Panther Winds(Closed)

((Sorry about the lame title, figured it would be a good pun on their names))

West rested his head on the class room desk, he didnt care about pre-calculus, he hardly cared about much anymore, not since the events two months prior. Drunk one night stands with a guy he still wasnt a 100% sure hadnt drugged his drink tended to do that to a kid. Pile that on having been sick non-stop for two weeks, and all any doctor had told him was it was just a stomach virus, led to one angsty despondent teen. Mulling over life, the universe, and everything but his class work, the raven haired boy rubbed his belly absently beneath the over sized hoodie he wore, wondering when he had been able to eat enough the past two weeks with all the vomiting to get a bit of pudge.

When the class room door opened, all sense of thought left Westley at the sight of the stranger who walked in, it was like a bad vampire romance novel, except worse. The tall dark and handsome possible rapist of his nightmares walked in like he owned the place, and his stomach did a sickening flip the moment their eyes met. "Oh shit....." He cursed audibly, making every eye that wasnt fixed on the 'new student' turn to look at West.

(Beautiful beginning so far and love the title)

Dakota strolled into the classroom that held the scent of his mate. A grin played across his well tanned face as he heard murmurs around the room. Moving his hand through his hands through curly hair in a nonchalant fashion, he made eye contacted with a young man towards the back of the class. He wore a black hoodie that covers his slightly small frame. He noticed how the boy would take a quick glance of him then quickly look away once Dakota made eye contact. With out missing a beat he heard his mate speak. It intrigued him. As the teacher finished introducing Dakota to the class, he allowed for the new student to choose a seat wherever it pleased him. Without much hesitation he took the seat that was next to the boy that had the most intriguing smell. As he sat next to the boy, he took in the heavenly aroma. It brought back memories of that beautiful night that took place two months ago.

Mortomer was becoming tedious with his life. Nothing good was going on as the god hoped. He need something or someone to keep him entertained. He though of how he had not had a mate in a few centuries. The very thought of filling a morals womb with a few of his young brought the most devious smile into the God's face. This was going to be what kept the god busy for a while. He ventured out unto the mortal world to search for his potential mate.
As he wonder around the woods he was greater by the sound of people and the smell of alcohol. As he ventured closer to the site he saw a young man. He looked no older than that of a sixteen year old. His dark hair swayed wildly in the wind as he tried to gain sturdy footing. He was clamouring with some odd words that seem to slur. A tightness built around Mortmer's todger as he watched the boy longer. He knew this boy would be the carrier of his children. Mortomer changed into his godly human form and pounced on the teen. The boy seems to be in shock of what just occur but his sense was dulled because of his alcohol induced state. Mortomer easily dominated the small teen. "Tonight, young one, you will become my mate," he told as lust dripped from every word.

((I hope this is okay. I tried really hard.))

((Its fine! You're doing great! <333 ))

West watched in horror as 'Dakota' as the teacher introduced him took a seat opposite him, making the teen want to curl up and die right on the spot, anything to get his stomach to stop doing flips, or get the feeling of those predatory eyes off him.
The raven haired teen tried to pretend to be asleep on his desk, but nothing got rid of the memory of his those eyes burning behind his own closed lids.
Looking up did no good, the guy was still eyeing him like a tasty treat, leaving West to glare back as best he could, he didnt even proof this guy was the one who did it, and yet at the same time he didnt need proof. Coal like eyes glowered at the man that had been haunting his nightmares for two months now. "Why are you here? Wasnt raping me once enough? I cant even call the police like a chick could!" West hissed in a low and angry whisper, before his stomach lurched again, and he doubled over, worried he might vomit in the class room.

Dakota tried to grab the teen's attention once he took a seat. He was a bit irritated that he boy paid very few attention to him. His irritation resorted in a low growl deep in his throat. All Dakota could do was boar his eyes upon the boy. His mate soon looked at him, making eye contact with him. This caused Dakota to smile his playful grin, making him a bit more intimidating. The boy parted his lips as he leaned close to Dakota, hissing at him in a loathsome tone, "Why are you here? Wasnt raping me once enough? I cant even call the police like a chick could!" Dakota's grin was soon accompanied by a deep chuckle as he answered the teen. "To put it simply you are my mate and I wish to witness the growth of my child or children," Dakota nonchalantly told as he put his hand over the boy's stomach for emphases. Though he knew it would be a while before there was any physical sign of life, he liked the idea of feeling his child or children in the womb. He returned his eye's to the boy's face to be welcomed with a unpleasant look.

((It was kinda short. Sorry))

West face screwed up in one of shocked disgust, batting the terrifying mans hand away from his stomach. "What is your problem?!" He said a bit too loudly, for the second time drawing the classes attention as he scooted his desk away from the other male. Feeling sick again but in a different way, that predatory grin making him feel like a rabbit caught in a snare.
"I'm not you're mate, I'm not even you're friend, and I am not giving you children, check my gender- Wait, no, dont check my gender. Ever. Again." West whispered now, once the class's attention shifted back to the teacher and there was less danger of anyone knowing he let himself get raped by this creep, who seemed to thin they were married and having kids now.
It was only when the freckled boy turned his attention back to the black board he realized that he had been rubbing his stomach protectively since Dakota had touched him, making West pull his hand away like it had been burned, making a mental note to never do that again.

Dakota was appalled by the boy's actions. He had no right to move his hand away. An inaudible growl formed in Dakota's throat. He had to fight he urge to shift. Dakota was a god for heaven sakes. The boy has no right treating Dakota like he was a filthy beast of some sort. "What is your problem?!" The boy yelled in disguise toward Dakota. This loud out burst from the small boy brought every eye in the class upon him. The boy meekly averted his eye from meeting with anyone's in the class. As everyone's attention went back to the boards the boy's eyes meet with mine. "I'm not you're mate, I'm not even you're friend, and I am not giving you children, check my gender- Wait, no, dont check my gender. Ever. Again." With such cruel words leaving the small teen, he moved his desk as far as away from me. Though anger started to consume his body an other,more dominate, emotion came into play and that was amusement. Dakota knew he found the perfect mate. These were going to be some interesting months ahead of the two. Dakota eyes the boy whoa had regreated to the cornor eyeing Dakota back. Giving him the most devious grin possible he said in a taunting tone, "Human be prepared."

West tisked at Dakota's last comment, deciding to ignore him after that, focusing with a Herculean effort on the blackboard, and anything but the tanned and dark haired male sitting across from him.
It was only the ringing of the class bell that woke West and snapped him back to reality, though he still ignored the other as he hurriedly snatched up his bag and started for the door and hall way.
West's thoughts were all racing a million miles an hour, he hated this, he hates that he'd been raped, he hated being sick, he hated having to share a class, he hated how hot the school was and how the bodies of other students press around him like a wave.
Slowly West realized he shouldnt feel like he was standing in an oven or that the room shouldnt be spinning around him, but it was too late by then, his heart racing a million miles an hour, and his senses over whelmed and stomach feeling like it was ready for the olympics, the teen only had enough time to get out the words of a half mumbled curse before the floor was suddenly rushing up to meet him and the entire world went black around him.

Dakota was now eager to get out of class. He was to meet up with this mate and "teach him a lesson". His wish was soon meet as a piercing ringing ran through the school halls. Dakota watched as his mate quickly gathered his belongings and scamper out of the class. Doing so, he was the first I leave. Dakota was quick to follow him. After all, their schedules were much a like and he would get a kick out of his mate's face when he saw that they were in the next class together and all the other class after this one. Dakota noticed that his mate was aroma was changing. He didn't like that. His mates actions changed as well. His steps became slower as he passed by several students trying to get to his next destination. His body began to sway in an odd manner. Dakota knew what was to come next and was there in a heartbeat to catch his mate before he made contact with the floor. Students all gather around as they murmured at the sight they were bestowed with. Dakota felt the body heat of his mate rising. 'This can't be good' he though as he looked at the discomfort that was forming in his mates face. The students that were around all tried to offer help but Dakota wouldn't allow it. He would give death glares to anyone that would step close to him and his mate. He need to get his mate out of the school. Without hesitation, he lifted his mate up in bridal form and carried him out to the school. Though he was tempted to change into his god form, he knew this was not the time nor the place with all the witness watching him. Plus he had to do things the humane way. Quickly pulling his car keys out of his pocket, he walked over to his 2007 blue Nissan and unlocked the passenger door to place his mate in he car. Once that task was done, Dakota hopped in his car, started the engine, and drove quickly to his place.

All in all West felt like passing out had been one of the best decisions he had made all day, with waking up that morning so far taking the title of worst. The darkness was warm and welcoming filled with the exotic scene of something equally familiar as unfamiliar, and made it hard to remember what had happened or why he was so nervous to start with.
At one point he dimly remembered waking up, but the way the trees all hurried past made his head spin again, and soon darkness reclaimed the teen.
Finally when Westley did come around, he woke with a panic, looking wildly around as his blood ran cold, this was not his home, this wasnt even school, and the last thing he remembered was Dakota. He felt numb all over like he had been wrapped his cotton and his brain didnt feel much better, but he wanted to scream, he wanted to run, to find a weapon and fight his way out of this mess, but all his body would do was begein to cry.
"Damn it Dakota! This isnt okay!" He screamed, wiping the tears that pricked at his eyes away, he was so tired of being hormonal all the time, he felt like a girl on his period half the time, and the other half he felt like punching people in the face, of course kidnapped and held hostage he would be in a crying mood.
"I hate this! This is all your fault Dakota!" He called again, ever since Dakota had raped him he had felt like this and suddenly the misery that had been the past two months all came bubbling back.

Dakota was relived to know his mates body temperature had went down dramatically. He went to go get some damp rags to places on his mates forehead to keep the tempature down. While locating the rags, Dakota heard moans from the room over. His mate was okay so that meant his offsprings were too. Relief washed over Dakota. As Dakota got the damp rags for his mate, he heard crys and screams fill his room. "Damn it Dakota! This isnt okay!" 'What exactly is this human scram about now?' Dakota pondered as he made his way to his room. Just as he thought, the human was sitting up in bed crying like an hormanal teen. 'Maybe this whole mating was not worth it. Why couldn't he just stop all him blubbering and take it like a man. I swear the women from my past mattings were less hormanal.' Before he enetered his chamber, the crying had not ceases and the teen continued to scream more nonsense. Or so that seemed to be nonsense to Dakota. "I hate this! This is all your fault Dakota!" Dakota let out a growl as he now enetered the room. "My dear heavens boy! What are you so upset about? You should crying with joy knowing that I, Mortmer, chose you to be my mate!"

West's tears dried up as quick as they had came at the sight of the god, his outrage at having been captured and over the pain he'd been through the past two months boiling in to a cold rage, as the teen stood up from the bed, feeling wobbly at first but quickly getting his legs back under him as he glared at the god.
"You're an insane rapist and I am not your mate, I am not your anything." West hissed irritably, as he crossed his arms over his chest, glad to see that by enlarge his clothing was left in tact, as he looked around the room, trying to find the best escape route. Seeing the only door out blocked by Dakota, or Mortmer or whatever his name was, not that West cared, he suddenly atleast had an outlet for all his pent up hormonal emotional chaos. "I'm leaving." He growled darkly, walking over to the other and attempting to push past. "I'm leaving and no one ever hears about this, ever? Got it?"

Mortomer could not take it anymore. This human was pushing his limits. He put up with enough of his yelling for a day. Rage soon developed in his muscular form. He was going to teach this petty human of it was the last thing he did on this earth. His frame was shaking slightly. If the human did one more thing Mortomer was going to loose it. Of course the human had to say one last things. "I'm leaving and no one ever hears about this, ever? Got it?" The human told in the most threating to e he could possible conjure. With out a secnng that Mortmer transformed into his godly form. The only difference that shown was a bit of hi height, his hair, his eyes, and most noticeable was the new tail that swayed back and forth behind him. "That's it human! I'm done with all your bull! Weither you like it or not you are my mate and you are growing my offspring within you!" A devious smile dances across his tan face. "But since you are having an hard time believing so, I can demonstrate how this whole mating process works again."

West gaped as Mortomer transfromed infront of him, making West take a step backwards at first, gaping like a fish his eyes wide with fear, but as the god threatened a repeat performance for their first night together, his fear hit its limit, overwhelming itsself and melting away once more to indignant rage. "No. Not again, not EVER again, I am not yours, I'm not property!" West spoke in a clear voice that dared the panther to try and tell him otherwise, and as he bit out the last word, West threw a punch as hard as he could, ready to knock the panther off his feet and run.

Mortmer laughed a thunderous laugh. "You are one fistey human," he told in between his laughter. Mortmer swore he heard a crack come from the human's hand. That just caused grin to grow even wider. "It seems you wish for a repeat. I must warn you that I won't be as gentle as last time." Mortmer grabbed the human boy and threw him on the bed. While he was making his way to the bed, he was stripping himself from his garments, leaving nothing to get in the way. There he stood, in front of the teen, completely naked. Mortmer looked at the boy with lustfull eyes. "I hope you are ready human," he laughed with a thunderous laugh. Pinning the boy to his bed with one hand, he used the other to strip the teen of his keks and pants. Without much perpetration, he shoved his thick, pulsating, veiny member into the boy's arse. Mortmer ignored the screaming protest of the boy as he went deeper into him. Mortmer kept thrusting back and forth, harder and deeper into the boy. He felt his climax. As he hosed the boy's insides with his hot seaman, he let out a growl.

((I tried on that part.-.))

West yelped when his hand connected with the too to solid solid flesh, falling backward clutching his hand and wishing he had been more the type to pick fights before this moment. Though it only lasted a moment before Mortmer had caught him and was pulling him up and over to the bed with sickening ease.
Animal instinct took over then, and West began to kick and claw at any part of the panther god he could get to, his attackers words ringing in his ears like warning sirens. "NO!!! Just let me go!!" He protested before being roughly thrown on to the bed, looking up only to regret the sight that he saw.
Mortmer stark naked, his body built like an atheletes, and massive shaft allready rock solid, and a moment later, he was getting the close up, as the tanned god lept on him, pinning his hands above his head, and ripping away his clothing with predatory ease. West squirmed and tried to kick anything he get the other off, but it did little good as a moment later he felt himself being roughly pushed in to. It sent sparks of pain up and down his spine as the massive cock ravaged his unprepared hole, the teens vision going white at first.
The fog cleared away and suddenly everything was thrown in to stark contrast, the slap of flesh, the burning pain, Mortmer above him, growling like a feral beast, and finally the climax as hot cum filled him up.
West just lay there panting, glaring at Mortmer, the fight had gone out of him for now, and the dull numbness returned.

Mortmer watched the human ragged breaths heaved his chest up and down. The defeated look that his mate gave was a priceless one. "I hope this teaches you a lesson young one," Mortmer told in a snug tone. With out much warning, Mortmer pulled out of the boy, enjoying the whimpers that came from the exhausted teen. "Though I wouldn't mind giving you that lesson again," he told with a grin as he roughly planted a kiss on the boy's face before exiting out of the room with his notorious laughter.

((Hay im sorry I went so long without responding, I ended up working double shifts the entire work and I was just really drained. D: ))

West just lay there at first, feeling sticky and bruised, but angry, settling his breathing out for a while and listening to every noise in the house to track his captors movements. Finally sitting bolt up right and slidding off the bed with as much stealth as he could, getting dressed once more, and channeling his fear and anger in to a stead fast determination.
"Lesson my ass....." Westley muttered, wincing at how sore he was after Mortmer's 'lesson', but determinedly slinking around the room, untill he found a small knife he held ready to strike back, before setting to his next task. Finding a way out.

Opening the door Mortmer went out of, West found only a hall way and only the outline of a room beyond, but no sign of his captor, as the boy slowly began to creep down the halls, heart pounding in his chest and knife ready.

((So many Go See's lately I haven't had time to be on here that much so I apologise))

Mortmer lazily stretched himself out on the couch. After his little work out with his mate, he felt as if he need a quick cat nap. A small grin ran across his face as he replayed the events that took place before hand. His eyes became heavy as his breath became shallow and even. His ears would twitch as they picked up little sounds here and there from around the house. He knew his mate was up walking around but he don't mind. He soon felt a presence behind him. By the scent he knew it was his mate. "Did you come back for more love?" Mortmer questioned in a sleepy tone. He got no reply but he did hear the human shift his weight a bit. "Oh you just plan on ignoring me now?" He told with an amusing chuckle. Hoping to get a reply but yet nothing. Mortmer faces scrounged up a bit in disappointment. He shifted a bit on the couch but never really got up to see his mate. Whatever was the matter Motmer figured he could solve it later and continued his cat nap.

West breath caught in his throat when Mortmer spoke, clutching the knife to his chest and too scared to even respond, shifting his weight slowly and backing out of the hall way. He could see the front door, but too much noise. The small bathroom window seemed his best bet, and right then West could have thanked his stars as he eased the door shut, hoping that turning on the tap would drown out enough of the noise of the window opening, and Mortmer might just let him be for five minuets.
West made quick work of the window and storm cover, it was up higher then he liked, but putting the knife handle in his mouth he startted to climb as quietly as he could, freedom but a breath away.

Mortmer ear's were welcomed to the sound of running water. For the distance it seemed it was coming from the guess bathroom. Mortmer assumed his mate decided that he needed tidying up a bit or so. Slowly stretching after a grand yawn, he got up to check on his little mate. Getting up, he made his way to the restroom that was being occupied by his mate. Gentely he knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. All that came was the sound of running and nothing more. He knew his mate was still in there by scent that was coming from the restroom so why was he not answering. Mortmer decided to give another knock but this one louder that the other. He was yet again greeted by the sound of running water. This was starting to frustrate Mortmer. He tried to enter the restroom by actually opening the door but soon learnt his action was all in vain because it was locked. The frustration within Mortmer grew. "I know you are in there mate," he told as he starined through his clenched teeth, "why don't you open up for me, hmmm?" The only reply that he got was still the running water.

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