Smoke and Mirrors (closed with Nurse)

A hero and his nemesis have been at it for a while. Unknown to each other is that they are actually dating outside of their alter egos. Somewhere down the line, one of their abilities produces and unknown side effect that will eventually lead to the truth on both ends revealed.

Steve Faraday was in his mid twenties, tall, stronge, blonde hair that was always perfectly kept and baby blue eyes that seemed to know more than he should.
He was currently walking down a beach, he had taken his shoes off as he walked through the shore, there was a problem bugging him, a formula he still couldnt solve and was the piece he was missing in his clean energy proyect, or what he was trying for him to be his big proyect, seeing he was what his friends called a garage madman, or a garage scientist seeing that was the only place he had ever gotten the oportunity to try his hand at his ideas

He had a crappy job In an IT company, his life was as monotonus as life could be....he was pondering off his problem when an alarm went off, one that oddly sounded like the alarm clock his mom gave him three Christmases ago. The beach went away quickly as Steve cleared the illusion he had made, just as the door or his lab, or rather his garage opened
(Hope this is ok? If not I can change it)

The art museum swirled with life as this month marked the celebration of young artists who were beginning to leave their mark on the world. This was not the ideal target for this figure however as gray smoke began to fill the place. He stepped out of it's shadows in a hood with an Oni like mask covering his lower jaw. His eyes were a grayish white as if he was some kind of demon, which had already began to cause quite a panic for those present. When the guards began to open fire, their bullets had vanished within the voids of the shadows the figure carried with him and when he rose a hand in their direction, the darkness lashed out, dragging the officers with it, but not killing them, rather leaving them unconscious or afraid. Just because he was a villain did not mean he killed and that was one of his creeds: Not to kill unless he really had to.

"This will be a simple routine" his voice even sounded as if it was dead, all scratched and ragged. "I'm going to take some priceless art and other things and simply leave. Try to play hero and it will subject you to some rather dark things..." The dark clothed figure began to make his way around the museum as other figures began to come out the shadows, intending to find anything worth value to take back into the darkness with them.

It had been only his mom, asking him to take the garbage out, ne complied and as he went to his room he noticed the small radio he had tampered with to get into the police airwaves seemed quite active, he quickly took the radio and raised the volume, he had learnt the police codes long ago and as he heard the rapid talking of the officers there seemed to be some kind of disturbance at the art museum.

Steve quickly reached for a box stashed in the back of his closet, were his suit was, it was a dark blue with a matching coul to protect his identity he slipped through the bathroom window, leaving behind a doppleganger spraled in his bed listening to the beatles a not uncomon sight for his mother, id he only had enough money to move out....this would be so much easier....

Ashe arrived to the art museum he was met with a quite familiar darkness, he entered slowly as he proyected a ball of light, most of it was absorbed by the darkness but it allowed him enough to see, he had to find Him, he was still angry from their last fight

He trailed through the shadows of the museum, ghastly hands trailing around the paintings before he stopped at one large exhibit. His hand hefted up the vase and simply chucked it into the shadows without care. It would not break as the voids of the dark would cushion it. His white eyes glanced at a large statue however. Many people claimed to have had the original works of Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Picasso, but for someone like Priest, who just wanted to be extra cautious, he robbed a lot of places to truly determine the works for himself.

The men that followed with Priest were beginning to make their rounds when they spotted a certain superhero. Some of them began to yell at taking him out as a few shots were fired, which alerted the villain. A smile hidden underneath the mask had formed. Someone had come to play as the men would not otherwise open fire on civilians and cops. He left the large statue alone for now as he began to fade away into the shadows to see who it was. He was hoping it was a certain figure he had crossed paths with on more than one occasion, but if it was the likes of people like Superman, he may have a harder time.

Steve cursed as hd police opned fire on him, didnt they knew he was the good guy? He left them following an illusion of himself as he slid away silently.
Steve could barely see in the darkness even with his orb of light, he was thankful he knew the museum quite well, he began setting up illusions to keep Priest in, by clonning rooms so he would get lost.

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