The Breeding Station (OPEN)
Jace sobbed and screamed as he pushed as hard as he could "Ahhhhh! Nyugghhh!" He groaned pushing and he felt himself tearing as the baby started to come, he screamed loudly
Aquum pressed a button, calling in one of the nurse droids. Just after the baby came out, it whisked the child away. Aquum leaned in close to Jace. "Hey, you've got one down! You're doing amazing!" He applied as much of the painkillers to the other boy's belly as he could muster.
Jace whispered "Thankyou" squeezing the mans hand gently panting quietly leaning his head back as he had a slight break before another contraction hit and he groaned loudly throwing his head back getting his teeth as he started pushing screaming as it stretched his already painful hole
Aquum had done all he could do. His healing powers were stretched to the limit. He squeezed the other man's hand, and hoped for his sake that the rest of the babies would come quickly
Jace groaned and pushed as hard as he could and felt the second baby slide out much easier than the first, he panted quietly leaning his head back closing his eyes "One more" he murmured to himself "Just one more...." I took a deep breath as a contraction hit and pushed as hard as I could but it wasn't budging "Oh god, its stuck" I groaned loudly
"Oh shit" Aquum thought to himself. It had been ten minutes since this whole thing had started, which meant that he himself was just five minutes from delivery. He felt very faint contractions. He needed to speed things up a bit, and reached down and grabbed the final baby by the head, easing it out slowly, before handing it to the nursing droid. He stood up, his now very noticeable belly protruding in front of him. "Care to come with me to see the birth?" he asked, gesturing to his belly.
Jace panted softly and nodded "okay" i said getting up slowly my legs shaking slightly "Do you just want to give birth here?" I asked softly "Or do you have another room you want to go to? How many are you pregnant with?" I asked gently reaching out touching his stomach
Aquum smiled and giggled as Jace ran his hands over his tender stomach. "You know what? Why not?" He was supposed to be going back to the Quozzniff to birth, but he could give them the eggs at a later date. He wanted to spend some more time around Jace. "I've got five eggs, and I don't know how big they're gonna be, so be ready for anything"
Jace laughed softly "Ill try to be" He smiled gently at Aquum and blushed slightly at his inappropriate thoughts "Lie down" I said gently pulling him towards the bed gently laying him down and gently brushed the hair from his face "How bad are the contractions? You can squeeze my hand if you want" He said gently
"Not bad" he said. "Yet." This was the calm before the storm, and he knew it. He held Jace's hand and squeezed tight. "T-T--" He began, but was interrupted by the first of many heavy contractions that came rapidly. "AAAHHH" "AHHH" "AUGHH!" He screamed. It was only now that he could feel the eggs were big. And this was his first time giving birth, so his hole was tight. "UGHHH!" Another yell...
Jace rubbed his hand and his stomach "You'll be fine, just breathe, is this your first time?" he asked gently trying to comfort the young man and gently massaged his stomach trying to help with the pain "Just breathe through the contraction with me okay?" I took a short breaths like you were supposed to trying to get him to copy me
"Ok." Aquum breathed. "Yeah, it's my first birth." It was funny that he was giving Jace advice before, but now that it was him in the birthing position, he needed all the help he could get. "Ahhhhh!" He yelled. "First one's coming!"
Jace kissed his forehead gently "Just breathe and your body will tell you when to push, just remember you're really brave for doing this and just squeeze my hand alright?" I moved down continuing holding his hand so i could see his birthing hole which was puckered up "You ready for this?" I squeezed his hand encouragingly
Name: Jak Bafur

Sex: Male

Player Type: Breeder & Seeder

Special Characteristics: This is his first pregnancy he's not sure of the alien race since it was at an orgy. He likes to fuck more than being fuck but is very easily convinced. The more pregnant he is the more he wants to be fucked. He was bred to be a strong soldier and his genes make his pregnancies last half the usual time.

Number of babies: 2 currently

Turn on: Dominant lovers (male and female), painful births

Turn offs: none.


Jak sat in the common area rubbing his big bump under the tight fabric around it. He closed his green eyes feeling the two move around in him. He was not sure what species was implanted him, but he knew that he was close to birth. He looked around seeing no one. Jak was curious where everyone could be at this time. He heaved his heavy body up from the chair and started to move through the area looking for other people to contact.
Ryne had been waiting to give birth to these new babies. He rubbed his belly passionately as he could feel the triplets moving to his birth canal. He couldn't wait to give, knowing the birth will be painful, he would do it again with this or any other species. Now he had to find a race to birth to.
"AAAAAUGH!" That was the first one out; it was a little bit smaller then a football, and FAR bigger then was comfortable. Aquum grunted and tensed his body, preparing himself mentally for the next one. "Jace, could you call one of the nurse droids in here?" he asked, with a slight cry.
Jace nodded and quickly called one "Its going to be okay Aquum, you're going to be fine" He gently stroked Aquum's cheek "Just go with what you feel" He said gently rubbing his large belly
Aquum smiled. He liked it when Jace rubbed his b- "UGHH!! AHHH!!" Two more eggs came in rapid succession. That was three that were out now, and only two more left inside him. His hole was sore, and his belly was down to a size much closer to normal. He took a few more deep breaths, and pushed the remaining eggs as hard as he could... "AAAAUUUGG..."
Jace squeezed his hand encouragingly "You're doing great, only a few pushes left" He rubbed his stomach gently and pushed his sweaty hair back from his face "Just breathe and push" He said gently
Aquum nodded, he knew Jace was right. He took a deep breath and forced out his fourth egg with a massive grunt. He squeezed Jace's hand so hard he was worried he might break the other boy's fingers as he screamed when the final egg rolled out of his body onto the table and then was whisked away by one of the droids, to be taken back to it's seeder.

Aquum licked his lips as he sat up, and then got a good look at Jace for the first time. "Well," he said. "Giving birth was a hell of a way for us to meet each other. Wanna grab a drink or something, and talk like normal people?"

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