Aliens Kidnapping (closed with Shane20)

"Go on ahead" He said in relaxed, willing tone
"Hit me up" He grinned rather unnaturally

Yes, I am a feminist,
But does that mean I do not love a newborn child? Heart
No, it does not.
I may support abortion but that does not mean I do not respect a woman or man's choice to bring a child into this world.

As long as they love that child I do not care.


Ulrich, is completely submissive, not one protest as Zaru kisses him, in fact returns the kiss with a moan of pleasure.

Yes, I am a feminist,
But does that mean I do not love a newborn child? Heart
No, it does not.
I may support abortion but that does not mean I do not respect a woman or man's choice to bring a child into this world.

As long as they love that child I do not care.


"O-oh I think..." He moans louder as his member stands straight up and Zaru's tentacles push in him more and more...

Yes, I am a feminist,
But does that mean I do not love a newborn child? Heart
No, it does not.
I may support abortion but that does not mean I do not respect a woman or man's choice to bring a child into this world.

As long as they love that child I do not care.


His member throbbed madly as he came, making both Zaru and him moan

Yes, I am a feminist,
But does that mean I do not love a newborn child? Heart
No, it does not.
I may support abortion but that does not mean I do not respect a woman or man's choice to bring a child into this world.

As long as they love that child I do not care.


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