The Last Alien King (Closed Rp with MpregMaster9)

Suddenly Ryne's belly let out a loud gurgle and started expanding, "whaaa?" Alex gasped as he was pushed back, "this is new."

Ryne moaned as his belly expanded. The pleasure was intense to him. "What's happening? This feels amazing!" He exclaimed.

"The babies must be growing at an accelerated rate. Maybe we made even more," Alex guessed as Ryne's belly continued to swell

Ryne moaned loudly as his belly grew. His belly stopped growing and Ryne rubbed his belly lovingly. "If it'll mean having your babies sooner, than I'm all for it." He said as a large gush of water came out of his ass, slightly flooding the ground.

"Oh my god you're in labor already?" Alex rushed to Ryne's side, "this is amazing."

Ryne moaned loudly as his belly hardened and the first of their children descended.

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Last Post by DragonKnight
11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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