing more than the land of the dead if anything more, yet they had to keep pressing on. As the years rolled on, only men inhabited the town that had become Henley’s Haven, the Yankees and colonists from a few countries like Ireland and France believing that the Birthland needed to be long forgotten. They sought to figure out what caused the women to fall ill there, but for the time being, most men who helped build the town would travel back to the nearest town to convene with their wives and children for safety. Elijah O’Donnell had no such subtleties.

He was Twenty-Five years of age at this point, the male having been a teen when traveling outwards to a town his Father and many others created. That was a ripe age for him to have a wife, given how overly religious his father was about having a family right away. The complication arose in that there were no women around that were his age and as much as his father urged him to, he didn't want the male trying to swoon a lady that was too old or too young. That meant that when Elijah got the chance, he would have to leave Henley’s Haven and travel for such luck to occur. For now though, he was stuck running his Family’s, or rather him and his Father’s Saloon given that his mother and sisters couldn't live there. That meant he had no choice more often than not, to tend to the large bar while his father handled other business.

Despite the illness on women however, the town was blooming rather well. This particular night, the five foot eleven male was tending to some rather livid individuals inside the saloon, most of them drunk off their rears. He could handle them if they got too rowdy. He had a sturdy and broad body set with muscles despite how short he might appear to some of the men present. On top of that, he knew his way around a rifle and a revolver. It never came to that though. Most men who were present would share in some drunken woe about how there weren't women around to dance inside the bar and how the piano needed a woman’s touch. It was only when glasses went to flying towards the male who usually played music that would bade Elijah to fire a round into the three story wooden building’s ceiling walls. If not, the dirty brown haired male with grayish-blue eyes would clean glasses and slide more down the locals way. With a train coming in tonight though, more men were present than usual. Elijah fixed his striped vest and hat up before lighting into a cigar and having some ale for himself. It helped him relax on busy days like this.
Trevor Freeman ducked his head to step off of the train. This town was the last stop for this train, and in two days another train would take him the rest of the way to California where he would surely find his fortune. He had been living in Missouri as a gun for hire and general criminal type, and at thirty-three, he was ready to turn his life around. That and local law enforcement said if he stepped foot in Missouri one more time, he'd be hanged. He made his way to the saloon where he hoped to find a stiff whiskey and a warm place to sleep. A little company would be nice too.

He stepped into The Buckhorn Exchange. It was a rowdy place with drunk men everywhere. At 6'2 with broad shoulders and a muscular build, Trevor was an intimidating presence. A few men looked up at him but quickly looked away. Had his reputation for violence preceded him? He made his way over to the bar and sat. He called over the boy serving drinks. The boy looked out of place, his face looked too clean and handsome for a rough and tumble joint. "Hey boy, you got a room here I could rent?"
Elijah was rubbing the partially thick stubble of hair on his chin while writing in a journal when he heard the voice address him as boy. He exhaled smoke from his mouth, letting the thick gray smoke roll through the air as he walked over to figure.

"Sure," his voice said in a mellophonic tone, not all too deep nor too light. His father raised him to put on a mature act in more places than one after all. He couldn't have a "frilly dreamer" as he often put it. "There's two more rooms left on the third floor. Anything else I can get you?"

He didn't think much of the taller and clearly older man. What was there to think? Out in these parts, most barely got several Wanted Posters that were even accurate. At the Haven, most hardly stayed around long due to the curse of they were traveling. The men would have to come into town, stock up on provisions and get back to their wives and daughters outside of the area before moving onward if they had another place to go to. As a result, Elijah could have been talking to numerous wanted fugitives, but wouldn't know nor would most care. Not even the Sherrif for that matter. Instead, he sported a casual smile in the well lit bar as he awaited to hear back from the man.
"Yea a room would be great. I'm here for two nights. Gimme a whiskey. So what's the deal with this place? Where can a guy go for a little... company?"
Elijah nodded. "It's only a buck, but the rooms are decent."

He was asking for entertainment, something most usually came for. Elijah chuckled though. Of course, he knew what was really going on, but clearly this traveler had not the slightest clue.

"I hate to say it to you, bud," he continued. "But there's hardly a lot of entertainment here."

He grabbed the man a glass and poured forth a dark liquor before sliding it over to him. Elijah brought his own glass and cigar over, clearly to continue the conversation. He downed his own glass before continuing, letting some of the liquor help mellow him out so to say amid the rowdy individuals that were seemingly settling down.

"There's some kind of illness that runs through this town. The women are in another town over, so at most, all we ever have here are just men, liquor, tobacco and serials that are extremely old. I've been reading this one practically for a month just to humor myself."

He might have been religious, but he was honest. The male had to find some way to relieve himself given that there was a distinct lack of women around and clearly, that's what he thought most men were after. When the stranger handed him the appropriate amount of cash, Elijah slid him the keys to his room and poured him another Whiskey. His father wasn't there after all. Everyone tonight was seemingly looking to just have a good time, just so long as guns were not involved.

"You're certainly not a regular though. What brings you all the way out here?"
"No women at all in the town? Must be a bummer for some. Not me though. Women have always led to nothin but trouble for me. That's why I left Missouri. I'm off to California to make my fortune. Hoping to get a little plot of land and find me some gold."

Trevor couldn't help but notice the swell of Elijah's ass straining against his tight pants. "Name's Trevor. Trevor Freeman. What's your story kid? You own this place?"
Elijah shook his head to confirm that there were no women around for miles. "Really? Usually everyone around me are screaming "Where be 'em busty women at?"

He chuckled and as if on cue, someone came into the bar screaming aloud exactly that.

"We tried having men put on a few shows as much as they can," he continued. "But none of them exactly have that appeal nor know how to exactly put on a show. Some tried to act like the women, but they got hanged by the Sheriff."

Elijah had to keep certain aspects of himself behind other notions, to be honest. The male never saw a personal interest in women either, rather he felt that way with another man. He figured maybe he could just grow out of it like his father insisted would happen whenever he was able to get the free chance to travel and find a wife. After all, the local minister practically ran the town, Reverend Henley to be exact. There would be no "frilly daft foolery" around him, as he put it. This was a bar though. Elijah wasn't one to throw himself out towards anyone, but there was a reason as to why he was having a dark drink and a smoke: A means to escape the world around him.

"Everyone's trying to strike gold there, I hear. Seems like a great place to travel to at some point, but I actually don't own the bar fully. My father runs it mostly. He's back in the other town though, helping my mother give birth."

He looked around him and then back towards Trevor. "Name's Elijah O'Donnell. If you want, I can close up down here and find a way to keep you entertained in your room."

He wasn't blind, after all. He saw the way Trevor had sized him up. Elijah would be a bit stupid to not have done the same.
"Well Elijah, it's a mighty fine pleasure to meet ya." Trevor winked at the younger man. "A hangin' seems like a bit much just fer actin like a lady. Were they whorin' around or just dancin'?

"Like I said," Trevor leaned in closer to Elijah, "I sure would like a little company tonight."
"Not quite," Elijah said. "Reverend Henley felt they made compact with the devil and it didn't take much from then on to continue. Most men just prefer women. We hardly ever come across someone like you seeking otherwise."

His body tingled with nervousness, to say the least, as Trevor said those words. He never went to such lengths with another man before, but if he was being honest with himself, there was an attraction to it all the same. He poured Trevor and himself two more glasses of Whiskey. He wasn't drinking to get drunk, rather to help ease some of the nervousness he might have with the male.

"Hey," he said aloud after he had his two shots, the male mixed with a high from the cigar and a tipsy haze from the liquor. "We're out of liquor for the night. You're all welcome to stay down here still, but the bar's closed."

Of course they never stayed around. They all left, though Elijah was lying. He still had some more liquor to go around. The more he had drunk however, the more he began to ease into the idea of laying with another man. When the coast was completely clear, he took Trevor's hand affectionately, leading him to the third floor where his rented room resided. From there on, the room door was closed and locked and there he was, with Trevor.

"Have you done this with another man before," Elijah inquired. "I hardly ever come across anyone that's willing or if they are, they fear what may happen."
"I have actually. Back in Kansas I stopped at this little shitkicker town and asked a similar question to what I asked you. The lady said all her regular girls were busy but I could have her 'Special Girl' if I was open minded. So I met Trixie. I suspected right away what might have been special about Trixie. For one, she was pretty tall, and a little broader'n most gals. But her dress was pretty, and her make up was pretty, and she seemed really eager. When I got her up to my room she started working on me, and eager was definitely the right word. Eager and skilled. I asked her to take her dress off and she hesitated. But I knew what was under there, and sure enough, Trixie was a boy. But Trixie said she was a girl and her name was Trixie and I thought, 'who am I to argue with her?' Trixie'n me, we made love four nights in a row til I had to leave.

"On the last night, I asked Trixie what it was she wanted most in the world. She said 'Trevor, I want to be a real woman. I want to have a baby inside me.' So I put my gift inside her three times that night and we hoped for the best. She had this thing that she plugged herself up with so nothin leaked out. She said it would work better that way. I knew it was all pretend, but I'll be damned if the sight of her rubbing her belly and saying 'Thank you, Trevor,' wasn't the sexiest thing I ever saw. She insisted that her belly swelled from all the seed I put in her but I didn't see nothin.

"I left the next day. Haven't seen Trixie since. I hope she finds some happiness."

Trevor sat on the bed and took his boots off. He gestured for Elijah to join him.

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