Closed Feast for Souls (closed)
The woods in Briar were eerie at night. Percy remembered hearing ghost stories and urban legends about the area when he was younger by his sister; she never failed in frightening him, and even now, as he sat in the middle of a small clearing between towering trees, did he have to remind himself that all of those tales were fiction. The wind howling in an unsettling manner made Percy shudder, and every now and then, he could’ve sworn he’d spotted a pair of eyes watching him from nearby shrubbery. Were they animals? Surely. It was easy to believe otherwise with the stress of his current situation.

Before him was a sigil of sorts. Four lit candles were placed at the ends of said sigil, and what appeared to be petals of some kind were showered around the area. God knows Percy hadn’t the slightest clue as to anything to do with demons or witchcraft — his family was extremely traditional and conservative, highly religious as well, and they’d probably kill him if they knew he was out here doing this. But he had no choice.

His mother was dying, and he couldn’t bear the thought of losing her still so young.

Percy recited incantations scribbled in a diary he’d received from a not so honest source earlier in the day. He didn’t even know if this would work. Hell, he probably looked incredibly stupid sitting out here half past midnight trying to conjure up some fairytale demon. Whatever the case was, however, he intended to see it through. Percy would continue his spell, holding onto that sliver of hope that something would happen. At this point, he’s take the God of Bunnies if it meant they’d heal his mother. It felt ridiculous... but he didn’t stop.
The presence of an ancient but young at heart demon who went by the name of Ke'anu  who was well known and feared was a dark curse that many humans had conjured up when needing a single worthwhile wish. He was in the fiery realm of hell itself, busying himself with watching over Cerberus who was the hound of hell who had three massive heads. He was in charge of guarding the gates of hell forever.

"Eat up, Cerberus." He said to the massive beast who had greatly towered over him. He fed him a meal of the bodies of dead human meat and watched as the Cerberus's three heads had lowered themselves and their jaws gobbling up each one as punishment to the humans who did the most heinous of crimes.  As if from nowhere he had stood to his feet, noticing that he was summoned to the human realm that was called "Earth". He walked through the portal which separated hell from Earth and had found himself standing in a room. '

He looked around with a curious glance in his eyes, soon seeing Percy and him alone in the such room. He was curious about the human but did not move from his spot."Human .. why have you summoned me?" The demon asked, curiosity lingering in his deep, smooth as butter voice. Each word slipped from his tongue, wondering as to why he was being summoned to the realm of the living that particular evening. He was the demon of wishes and he made desires come true.

He stood where he was, his tail lashing from left to right as he waited for an answer from Percy. He was ready to take any wish from him that he wished.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Percy had since closed his eyes upon finishing reciting the summons. The chilled night air made him shudder, even under the coat he sported. Had there been any feeling when his environment changed from the forest to a room, Percy didn’t seem to take notice. It was only when a voice reached his ears that he opened his eyes; he didn’t know whether to feel shocked or amazed or intimidated at the sight of the being which he had brought forth — probably all three. This was akin to the sort of stuff Percy always knew was real but had never witnessed in person. Impending death apparently made people do crazy things.

After a moment of simple astonishment, Percy pushed himself to stand. He wasn’t tall by any means, towering instead at a measly 5’4”. His hair was cut short and was tussled, gentle brown curls pushed back slightly as he ran a hand through them. His eyes were that of a piercing blue, and light freckles spotted across his cheeks and average complexion.

“I have... I— my mom, she’s sick.” He tried to push himself to speak slowly. This still half felt like a dreamscape. “Cancer. It sprung up on us suddenly and... and I’m just—“ Percy took a deep breath in before sighing heavily. “Can you help? Cure her? The treatment will be long... and painful, and there’s no guarantee she’ll even live.” He paused for a moment and swallowed hard. “And I need her.”
"Ah I see .. well human are you aware that you have to present me with a gift in order for me to grant you the wish that you seek in return?" The demon said, a corner of his lips forming into a sly smirk. He wanted to make sure that Percy the human would catch his drift. He was not at all affected by the nipping, bone chillingly frigid temperatures that took control of the human.

The mighty demon had approached a step or two closer till he was standing closely in front of him. He was so much more than just eager to be pleased and pleasured by the human. He was a cruel creature, taking all from those that he granted wishes to. He was a greedy sex crazed beast that had happened since he was a wide eyed creature who held darkness within.

He had a soul but it was not to be easily trusted. It, meaning his "trust" was just like he was stern with himself of being a predator, he did not trust any of the humans. It was in his nature since the dawn of time, he always enjoyed feasting on the weakness and fear of the humans he had been a beacon of hope for. He listened to the human, knowing that soon he would be deep inside of his summoner who was Percy. He felt as though this would either be an interesting night or a pathetic evening that would be wasted on such a weak creature.

He felt somehow badly for the human but he kept himself emotionless like a true beast. He was uncaring as to if the human's parent had suffer or not. He was the demon of lust and he was so much more skilled at it than any male. He was also well endowed when it came to a certain part of himself which seemed to come alive all on it's own. He was aroused just by looking at the handsome creature known as Percy and wanted to explore in which he had more than the time in the whole entire world. Life was about chances and he had much of it.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Percy didn’t have much knowledge on demons. With the way his family was, he would probably get in trouble simply for looking into the subject. The source he’d met earlier hadn’t informed him of the gift part, and almost immediately did his stomach sink at the realization that he hadn’t brought anything with him save for... materialistic items, which he gathered a being not human likely wouldn’t have a need for to begin with.

“I didn’t know that, no,” he started, a frown curling his lips as he struggled to come up with something to offer. “I’ve got... I have my phone, my wallet — I guess that’s all stuff you probably don’t want at all, right?” Percy paused for a moment; a hint of red cane to his face, the younger man flushing at the sight of the demon stepping closer to him. Maybe purposefully did he try to keep eye contact level with the other.

“What gifts do you take?” Percy regretted asking the question the second it came out of his mouth, but he really didn’t have another choice. He wasn’t going to leave here without a deal made, and any amount of anything was enough if it meant his mother wouldn’t die. Percy wondered what she’d think if she knew he was here right now, in some weird half-realm between his plane of existence and this demon’s. Maybe he should’ve known beforehand it wouldn’t be as simple as summoning this guy and simply asking for a wish for life not expecting him to want something in return. Regardless, it was too late to go back now.
(Hello my friend, I hope that I am doing alright in our roleplay so far. I can tell that this roleplay will be fun and interesting. By the way, you are doing exceptional with our thread so far.)


The demon who went by the name of Ke'anu was a well known and feared beast, only those who truly wished would be rewarded. Just like any selfish creature he desired for an offering in return for the such wish to be granted. As time passed by he had been in good spirits, desiring for the sweet as sugar taste of human flesh on the taste buds of his tongue. He was quite ferocious when it came to his sexual appetite lingering on his mind. He was more than the simple word which was "eager". He was a creature from the fiery depths of hell but had innocence.

"Those offerings are generous but they mean nothing to me, dearest human. I desire of something more .. precious to you. In fact, the offering I desire is your flower to soothe my appetite. You see I am the demon of lust." He said, choosing words carefully before speaking. He stepped a step closer until he came to a halt closing the gap between both him and his desperate summoner Percy. Behind him he had a long tail whose end looked like a spear. It had a mind of it's own, lashing from left to right as if it was a leather whip being being unleashed.

He began to walk, going in a circle around the human known as Percy as if he was a tiger examining it's prey before going in for the ultimate kill. He desired to pin down Percy and mount his unsuspecting body, thrusting his cock inside of his scorching hot depths hard enough to force a cry, scream or groan of pain from him. "I can heal your mother's sickness and restore her back to health as if nothing happened. The cancer will be a worry of the past." He kept his ultimate promise to the human. He continued to smirk, wanting the human.

He loved sex with his summoners because he was dominant and they were easy to suffer because the thickness of his cock stretching them to impossible sized limits.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
(Definitely! Sorry my posts are spaced out, been busy with family matters lately!)

Percy was a virgin by choice, for the most part. He’d dated before, he’d brought girls home to his parents to meet and, usually, all would tend to go well. The unfortunate cycle he’d been caught in for awhile of seeing a girl and then dropping her all cane down to their physically intimacy. Percy had never felt particularly comfortable going the entire way because, at least embarrassing to him, he was technically a hermaphrodite, sporting much more working female anatomy than male. Thus, he’d decided to always skirt around that issue lest it came up. While he’d always hoped he’d get over it or it wouldn’t necessarily be a problem, that point had yet to come — and that certainly didn’t change for this demon either. Still, if it meant he could save his mother... did he really have a choice?

For a brief moment of intimacy, he could save his mother and the ultimate grief of his family from coming. It wasn’t preferable, but if it was all the other would take, then he supposed he could suck it up and work past his fears.

He took in a slow breath, looking away for a second as though he were pondering the decision he had to make. When he finally spoke, he sounded none too pleased, but he’d at least given the man a confirmation. “Fine... fine, let’s just... we get this over with and then you’ll heal her?” His mother would absolutely kill him if she knew what he was doing.
(It is alright, my friend. No worries. I understand that real life comes first.:))


In a sick way demon King Ke'anu loved it when he would take a human's precious virginity before granting their wish. With each passing way he was beyond the word "hungry" in the sexual way, wanting the blood from the such presence of innocence to flow upon either upon his thick cock or his tongue's sagerly waiting tastebuds. He was eager for his cock to be exploring inside of Percy's depths, smirking in a way. He kissed Percy's lips softly, knowing that humans were fragile.

He followed the fleshy trail down from Percy's soft as a feather lips, handsome chin and  broad chest. His playful smirk went to a warm, inviting smile. Life was like a dream.  He sighed, wanting to explore the inner depths of Percy. He was cautious as to not to mess this situation up. He wanted to explore sex with Percy.

He was a demon but he was gentle when it was the time to. He sighed blissfully, desiring to take what he truly wanted and not kill Percy when it came to his sexual appetite which was unquenchable and bottomless. He was curious about humans.

Gently he then removed Percy's clothing one by one,  becoming more and more hungerier with each passing minute. He loved it when his victim would suffer but something was preventing him from doing such things. He did not believe in love at first sight but something about Percy drove him crazy in a positive way. He sighed once more, beginning to mount Percy's body which was naked as a jaybird.

"I promise to you that your mother will be cured." He said, honesty lingering in his deep monotone voice. He wanted to show his softer side.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Percy didn’t immediately reciprocate the kiss to the other. In fact, he didn’t return it at all, remaining statuesque and frozen as the man decided to take the matters into his own hands and explore himself. It did make Percy uncomfortable, but he was constantly reminding himself that this would be for just a one time gig — once it was over, he could go home with no issues and his mother would be cured. The turmoil ravaging his family would cease, hopefully, and things might begin to go back to normal.

He just had to endure this once.

Percy had shut his eyes upon feeling his clothes removed. A small shudder wracked his body afterwards. Maybe he was cold, or maybe he was nervous, but some feeling brought on the anticipation and anxiety which caused him to tense up.

Despite all this, however, he couldn’t deny that the reassurance of his mother being cured by the demon put him at ease just a tad. He would never really know whether or not the demon was speaking the truth until he returned home, but if he didn’t give himself here now, than it was a sure fate that his mother would still be riddled with cancer regardless.

So, even as he felt the other man prepare himself, Percy loosed a shaky breath and nodded. His eyes were still closed. When he spoke, his voice was soft. “Okay.”
The demon had loved more than anything thave his way with the frail, fragile human man with each passing second. He smirked sensually, adoring the fearful way that the such creature had held back and let him.

He began to place his lips upon Percy's feather soft skin, his arousal noticeable as it strained to be free. ]He was eager to taste each and every last inch of him. He then mounted the cowering human's body. Life for the demon was true bliss, having taken advantage of many upon many humans victims. In silence he reached down to his crotch, taking his scorching cock and guiding it's tip to Percy's tightly puckered opening.

"I will try to be gentle but I cannot promise that." He said. "It will be over before you know it and your mother will be fresh as new.'' Living was heaven.

He began to thrust gently at first, sighing in pleasure as Percy's opening tried to squeeze his cock like a human hand. He wanted to enjoy each moment that he was being pleasured by. He smirked and smiled from time to time.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Even before the deman breached his entrance, Percy was tense. The other may have even found it difficult to do so with how wound up the smaller human appeared to be. It was likely nerves, and in some part due to the fact that he’d never had intercourse with anyone before. Just feeling the other close to him made Percy bite the inside of his cheek; it was hard enough that he almost drew blood.

“Then let’s get it over with,” he insisted, just before the demon pushed his arousal past Percy’s clenched opening. It was one of the most unsettling feelings he’d ever felt, and Percy instinctively bucked his hips once as though it might give him some leeway in pulling away from the demon. He kept to sticking with keeping his eyes closed. A faint whimper passed over his lips at the light thrusts, like even they were too much for him. Nevertheless, he didn’t tap out or ask to stop, as much as he wanted to.
The demon began to thrust his hips harder and faster as time passed by like many years. He flexed his well sized muscles, showing off as if he was a handsome God. He smirked, wanting the fearful human to carry his child or children but knew that he was to simply have such passionate sex.

He smiled, feeling as if he was nearing his climax but not enough yet. He leaned his head down, gently pressing his soft, warm lips against Percy's neck where his pulse was strongest. Further down to his chest he made sure to secretly impregnate the human. "After I am done I shall grant your wish." He said. "Cancer will be burden of the past, a distant memory for your mother." He said while he moved against Percy's upper thighs.

He was eager to prolong sex. He moved his sturdy hips back and forth roughly, feeling as if he could run a marathon with how aroused he was. He was like a sprinkler as he shot forth his seed inside of Percy's body. He smiled, feeling as if he was able to relax and be able to enjoy the sex. He had sighed in pleasure from time to time, exploring Percy's body like the curious creature he was.

He soon removed his cock from Percy, breathing hard but still smiled. He then granted Percy's wish, snapping his fingers and approving the such request. He then dressed back in his clothing, speaking of the wish. "Your wish has been granted. Your mother is now cancer free."
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

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