The Prince and the Knight (Closed with Iliad)
"It's good to hear that our supplies won't run out for a while now as well as I'm thankful that there will be always resources for us if we do run out." He said as he stood up and helped him unbuckle the leather straps of his armor. He laid them down in a neat pile and then helped him take the chain mail off. He saw the new wounds on his back from the war and felt bad that he wasn't able to join him in that war to help protect him. Edwin gingerly wrapped his arms around Will's waist and began kissing each of his wounds.
Elaina stood in the corner watching them with caring eyes. She could see that they loved each and she was happy to be able to help them in their time of need. The unborn babe was lucky that it was going to be brought into a world where its parents loved them very much. When they were done getting William dressed she went over there and bowed her head. "My lords, I bid you a good nights rest. I will have breakfast ready for you in the morning before I ride out to find out what is going on inside the kingdom before noon." She said giving them another bow and then scurried off into another room.
Edwin looked over to William. "It will take her sometime before she can stop referring to us as 'Lords' and 'Sirs'." He stated to William as he went over to the made bed. The poor girl had it beaten into her as a young child when she became a servant so old habits were hard to break.
Granting a Life.
Will was stiff at first, nervous to let Edwin see the new scars that covered his body, ranging from nicks tot he worst, a long gash over his hip, but with each kiss the knight relaxed more and more.
"Its been too long..." He murmered softly before Elaina bid them a good night, and Will only smiled and nodded, endlessly greatful for the womans help.
"Its a hard adjustment to make calling or not calling someone lord or lady or sir or miss, I still dont recognise it when my old friends call me 'Sir' William, instead of just Will." The knight let out a sigh, taking Edwin's hand in his own and rising it to kiss.
"My lord..." He smiled cheekily, before taking the princling in his arms, and guiding them over to the make-hift bed by the fire, studying the wayt he fire light illuminated all the highlights in Edwin's hair and eyes, and the way the warmth tried to finisht he job the prince had started by easing the tense set of his shoulders.
Edwin smiled and wrapped his arms around William. He was strong and he knew this man cared about him a great deal. His green eyes were bright and lively as he looked down at him. The bed was comfy underneath them, a lot better than they hay they would lay on together in the hay loaf.
He laid down on the bed and snuggled up next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "We can finally stay together and not be interrupted by people that always looked for him while he was gone for a couple of hours." He said as he remembered what happened two months ago and had to act and walk normal after that amazing night with William. And now they were going to be parents. "I love you William and I'm glad that you are my husband."
Granting a Life.
Oh man, iv missed this RP! Im so so so so so sorry I ditched you, my work had me doing doubles left and right and it nearly killed me! Dx ))

Will smiled as he held his husband, feeling their bodies intertwine, and that sparkle behind the princes eye he thought of often on the battle field to keep his mind from the reality of where he was. Now he had it again, he had Edwin, and the night free of guards and servents, just them and the fire. "I would have no one ells but you my beloved." Will murmered as he nuzzled Edwin's neck, breathing in his scent, and softly kissing the pale skin there.
(I have missed you from since you left, I'm glad that you have came back. Don't worry if you miss some days of rping ok)

Edwin cuddled into him and held him close to him and covered him with the blanket. "Well it looks like we are going to be able to live together now." He said and soon feel asleep in the arms of his husband.

By morning he was awaken by Elaina making breakfast over by the fire. He sat up and did his best not to wake up William. Facing towards her, she finally turned her head at him. "Good morning your, highness. Sorry breakfast won't be much. It's just some porridge that I use from the supplies that we brought with us." She stood up and brushed off her skirt to get rid of any dust that came up with the floor. "I will be heading out to town now to see what's going on as well as bring home more supplies. Then when I come home I will clean the cabin and fix supper." She said as she went over to go over and get her cloak.

Edwin nodded his head to her. "That is fine. Please make sure that you don't over work yourself to much." He said and then started to play with William's hair.
Granting a Life.
((<3333 ill try not to need them anymore, but thanks for understanding, man, I kept having day dreams about this Rp while I was working. D: ))
William stayed awake in to the late hours of the evening, listening to the hoot of owls and the songs of night jars, but mostly the steady breathing of his husband and the steady pulse that went with it. Finally lulled to sleep, Will dreamed of a house by the sea, with wild ponies grazing the dune grass, and the ocean crashing as little children chased wild rabbits in the lazy afternoon. He and Edwin were getting on in age in the dream, but even with the hazy image of this older Edwin, it was his eyes that struck him, and greeted him as slowly the dream faded from its misty world of slumber, and Will realized they were in the cabin in the woods together still.
Smiling up at the prince, Will let his hair be played with a while longer before sitting up and stretching a little.
"Has Elaina gone allready?" He asked, after a glance around the cabin, seeing it empty the knight took the chance to lean in and steal a morning kiss.
Edwin kissed him back as he smiled at him and ran his hand through Williams hair one last time. "Yeah she left about a minute ago or so." He said and then climbed over to him going over to the food that was left. He was starving, his pregnancy was making him hungrier than usual. He ate a bowl in about less than 5 minutes and burnt his tongue a little with how hot it was still. Even though he was a prince he was feeling like a little piggy with how he was eating and felt slightly bad. He then got a bowl for Will and brought it over to him on the bed. "I'm going to feed the horses in a couple of minutes. Will you come out and help me?" He asks him and watches Will to see if he will eat.
Granting a Life.
Will watched Edwin climb over him for the food, blinking sleep from his eyes, only to supress laughter a moment later.
Laying back down, he bit on his fist to keep from chuckling at the sight of his prince. He had seen Edwin eat enough times to know that outside the royal banquet hall he wasnt perfect by any means, but first thing in the morning, he hadnt been ready for that punch of unexpected cuteness.
"I think I must be rubbing off on you allready. What would your mother say?" Will teased, sitting out and wiping a crumb off Edwin's cheek with his thumb. "Your manners are gone, and now you're feeding horses. At this rate you'll be caught kissing knights." Will teased, taking the bowl of food and mostly stiring it around, eventually ate a bit of it before rising up.
"Mother would be shocked to see how I am behaving but I am trying to pull my part than just be a prince lazying around. I can pull my weight around here for now until I have to much weight." I say smiling a little as I remember the growing babe that was inside of me right now. "Besides I enjoy kissing my knight." He said and went back over to get some more food for himself.

After he was done with that he went over to where he dropped his cloak down for the night and headed outside. He went over to the stable and got the bucket that was at the door. He needed to get some water for the horses now he just needed to figure out where the water was at around here.
Granting a Life.
Will smiled softly at Edwin's response before getting up himself and retrieving his tunic and redressing himself to join Edwin. "For now on, I'm your to kiss whenever you choose beloved. I might bring you back to the castle half corrupted, but I think I could like corrupting you." Will spoke as he finished tying back his grey streaked raven hair, before going out in to the morning chill.
"We'll be having a summer child...." He murmured, doing a bit of the math and realizing if it was allready deep in to autumn, verging on winter, then mid summer would be the time.
The knight enjoyed that thought as he followed over to the old stable they had found where the horses had been put for the night, the animals nickering at their approach.
"We'll have a what?" Edwin asked and then figured it out. "Oh that's right the baby will be coming in early summer. That should be an exciting time for us." He says as they walk together to the nearby creek. When they reached it he dipped his bucket it into the water and held it with ease in his hands.

As they started walking back to the barn he looked over to William. "We should start thinking of names for the baby." He stated and entered the warm barn. It smelt like the barn back in the castle to where he and Will would spend hours in the hay loft. "I think the baby's name needs to be strong and be just like his father." He says as he goes over to where the horses are and fills up the small trot for them.

He then goes over to a hale bail and rubs his small bulge of a stomach. It still fascinated him that something was actually living in that bulge in his stomach. He smiled looked to William hoping he had ideas for the baby.
Granting a Life.
Will shadowed long after Edwin, filling a bucket of his own from the clear creek. He was glad to see it, the water was cool and clear and likely spring fed, a good sign for the knight.
All in all the woods seemed surprisingly peaceful and calm, only the princes voice breaking the otherwise silence on the walk back. "That or something noble, like her mother." Will remarked, as he filled the horses water the rest of the way, they likely would be able to spend the rest of the day grazing now, but he was more concerned with Edwin, watching his husband rub his slowly growing belly.
He hadnt ever expected it, but he was proud, he would have a family with his beloved."Do you think it will be a boy or a girl, or will we just pick a name for each?" Will asked thoughtfully, going over the hay bale by Edwin and pulling them both down gently on the soft pile, playfully nuzzling the princlings neck.

(Sorry I've been gone, work has been super busy making me tired and not wanting to come online but now I am so I do apologize for that)

Looking down at his belly Edwin wondered for a moment whether it would be a girl or boy. He didn't care honestly he just wanted a baby that was health, with five toes and five fingers, his or Williams good looks and caring personality that knew what was right and what was wrong. He imagined that kind of baby for them but it probable wouldn't be possible. "Why don't we both pick out a name for the babe. I was thinking if it's a girl we would call her Jessivere after my mother. We could name the boy after your father?" He questioned William looking up into his eyes hopeful of their growing family.

The stable was warm where they were at even though it felt chilly in the air. Winter would be upon them soon and they would most likely have to stay there with how close snow was to falling. It wasn't safe here but it was also at the same time since he didn't know how far they were from the castle. But he didn't care about that. He was with his beloved and they were planning names for their child.
Granting a Life.
Its fine! I was worried about you though, im glad you're back!!! ))

Will nodded at that idea, he could just imagine a little princess he could call Jessi, he had met the queen a few times and he liked the woman, she was kind and struck him as the compassion behind the throne. But his own father he had few and only vague memories of.
"I dont remember my father much, except he worked for a mill outside the city, but his name was Hathen, he was a good man as far as I remember. You wouldn't mind giving a son that name?" Will pressed closer to Edwin, he could just imagine them here like this now with a child of maybe two or so between them, asking the ridiculous questions children do or playing in the garden while they watched.

With the snow coming on and the war coming to a close, Will suspected the roads would be deserted once the armies returned home, they could be like hermits out in the woods, living alone but for eachother with the snow like walls to keep them hidden and safe.
(I'm glad to know that I am forgiven.)

Edwin smiled at the name. "That would be a wonderful name for a prince." He says and leans his head against the chest of his beloved. William was nice and warm to him and he could have slept right there in his arms if Elaina hadn't just rode into the stables and jump down from the horse startling them.

She looked like she was in an hurry and her face showed some distress. "Your highness, I need you to hide inside. There are guards searching the area for you. There were some following me but I lost them but it won't be long till they get here. You can hide in the attic and pull the ladder up with you." She says as she unloads her horse of the cargo it had for them.
Granting a Life.
Will shot up at Elaina's warning, his hand instantly going to Edwin's as if ready to pull the prince to saftey at a moment. "Damn!" The knight cursed, showing a quick flare of his old street urchin life, as he looked around, hoping the woman was right in her estimates.
"She's right 'Win. We have to get you hidden, I'll stay in the house just a floor below you, and keep them busy, Elaina, if they ask, you're my widowed sister, and you're late husband owned the land, I think between the two of us we can maybe throw the guards off the trail." Will quickly tried to decide the best course, hoping his plan would work as well as the confidence his voice commanded.
(( I am so sorry for leaving!!! Please forgive me!!! :'( ))

Edwin nod his head and looked up at William. He knew that William would do anything for him, hopefully nothing that would cause him to lose his beloved. He didn't want to lose the father of his unborn child. Elaina then came to his side and placed a hand on his arm. "Come Prince Edwin, we need to get you inside before the guards get here." She said pulling gently on him. He looked over to William and he came with him walking him to the house. As soon as they reached the door they could hear horses coming their way. "Quickly! Inside now!" Elaina said as she pushed them inside the house. She quickly ran over to the ladder of the attic and pulled it down with the rope while Edwin walked over to the attic and climbed up it as soon as possible. As soon as he was up there Elaina went over to William. "Ready for the charade?" She asked and then went over to the fire place and started it up again.
Granting a Life.

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