College Babies (Closed with VicaLovey)

Dan got in the back seat and handed Sean the keys as he situated the babies. He found that he had had two boys and two girls. He brought lots of towels and gave one to Sean. He wrapped the babies and himself.

Sean wrapped the towel around his massive body.

(After birth, you wanna keep the massive breasts and genitals?)

(Yep) Sean drove home and they all went inside for baths. Dan was happy that Sean was there for him, but knew in a short time he would be needing him.

Suddenly, Sean felt liquid coming out of his ass.

Dan heard a gasp in the other room. He knew Sean was out of the tub, but knew something was wrong. "Sean? Are you okay?" Dan didn't hear a response. Worried he went to Sean and found him bent over breathing heavily.

"Danny Baby, it's time."

"Oh crap." Danny rushed to seans side and rubbed his back soothingly. "What do you need sweety."

"Take me to the bed. I think my babies will come out as fast as yours."

Dan freaked out inside. He guided him to the bedroom. Sean leaning on the bed, soon started to crown.

Once Sean laid on the bed, the babies came out.

Six babies flew out of Sean. Danny caught them all. He wasn't sure if there were more, but the were all crying. He laid them on the bed next to Sean.

"I wanna give them up for adoption. I'm not ready yet."

"Okay, Its okay. I'm going to give my babies to some of my family members that wanted to make a family, but can't."

"Good idea, babe." Sean agreed.

Dan kissed sean feeling a slight sorrow, but knew that if he had Sean by his side he could do anything. "I love you Sean." Danny couldn't help saying.

"I love you too, Danny Baby." Sean kissed Danny back.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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