A sheep in wolf's clothing. (Closed with Fervessence.)
A young but mature man sighed, sitting on his throne after much pacing in the massive throne room. This male was a well known and feared King, reigning over the presence of his submissive peoples with a fierce dominance that no one dared to speak against. To speak of the such ruler was to be met with harsh punishment. He crossed a leg over the other one, his sharp, well manicured nails of both hands were tapping against the handles of his throne which expressed his uneasiness. He wore silks of red and black that told other kingdoms that he was a force to never be messed with. Never ever. He glared across the room and sighed heavily, the next breath billowing past his parting lips with a presence of feelings known as frustration.

Known as Aki Devachi the King had been lonesome. The such reason was because of his previous lover being ill and sadly passed away after a long fight against the fever. He was human by bloodlines but his voice was something that spoke in the silent presence of blood soaked bones and bodies of enemies from the rival clan littering the battlefield. He sighed as he was tiresome of being the only ruler of the kingdom and had wanted to feel the presence of a new lover by his side. He had wanted someone special to lay down to slumber beside in the bed instead of being lonesome each day. He wanted to have children but before he could impregnate his previous lover he was unable to because of him passing to Heaven. Sadness bothered him greatly.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
From the entrance to the throne room, a pair of armored guards hauled in a disheveled, beaten and battered looking man. He was shackled in chains, and something akin to a makeshift muzzle was placed over his mouth as though he’d been biting and nipping at anyone who came near. Sariel was somewhat small in size, butit could be presumed his demeanor was feisty. Frosty white hair topped his head, soft curls falling around his angular face; it was cut short, but the job looked to have been done rather hastily, as if he hadn’t been the one to chop away at the ends of his hair. Curled ears marked his status as part fae, an uncommon race but not unknown. His pale complexion was offset by the dark bruises scattered across his body, by the faint beginnings of blood trickling from freshly opened wounds.

Sariel struggled and writhed the entire way to the throne, purple eyes glowing fiercely under the light; even after the guards had thrown him down none too lightly to the ground was Sariel turning his head up to the man in power and glaring his way. No words on his part were given but either of the guards would finally speak up after giving their usual bow and salute. “Your Grace, our investigation concluded this fae—“ The last word was spat harshly. “—has been providing paramount information to our neighboring kingdom.” The guard paused to look down at Sariel who hadn’t let up on his glare. “We can schedule a trial, if you’d like. The holding cells have vacancies if you’d so desire to place him there as well.”
Aki Devachi's patience had nothing more to give. Nothing at all. He was beyond tired of having to simply wait alone in the castle like so many days after his lover lost the fight with a brutal fever. He may have had a castle full of submissive human subjects to be at his beckon and call but through it all he was still solo in this world and without a lover to lay his head upon. He sighed heavily once more, soon becoming quiet as a mouse as the presence of a commotion soon was heard behind the doors of the massive throne room once the two doors were open by one of the many guards who were forcing the slave to walk. Being a King was truly worthwhile whenever he saw each slave his guards brung in were bruised, battered and beaten to the point of death but not truly there yet. He was sadistic and he was always that way, loving when he caused them pain.

He perked up as he saw the presence of two of his armor covered guards had approached, licking his lips hungrily as he saw the captive fae like creature being offered to him. Since the beginning of time the presence of two clans had fought against each other. Those two such clans were fae and humans. He listened to one of his guards speaking of what the fate of the handsome but true fae's crime was to be once he was put on trial. He wanted to be able to figure out as to how to properly convict him. He got up from his throne, approaching Sariel. Without warning he reaching down and roughly took a firm hold of his chin with his dominant right hand. He took in the features that were not covered in bruises or cuts. He did not care if he was causing his prisoner pain. He kneeled down to his length which was halfway to the hard floor. "What is your name?" He was being kind even though he was a cold hearted King who demanded no back talk to any of his subjects, not even when he was beating sense into them till they were bruised black and blue.  

"Very well, I would love to schedule a trial. Now .. leave the throne room, I wish to be alone with my captive and him only." He said firmly, watching as his guards had rushed from the throne room after bowing their heads to him in what was true respect. They stood outside of the throne room, not daring to ever disobey their feared master. Never ever.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Sariel was very much aware of the crimes he’d committed. He was also very much aware of the consequences that came with committing such crimes; despite this, however, it didn’t lessen his resolve or determination. He turned his head briefly to eye the pair of guards leave the throne room, lips peeled back in a sneer at their retreat before his attention was forcefully settled back upon the King at his approach. Sariel tugged back initially at the hand gripping his chin, his cuffed wrists twisting this way and that behind his back like he planned to get them free. The question took him off guard, though, and he was silent for a handful of seconds before offering a less than pleasured answer.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he spat behind the tight muzzle chained over his lower face. Sariel had an idea or two of what his fate might become at whatever trial they’d planned to set up, and he wasn’t going to sit here before this King and suck up to him like a coward begging for his life. He might have the subjects of his kingdom entirely wrapped around his finger, but Sariel was not a citizen here and the fear the man tried to instill would prove futile against the fae. That, or maybe he was hiding his true emotions, but it was difficult to tell with his unhappy expression concealing most everything else.

He was still unsure of whether or not the news had broken to his own home and the royalty which had tasked him in the mission to retrieve information. They likely wouldn’t risk any additional lives to come save him, which was understandable, but it still didn’t help the knot of nerves tightening in his abdomen at the thought of being left here to his own demise.
Aki was easily annoyed by Sariel's nasty attitude but he knew exactly what to do to fix that. He knew that fae's did not give up easily and he was prepared for that. He let go of the slave's chin with the same roughness, walking in a wide circle around him. He was curious, wondering as to exactly how difficult it would truly be to break his spirits. "Tell me your name." He repeated the order once again to the fae, a dark, deep and threatening tone to his spoken of voice. He sighed, wanting to beat the disobedient slave more black and blue than the guards did before him. He was eager to dominate the young fae but he knew that this would be no easy task.

Harshly he glared down at the fae, scowling angrily as he did not expect his new slave to be so snippy. He knew that sometimes slaves that he had were uneasy but he did not expect to be badmouthed by the latest one that he had now. He was eager to be with a new lover but he did not want to give up. He was a seeder and because of that he wanted a child or children to raise to take the throne upon him retiring. He had this in his family bloodlines since he was once nothing more than an unborn growing inside his beloved mother's womb. "I have ways of breaking slaves like you, it is better if you do as I command." He said. He was indeed eager to break the man's spirit.

He was aroused by the man but he kept that a secret, glad that the silks were hiding that. He loved that the slave had fight in him but at the same time it was quite annoying. He wanted to dominate and impregnate him, wanting to see him struggle as the pregnancy would progress. "I cannot wait to impregnate you and watch you suffer with my children inside of you."
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Sariel hissed in a low, threatening tone, his elvish ears twitching when the man pulled away. “You will not receive that information from me,” he responded sharply in reply to the demand for his name again. His determination was high, and he had no intent on letting up in his refusals anytime soon. He half expected for the guards from earlier to rush back in and slice his head clean off — he was prepared for anything, even if the thought of more troublesome consequences made his heart pound rapidly in his chest, made him feel nauseous. The young fae did his best to hide such emotions.

“If you think beatings will ‘break’ me, you’re foolish.” Sariel’s lips peeled back into a sneer, although it wasn’t quite noticeable behind the makeshift muzzle he still sported. The fae’s hands furled into tight fists as he eyed the other with suspicion. He didn’t want to speak too much, but staying quiet didn’t seem like a good choice either; he’d already been snappy, and truth be told, he half wanted to know what Aki had up his sleeve after spouting words so confident like he’d be able to break him in.

Sariel opened his mouth again to speak when the King did, stopping short at the words uttered his way. His eyes seemed to widen in disbelief but they narrowed again into that same icy glare from before. “That’s your punishment? How crude.” The fae tips his head up. “I will die before your impish spawn ever get the chance to grow. Pick one of your idiotic women from your kingdom for such a chore.” The words are spat venomously.
Aki glared into Sariel's eyes with the same uncomfortable, ice cold stare, not looking away for even a single moment. He was not scared of him, not even for a single minute. Something told him not to let his guard down in the slave's presence. He thought of new ways to cause the slave to suffer but so far he was at no plans. He was eager to have the such slave at his beckoning call. He was annoyed, most of his slaves were submissive and devoid of strength but something about this slave was different. He was beyond the word angry but he was sadly not succeeding in the ideas department. He walked to his guards, whispering into one of their ears about his plan.

He then reentered the throne room, the guards following behind him. He sat upon the throne that his father once sat upon. Lightly, he tapped the handles of it with his fingertips like before, trying to figure out exactly what he would do to Sariel. He had stayed quiet, finding that he was at a complete blank like a writer who had writer's block. He hated that about being King sometimes. He felt frustrated, angry and ticked off like a child getting coal on Christmas day. He was like a roaring flame who could set off a chain of climatic chain of violent events if he was not obeyed. He was never spoken to with such disrespect with each slave that he was given to by the slaves.

He had a frown on his face, feeling as if he had failed being a cruel tyrant. He sighed in his head, closing his eyes and trying to figure out what to do. The guards then began to shove the slave to the floor, yanking at his clothing as they had ripped each article of it from his body. He would show Sariel just how violent and sadistic he truly was. He was beyond the word angry, wanting the slave to listen but knew that it would take time for the slave to listen to him and obey or it would just be the same disobedience.

"You will get used to being in my kingdom, my dear." He said without emotion, smirking as the guards stripped the slave till he was naked as a jaybird. "You were the one spying on my kingdom, it is only fair that you are punished for such a high crime." He was eager to taste and touch his slave's skin, even when he was not supposed to. 
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Sariel’s eyes never once left the meandering figure of the King as he moved about the throne room. There was a passing beat of pride as he saw he’d made the man speechless. He didn’t quite know what to say himself, but maybe it was best if he continued to keep quiet. If he didn’t give Aki any answers, then there would be nothing he could do. Sariel’s training had built him up for torture, had prepared him to keep quiet even in the face of death. The thoughts of his old kingdom flitting by briefly made the fae wonder if any of his kind would come for him, if his own royalty would send anyone out in an attempt to take him back from Aki’s clutches. Behind the muzzle, a slight frown curled his lips, and by the time he’d been pulled from his trance there was no time to react to the guards who had roughly seized him and shoved him to the floor.

A snarl came as his clothes were harshly ripped off his body; most of his movements were easily subdued, and the cuffs linking his hands together behind him didn’t do much in the way of lending assistance to fight back. Admittedly, Sariel thought the guards had planned to do more, so he was slightly dazed upon watching them step away after they’d removed him of his clothing.

The fae’s skin was characteristically pale of his kind and his body was lithe, as though he’d been made solely for agility alone. Small bruises and welts had formed dark spots across his form, a stark contrast to the lightness of his skin. “You should kill me if I’ve committed such a high crime,” Sariel barked back, undeterred by the shock of his sudden nudity. He’d been ready for a death sentence coming into the throne room so much of everything Aki was discussing was odd for him. What had he done to not deserve getting his head sliced off?
Aki smirked in delight, sitting down upon his throne. He looked at the now nude form of Sariel, licking his lips like he was awaiting for a meal to sink his teeth into. He was eager to have him at his mercy. He sighed happily, getting up from his throne and walking over to the kneeled form of his slave. He was in control once again but he was also prepared as to if the slave had gotten loose. He wanted to dominate him, a sadistic curl of his lips were formed into a smirk. He wanted his slave to know of true fear after he got done with him.

He lurked forward with the presence of a few soft steps, seeming as if he was a vampire stalking prey or a lion leaping upon it's victim and dealing a cruel, merciless death blow to the throat. He enjoyed the expression of shock on his slave's face as his slave was being stripped of clothing.

He was still aroused by Sariel but he kept that a secret, his silks hiding such things very well. He reached out, touching a side of his face and enjoying the softness. He was not fearful of him, knowing that the muzzle was the only thing protecting him from being bitten by him. It seemed as though his slave was a wild animal. He loved that but he also loved being obeyed but this slave did not seem to want to back down. He was an impatient man but he accepted that it would take time.

He shook his head at his slave's words. "No .. I could slice your throat and watch your blood drain from your body but I would rather have you suffer by me." He said with a smile, a twinkle forming in his eyes. He furthered what he had said before. "As I said before, I need a mate to birth my children and this is your punishment."
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Sariel immediately pulled away at the touch to his face, not allowing the King a moment more of physical contact that he could help. The words spoken by the other made the fae’s blood boil. “I will never be your mate,” he snapped, sitting up a bit straighter as he glared at the larger man. The statement was preposterous, and part of Sariel still thought this whole thing was a joke, that he was just being toyed with now and would actually be sentenced to the gallows later when he was least expecting it. He’d never heard of such a punishment as the one Aki spoke of. There wasn’t even an occasion he could recall of his own kingdom doing such a thing, but then again, the fae royalty didn’t have such an issue; their family was large and ever growing.

“You would be foolish to engage in such an act with me,” he hissed again, “as I will guarantee you will not receive your children alive.” The statement was harsh, but as things stood currently, Sariel spoke nothing but the truth. He meant every word he said, determined not to give Aki what he so desperately desired. On another note, however, Sariel had only ever heard of humans and fae mating with no problem together... never. Children were a rare byproduct, and gestation often came with consequences to the carrying party physically. Even if Aki did continue, Sariel wasn’t quite sure why he would risk such touchy development.

He’d heard of fae being used solely because of their outstanding beauty and elvish looks, but the mix was still iffy. Sariel had seen friends of his bought off and auctioned by humans. It was disgusting to think about, that they were only seen as useful because of their appearance.
Aki decided to have a promise to the rude mouthed Sariel. He sighed, expressing forth a new punishment. He could not believe the words that he expressed but then he said then anyway. He sighed, sitting on his throne. "I need a son or daughter or son to rule my kingdom and you will do that or I will let my guards have their way with you each day, evening and night. I promise you that you will never walk straight again." He got back up but kept the chains upon his slave. He smirked, letting a dark chuckle be his next outburst. He smiled when he saw Sariel struggling to be freed of his thick, grey, impenetrable chains. He was eager to have a try of his slave's body but he would let each of his sexually deprived guards have him on his knees and submissive.
"If you harm my children then I will make sure that you never see sunlight again." He said with a scowl, glaring down at Sariel. He wanted to be kind but something about this fae was making him angry and that something was because of his rude attitude but he could not blame him, he was in chains and had been muzzled like a beast. He wanted to have a son or daughter to rule over the kingdom when he would retire but as for now it seemed as though he would never have a child willingly so he would have to do that unwillingly as a presence of rape. He would have his child if his slave had wanted to or not. He would keep him chained up until he would give birth to the child.

"Guards! .. hold my slave down!" He let the guards reenter the room and ordered a few of them to hold Sariel down as he removed his own silks from the hips down, wanting to hear him crying out while raping him. He made sure that he would not be able to get up, knowing that his slave would soon break. He did not care how long it would take.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
“You must not understand. Death does not intimidate me.” Sariel didn’t ever think he’d be in a position wherein he’d have to consider death, but if he ever flat free of this and word got out that he’d given Aki a child, his other kingdom would surely condemn him if they didn’t allow him any opportunity to explain the happenstance. Death was far from anything that he wanted to resort to. It wasn’t something he wanted, but if need be, he could indulge. He would never allow himself to be used by the guards here; truth be told, the thought of taking down one of the guards with him was entertaining. It’d be a last huge middle finger to Aki and the others.

Maybe Sariel simply didn’t understand the ways that humans worked. If Sariel wanted a child so bad, there were many who were homeless and starving out in the streets — he’d seen them with his own two eyes. His fae royalty had adopted two of their children, so it wasn’t as though there was a lack of needing kids around who wanted a home. It almost made Sariel angry to think about, how selfish Aki could be for not wanting to help a child without parents or a roof over their head. Maybe bloodlines mattered more between humans, though.

Sariel’s thinking was halted as the two guards from before entered the room again and marched immediately to him. Their armored bodies were no match for the stripped fae. Despite letting out threatening growls beneath the muzzle, Sariel was easily overpowered while not in his element or with his usual weapons. One guard held his hips firmly while the other placed his knee against the back of Sariel’s neck, making it so that he was unable to turn his head or see behind him. With his hips effectively positioned up behind him, it’d be evident to see that Sariel actually had the anatomy of a usual human female. His cunt was on full display, and unbeknownst to Aki, the young fae was still technically a virgin as he’d never laid with anyone before. His heart raced fast in his chest, ears ringing slightly. Sariel have a small wiggle of his hips, testing to see the guard’s hold, but stopped as the one’s fingers dug harshly into his sides.
Secretly Aki felt badly for causing harm to the fae. He shoved that such emotion back, kneeling down behind Sariel in the place between his forcefully open legs. He smirked once more, reaching down and taking a gentle hold of his own cock. He stroked the masculine body part, rubbing the tip of it against his slave's feminine folds till it was nice and moist. He then tried out getting himself to slip inside of the opening that his slave had. He chuckled once more and had roughly stuffed it through his slave's tight virgin channel. He then thrusted his hips roughly like a forceful bolt of lightning, not giving the unfortunate slave enough time to focus on trying to familiarize with him probably being gentle. He wanted to be forceful and being the main cause of his slave's suffering and anger. He loved it when his first slave was eager for being damaged but he was dead. He was eager to be with a new lover and would make his slave fall for him.

He had wanted to be gentle and caring but alas his bloodlines had despised faes. His father had many of them that had made such beautiful daughters and handsome sons. He felt like a true monster, a beast who had no sympathetic bone in his body. He grabbed the fae's hair roughly with his right hand while the left held the slave down. The two guards continued to hold Sariel down easily, knowing that if the chains and muzzle were removed then the fae would attack. The human King thrusted hard and harshly back and forth inside of his slave. He would make sure that his slave would never harm his children once they were growing inside of him. He would make sure of that.

After a few hours what was true, violent torture the human King had finally released his creamy, snow white essence in his slave. He did not pull his swiftly draining cock out of his slave until he was truly done. He that task was finished he did as he needed to do, panting heavily as he was a sweat drenched mess. Finally he would have children. He would make damn sure that nothing would be in reach of Sariel to slaughter his children. He would also make sure that he would never be out of chains during the pregnancy.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

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