Set to Sea (closed RP with @bhdire8)

James was grateful to have Arthur by his side, to have him there to support him. He was less afraid then, relaxing into his mate's arms and shutting his eyes with a sigh. He lay his head on Arthur's shoulder, inhaling slowly as instructed, feeling his mate's palm rubbing over the swell of his belly. The movement within eventually stopped, though the pains still lingered. He reached down for the sailor's hand and held it, lacing their fingers together. "Can you talk to me?", he murmured softly. "I just want to listen to your voice until I fall asleep.", he confessed, kissing his lover's shoulder. "Tell me about your most memorable voyage."

Arthur chuckled lightly. "Why, you are drawing from my stash of bedtime stories? I have already came up and stored away several of my adventure stories for the little one..." he smiled. "... but for you, I will use up some of that saving.... hm, let's see. There had been a time when i travelled to the Continent. The sea was so rough, the entire ship was hugging somewhere, praying to God frantically. Our ship was vulnerable and pitiful against the wall-like waves, and we knew we were doomed.. just when i thought this would be my last voyage, our ship crashed against shore."

He took a breath before continuing. "We somehow scrambled our way onto the remote little island. A rocky and vast island, that I do not recall was ever recorded in any maps. Yet miraculously, there was light. We ran towards the source of light and found a cleverly hidden entrance to a cave. Our arrival immedaitely alerted someone and the man, I still recall his name as Jacocpo, came out to greet us. he told us his master had agreed for us to stay for the night, for he was once a sailor himself. I swear to god I had never seen riches like this. The cave was laid with tapestry, carpets along the floor. Every corner was laid wiht fortune beyond our imagination...." he said interlacing his finger with James'. "After we were cleaned and tidied enough, changed into clothes so soft it could be none other than the finest silk, we were laid to meet the owner of the cave. A Count, but that was all we knew. He had the palest complexion i'd ever seen, but his eyes were so deep, it was wise but at the same time, unreadable." he said gazing into the void, lost in memory himself.

(LOL haha i juz suddenly thot of the count of monte cristo here LOL)

(( Hey I'm finally back after a very long hiatus. : P work got super crazy, and funny enough I lost my account information during the absence. I made a new account though, since I really liked this RP. :) ))

James himself was lost to thought upon listening to Arthur's story. He almost laughed; the description of this man sounded almost like a Selkie himself, with those penetrating dark eyes... James's own gaze contained a depth that seemed nearly supernatural in nature, hypnotic even, comforting. It was the typical gaze of one of his species; the telltale sign of one. Those dark eyes slowly shut however, James's weary body relaxing into his lover as he idly stroked his restless belly. Soon enough the baby seemed to calm, the harsh squirming halting to allow James to sleep at last.

The next morning, the Selkie would indulge in the Sun. Having woken up before Arthur, James felt a familiar tug toward the sea, one he hadn't felt since he last left his village. He was careful not to wake his lover, heaving himself to his feet and getting dressed. He wore loose fitted trousers, the waist tailored to accommodate his growing belly, as well as a comfortable white button-up. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and he fussed with the tightness around his abdomen as he waddled out to the deck. The sun had just barely risen, peaking over the horizon, but already it was enticing. He found a spot for himself tucked between two tied down crates, where the sunlight shone directly. Getting himself comfortable, he decided to sunbathe for a while, falling back into a nap as the warmth touched his skin. He greedily took it in, and his baby seemed quite content as well, giving minimal movement. Except, suddenly James was wondering if it was really only /one/ baby inside him. Not only had he been growing exceedingly large for his trimester, but those movements sometimes seemed to come from two different areas within his belly. As he stretched out in the sun, he felt the baby roll about within his womb, and groaned softly at the fullness he felt. It wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but it was certainly a foreign feeling.

(Oh hey! Haha yea it’s been awhile, glad to know you managed to survive that… and I’m even more excited knowing you’d chosen to return to this! AH, remind where we were heading next? To visit the matriarch, and then…? Did we conclude that Arthur would face serious rejection with him being a human? Was that the direction we wanted to go for?)

Arthur woke to an empty and cold bed. He looked around but James was no where to be found. Arthur wasn’t particularly worried, for he knew the free spirited selkie, although burdened by their baby, still can take good care of himself. Deciding to get some breakfast, he emerged from the cabin for their kitchen. On his way of fetching supplies, he noted his love between 2 crates. From his angle, Arthur smiled fondly at the image of his love. He hadn’t noticed before, but right now being full of baby, James actually looked a little like a seal – the loose pants smoothed out the silhouette of his bump with his body, making it look like the trademark round body of pinnipeds. Seeing his lover quite contently basking under the warm sunlight, he went ahead to prepare their first meal. His lovely selkie required more energy than usual, and Arthur was only too happy to feed him.

Soon enough the food he was cooking at the kitchen was nearly done, and the delicious scent was filling the air. With 2 dishes, one fuller than the other, he came looking for his mate, using another another crate as a makeshift table. “James…” he said. Not hearing a response, he headed over, squatting in front of his love, he called for him again. “James… time for breakfast.” He smiled and playfully rubbed his cheek against his full bump.

(hadn't addressed the suspicion on twins yet, but we could get to it next~)

(( I'm actually not sure at all haha, it's been quite a while since I've thought about this thread so my memory is pretty hazy. But if you want then yeah, they could probably head back to the settlement and the matriarch could maybe give James a choice of either staying with his own kind or leaving with Arthur and never returning? :) ))

He was disturbed from his napping by Arthur's pleasant voice, the selkie humming softly before feeling his love nudging against his bump. Opening his eyes, he gently toyed with the sailor's soft locks of hair, idly patting his head as he gazed down at him. It wasn't often that James allowed himself the chance to really admire Arthur, but in the apex of that moment he felt an inclination to indulge in what was perhaps veneration. "Come here, love.", he said softly, guiding Arthur to stand up and instead sit in his lap. He had a feeling Arthur wouldn't be able to do this in a few weeks, his belly already somewhat in the way. His body had grown soft and comforting, preparing for the tenderness that motherhood demanded. It was warm, thanks to the sunlight, and James lazily hugged Arthur's waist as he softly smiled up at him.

"Do you remember when we first met?", he laughed softly. "I was so captivated by you, by your stories... you seemed so free, without boundary or horizon. The dimensions of your spirit seemed endless.", he mused, lifting a hand to gently caress his lover's cheek. "And now look at us- if you'd told me that I'd be having your child when we first met, I would never have believed you.", he laughed a bit, sighing. He gently ran a hand down Arthur's back, exploring the gentle curve there, before finally pulling away.

"Well, come on then. The baby is demanding breakfast.", he chuckled, feeling a gentle kicking within his womb.

(haah yea it's been quite awhile, I'd agree... well it doesn't matter, what matters iw aht we want now! sure, that sounded great. and therefore James would probably had to face the birth with Arthur alone ;) and that would make Arthur sorta cguilty since he was the one macausing the trouble essentially, for being a human... ))

There was something stunningly beautiful in James' wet, round eyes. He looked so pure and innocent this moment, so open and loving. he took James on his lap and clasped a protective hand over his hip, looking back at James tenderly.

"Oh yea, you were almost the only person still selling in that market! i was starving at tth time... and what could be better than some fish. And what's even better was the seller's so cute... and so eager to hear out my stories. Most others just pretend they're interested, you were different..." He smiled leaning into James' hand. "I wouldn't have believed that! Hell... I didnt' even know selkies are so... 'capable'." he smirked. "Able to carry babies in you, that's a true blessing... and I feel so blessed every day now. Thank you so much for this little miracle." The sailor cupped James' bump, rubbing it getnly with his thumb.

The kick was also felt by Arthur, and the man chuckled as he held James' back and stood up together. James wasn't exactly a small man, but the belly was weighing him down and with how much he'd softened, there was a sense of vulnerability surrounding him, making Arthur constantly wanting to take better, and even better care of the selkie. That said... he also had a feeling James was now tougher in some aspects - there was a glow on him that perhaps was a mother instinct, he knew he would rise to any challenge now that he had their little one to protect.

Arthur escorted James all the way to his makeshift chair, not leaving his side until he gingerly settled down. "You mentioned you were supposed to return to the matriarch for the checkup right? Was there a fixed date for it?" he asked casually, half excited and half nervous for visiting the territory of selkies.

He shook his head once questioned, thoughtfully grazing his hand over his belly. "No, only to return once I'm seven months along for planning on the birth. She offered to serve as a midwife, it makes sense. My kind aren't exactly a populous race, I suppose we have to look out for one another.", he sighed, though eagerly dug into his breakfast. He was hungry nearly all the time now that he was eating for two, and the fact that Arthur was so willing to provide and care for him like this in itself was touching.

"Seven months, that would be in two weeks.", he said idly, brows furrowing as he took a deep breath. "I guess it's closer than I thought.", he muttered, feeling a sudden anxiety. This was his first pregnancy after all, and even though he'd managed through most of it with relative ease, he knew the birth was bound to be...different. He wasn't exactly afraid, but it would be a lie to say he wasn't nervous. "You'll be there, right? For the birth?", he asked anxiously, and couldn't help but reach over to take hold of his hand for reassurance.

Arthur raised his brow hearing seven months... that wouldn't be long from now. He listened carefully and nodded. at least James would have the help he needed... it was nervewrecking thinking about the birth. Surely the sailor did not have much experience, nor had he heard much about childbirth, but from time to time he'd hear someone's wife passed right after bearing a child, some even lost both in the process, leaving his fellow sailors devastated returning to an empty home.

"Shall we make plans to set sail again then? how far are we from the matriarch?" Arthur attempted to make himself sound normal. remembering the hollow faces of those widowers as they returned from the funerals, that was a haunting experience. yet, there was no point causing more anxiety for the selkie, and probably the risk wasn't the same. He brushed away those thoughts and smiled. "Of course I'd be there... I would never leave your side." He squeezed back James' hand for reassurance. "I will be looking after you. Feel free to bite me, scold me, whatever you want to do. I'll be there..." he said, sandwiching James' hand between his palms.

With their next destination fixed, Arthur, on top of plotting their route, started asking James more about their traditions and rules, just so he would not overstep when he visited. "Shall I bring something? as a present? Would it cause trouble that I'm a human but i'm stepping into selkie territory?" He asked holding James on his lap, again enjoying the warm sunlight on the deck one lazy afternoon.

With his worries eased about the delivery of their child, James fell into a sort of quiet complicity. He seemed to relax much more after that, trusting that Arthur would take care of him, and even support him through it. He was enjoying one of the more neutral days now; when Arthur wasn't as busy charting their route and they could simply exist together. Sitting in his lover's lap, he had to sit facing frontward, as his belly prevented him from leaning against the other. His back was pressed against his mate's chest instead, the back of his head resting on Arthur's shoulder as he relaxed against him. He vaguely felt a hand cradling his belly, and reached down to guide his hand further up, near his navel. There was a soft kicking movement there, and although it was causing some discomfort, James couldn't be more delighted in knowing that the baby was healthy.

"My people aren't as demanding as you humans; I doubt they'd be swayed with gifts.", he mused softly. "It...might cause some concern. I'm not expecting you to be welcomed immediately once they learn of your nature, but I trust that they'll be patient in understanding.", he said simply. He shut his eyes blissfully as he sunbathed, only to flinch a bit at an especially rough movement. "Ooh...that was a big one.", he huffed softly, trying to adjust himself into a more comfortable position- albeit clumsily. "If she's this energetic now, I don't even want to think about after she's born.", he laughed quietly, glancing down fondly at his belly as he rubbed a hand over it. "What I wouldn't give to be able to get comfortable again.", he mused softly, guiding Arthur's hand along his belly to feel the movement. Then, in a moment of boldness, he cheekily led his lover's hand much lower. Pressing the other's palm suddenly against the apex between his legs, James couldn't help but huff as he smirked. "Maybe you can help me with that?", he mused, trying to buck his hips into that hand but with little success. Unable to move like he used to, he was a tad frusturated, giving a soft whine as he struggled with moving.

Sometimes Arthur wondered if it was just him, but he was officially getting addicted to feeling James’ bump. What’s even more, he loved feeling the little fluttering from within. He would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, and found himself quietly enjoying some interaction with their little one. It wasn’t just James, Arthur also started noticing the movement could come at 2 different corners at the same time, but lacking basic knowledge in childbearing, he was oblivious to the implication behind it, let alone ever thinking that James could be nurturing 2 babies in him.

Arthur immediately rubbed around the area of a hard kick feeling James’ flinch, comforting and calming over their little one, just assisting as much as he could to help James find a better position. He smiled at James’ insistence in using the feminine pronoun, although he just had a hunch they’re going to have a boy… “We’d survive… how could we not have a free spirit with our genes.” He smiled cheekily and kissed James’ cheek.

To his surprise, James was moving his hand much lower… he wasn’t expecting an arousal when the baby was kicking this hard…. “Hmm, I think a little ‘rocking’ could help lure the baby to sleep, no harm trying.” He smirked, his innocent kisses became something more teasing as he started nibbling along his cheek. He got to work too with his hand, enveloping the stiff staff. Spreading James’ legs, he went on to fondle with the balls underneath, then tug once along his member.

He almost chuckled at the discontent whine. The selkie’s just adorable with that needy sound… The belly was pressing down, so Arthur spooned and tugged the bump a little higher so he could get to the full length of James’ length. The sailor was also quickly catching up, getting into the mood himself, his erection slowly awakening and poking straight into James’ lowerback.


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