
Verna hadn't expected to feel this anxious, this eager. A baby, their baby, the start of the family she'd always longed for. Her husband was a saint in her eyes, if a moody one due to hormones, "Babe we can't repaint the whole room in two days, and we agreed that green was the best color," she said. He'd been ancy as of late, not quite nesting, but becoming more particular. She tossed him the plush baby squid she'd made, a cute thing one of her coworkers had made the baby, "plus its cute that it matches Kracken," today he'd decided they had to move the toys around. She was happy to comply and help keep him busy, " know I love you right hon?"

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Going straight down to hell when I die. 


Nine months pregnant was leaving Connor restless, big, and ready to get this baby out. His due date was yesterday, and his anxiety was only increasing by the day.

"Yes, dear, I know that, but I do not love this room. The walls don't match, the toys are in all the wrong spots, I don't like where the crib is, and I can't get this room clean!" he cried. The vacuum was still sitting in the hallway from his last cleaning venture. He sighed and placed his hands atop his full-term belly.

Verna chuckled softly, "Hon its the lighting. One wall look different because it has natural lighting and the others have artificial light," she turned to the crib, a family heirloom passed down to her from her late mother, "if you want I could call up my brother, I can't move the crib on my own... and you're in no state for heavy lifting," she crossed the room to take his hands and kiss them softly, "The toys we can manage at the very least,"

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Connor sighed again. He waddled over to two of the toys perched in the crib. Picking them up, he moved them over to the changing table, before making his way over to the rocking chair.

"There. Much better. But now I have to clean, hon, so either help or get out of my way," he said. Everything needed to be perfect for when the baby finally arrived.

She chuckled, "Just tell me what you want me to do," she said, smiling after stealing a kiss on his cheek, "and how badly do you want the crib moved?" Her brother lived nearby, and he didn't mind the visits to help move things around.

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Going straight down to hell when I die. 


"Bring the vacuum in here. The floor is dirty. And the duster while you're at it," he said. Looking back at the crib, he placed one hand on his aching back and one on top of his bulging bump. "Actually, it's perfectly fine where it is. I don't know what I was thinking."

"You just want everything to be perfect. That's understandable," she said, bringing in the duster and the vaccum, "I've had patients who were twice as particular," she hummed thoughtfully, "I'm glad to have this break from work though," she paused to rub his back a bit and rest a hand on his stomach, "I mean, this is our baby... our miracle," she rested her head against his and looked down at his bump affectionately, "I just wish I could enjoy the sight more,"

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Going straight down to hell when I die. 


"What? Me? I'm so huge... I want this kid out already. I'm not beautiful," he said, grumpily but smiling as she slowly rubbed his bump.

"No, you're beyond beautiful to me... you're perfect," she kissed him happily, "lets finish cleaning and then get some rest, maybe a back rub for you,"

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Going straight down to hell when I die. 


Connor managed a smile as he took the vacuum cleaner. His back hurt, but he HAD to get this room clean. He went all around the nursery, his heavy and full belly hanging beneath him as he worked. He had never felt more expectant and pregnant. He kept a close eye on his wife, making sure that she was dusting exactly the right way.

Verna could say one thing for owning her own midwifery practice, it had given her the cleaning skillset of a maid, and though she despised cleaning personally, if it made things easier for Connor by setting his mind at ease, she'd do it all day. She dusted everything thoroughly, and finished up with the vacuum for Connor, insisting he rest his feet. She had the floor spotless after a few minutes, and turned the vacuum off after a while to let him inspect her work. She seized the chance to slide an arm around him with a broad smile, "Hey," she murmured in his ear, "you're amazing, you know that right?" so she was hoping to distract him from cleaning, but at least she was sweet about it.

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Connor felt his wife's arm snake around his waist and rest on his belly. He sighed, before smiling deeply. "I'm just glad I can carry our child. And that you know enough to be able to care for me," he said, kissing her forehead as best as he could with his bump in the way.

She smiled, "well what better way to start a family really?" She asked, "I wouldn't have it any other way darling," her hands ran over his stomach, pausing to feel a nudge from within.

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A small kick from the baby within broke the surface of his taut belly. Connor smiled and placed a hand atop his bump. At this point, the baby's head was engaged and it wasn't really moving. An occasional kick or punch was all the baby could manage in the cramped womb. It was really a waiting game at this point.

Verna smiled a bit, "I'm telling you, they'll be here within a day, two days max," she said, expert hands feeling his stomach gently, pressing a soft kiss to it, "Now I beleive I owe you a massage," she hummed.

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"Mmmm... do you need to do a last minute checkup this time? You sprung that on me last time you got me to lay down," he said, sitting down on the bed regardless. His back was hurting, and he couldn't stay on his feet long with his aching hips.

"No, but I could give one if you wish," she said, kissing his cheek as she rubbed his back gently, though with gradually more pressure since triggering his labor wouldn't be the end of the world at this point, "I'm telling you though, soon, they've dropped so low already they have to be coming soon,"

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Going straight down to hell when I die. 


"They're in my hips. I can feel it. The head's pushing down... it feels so low. They have to be coming soon," he said as she rubbed his back. His belly sat on his lap, a massive ball housing their unborn child.

She smiled a bit, "Most of that pressure is amniotic fluid... when your water breaks it will releive the pressure a great deal," she assured, kissing his shoulder, " know... I'm just stating that this is a viable option to induce your labor, but its been proven that orgasms can trigger contractions... if you want to anyway," there was a sheepish,though lovably devilish light in her eyes as she said this.

((Legit. Sex can trigger labor.))

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Going straight down to hell when I die. 


Connor groaned a bit at her look. " know I love you...but I feel like a house. There's no way I can even think about that right now," he said sadly.

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