A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one)

Drew felt his belly continue to grow out more “Lord Adam this feels amazing having them grow in me.” “If I could I’d do this forever for you.” “I will miss your cock in my ass when I’m supposed to give birth, but I will do what I can to please you.” He felt the belly grow out more as he felt the third baby get full term.

"After you've birthed a dozen babies you may return to me as much as you'd like to breed more, but I want you to live a nice life in the villiage as well." Moaning as he continued to rub their senitive cocks together he saw the babies kick several times and smirked.

Drew’s belly grows more bigger and he moans as their sensitive cocks touch each other “I understand what you mean lord Adam.” “I will make sure to visit often.”

(Hey. I know it said "open for one", but I would really like to join. Perhaps I could be a slave of Adam's of a different variety.)

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Last Post by orocroc33
08-09-2019, 04:48 PM

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