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It had been over 5 months now since David and Steven had a one night stand together. It had been a crazy night of drinking after they met each other in a bar. They don't remember much about that night. The events that followed they will carry with them the rest of there lives though. David found out he had gotten pregnant by Steven with twins while he has gotten Steven pregnant with triplets. Luckily Steven was a professional baseball player for the Metz and he could afford to have David move in who just had a mediocre desk job at a firm.
David awoke to find Steven in the bathroom weighing himself with a surprised look on his face. "What's the matter?" David asked noticing Stevens belly was getting pretty big for only 5 months in compared to his anyway.
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Steve sighed and rubbed the back of his buzzed cut head and sighed. "I don't know man, I'm just getting really fat, really fast. You know?" He asked as he stepped off the scale and walked back into the living room his hand finding the growing small of his back. Steve shrugged and went into the kitchen, "Well, do you want breakfast?"
I run the Mpreg World Twitter, Tumblr and Insta! Check out my stuff for morphs and captions :)
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As if he even had to ask David thought to himself. "Of course." David said slowly getting out of bed. "Can you make some of those chocolate chipped pancakes with extra syrup and whipped cream, maybe some bacon,and eggs...oh with peanut butter toast." David said rubbing his distended belly.
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"Ah all the helpings. You got it man" Steve smiled and started cooking. Soon enough the smell of eggs and bacon was wafting through the house and both of the pregnant men's stomachs were growling angrily. "Here we go, enough food to feed an army. Manga manga" Steve winked and sat down to begin eating. Soon enough he was plump full and leaned back on the creaking chair and rubbed his distended and aching belly. "Ugh, I ate to much"
I run the Mpreg World Twitter, Tumblr and Insta! Check out my stuff for morphs and captions :)
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The stack of empty dishes in front of them from there big meal took up the whole table. David unbuttoned his stretchy jeans to give his belly more room. He then continued dipping his bacon in the peanut butter. "I'm getting there David said between bites. "I guess your little ones are still hungry." David said with a smile getting peanut butter on his face from the last bite he took.