The Demon's Spawn (closed)

New RP between myself and BabyDaddy

Hendraxus was a demon. The last of his kind sadly. His appearance from the waist up was that of a normal human male. His legs however, were covered in scales. He possessed long claws on the ends of his feet and hands. Along his back were several sharp spikes that ended above his rear.

It was his duty to continue the survival of his race, and to make sure that havoc continued on Earth. The human he was now asleep in his home. Perfect. Hendraxus swiftly leaped across the street and opened the window to his room. With one claw, he swiftly tore his clothing off. He eyed the males body. "Yes... You will do perfectly." He leaned over and kissed the human, forcing him into an unnatural sleep. With a snap of his fingers, they both instantly appeared in his lair; a dark, deep temple in the heart of some cave in Romania.

Derek's sleep was plagued by nightmares. He felt like he was falling for an eternity, almost into... Hell. His brown stuck to his slick forehead as he tossed in turned in his sleep. Suddenly... he fell asleep. Again. He was so out of it that he felt like he was sleeping in his sleep.

The feeling did not last long, however. His eyes fluttered as he began to waken. "Hh...wha...huh?" Derek stuttered, still half-asleep. This wasn't his bedroom. Or his house. Or...anywhere.

Hendraxus waited for his new mate to awaken. He made sure that this human was pinned down to a slab of rock by magic, with his legs and ass hanging off. This man would not be going anywhere soon. He noticed that the human was waking up. He swiftly moved over to the man and placed a hand on his chest. "How good of you to finally awaken my pet. I am Hendraxus, the last of my kind. And you will be the one to help me fix all that. What is your name, human?" The human looked up with eyes that were terrified.

Hendraxus? What the hell...? He hoped to God that was a dream, but deep down he knew it wasn't. "D...Derek.." he sputtered. His naked ass was hanging off the table and he tried to move but couldn't. Oh, this was gonna be bad. Very, very bad.

Hendraxus chuckled, smelling the fear that was coming off of the human. "I suppose you may wonder why you are here. It is fairly simple. I need to insure the continuation of my race, and to do that, I need a mate. However, children born of a woman are week and die young. Those born of two men grow strong." At this, Hendraxus leaned over and licked the humans nipple. "Oh yes, you will be a perfect mate. Now, I'm sure you have questions, so now is your time to ask them before I begin the impregnation."

(05-01-2013, 08:58 PM)VoxPopuli6003 Wrote:  Hendraxus chuckled, smelling the fear that was coming off of the human. "I suppose you may wonder why you are here. It is fairly simple. I need to insure the continuation of my race, and to do that, I need a mate. However, children born of a woman are week and die young. Those born of two men grow strong." At this, Hendraxus leaned over and licked the humans nipple. "Oh yes, you will be a perfect mate. Now, I'm sure you have questions, so now is your time to ask them before I begin the impregnation."

Derek shuddered as his nipple was flicked by the demon's tounge. Impregnation... his worst fear had come true. He was naked and chained to an altar deep in some dark cave in god-knows-where. He might as well accept this fate... for now.

"Very well... Hendraxus. How long will the spaw take to grow? Will they... be birthed the same way they came in? Will I need to nurse them? And if they are coming out my...ass, how the hell will they fit?" he asked in the calmest voice he could muster. Derek vowed to not show weakness or fear to this thing. He couldn't help but squeeze his eyes shut as he felt the demon slide it's cock between his asscheeks. The thing purred, gently thrusting as the demon's enormous tip gently glided over his anus.

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