The Ghost. (Closed with Kira)

Name: Yoshi yami

Age: 23

Bio: He was a top warrior of his class from feudal Japan. He is 6'0 tall. He has pale skin and dark brown eyes. His body is covered in scars from past battles. He has black shoulder length hair that he keeps pulled back in a low pony tail. He always wears a simple dark blue men's kimono. He is kind but stern as well. He always believes in working hard and never giving up. He secretly gay. He was killed from being poisoned by his rival. Because he held on his pain and regret he wasn't able to pass on to the afterlife. He is waiting for a strong male to willing carry him in his body so he may be reborn.

Name: Ash St. Cloud
Age: 17
Personality: Ash is pretty wild and adventurous, he isnt the type to go the parties, but is always out exploring abandoned buildings with his camera to try and get the perfect shot, or up on buildings trying to capture the perfect sunrise.
Appearance: Wild light brown hair hanging an inch or two below his ears, and tanned skin covered in scars from skate boards and falls from trees and buildings, he sports a tall and thin build, and a bit of brown stubble on his chin. His eyes are bright bottle green, and a scar over one cheek makes his grin a big lop sided.
Bio: Ash grew up a fairly normal life, a steel workers son, he dreams of moving to New York and doing photography for a living, generally speaking he's an open book with his biggest secret being he's bisexual.

Ash slowly pried open the door of the ancient japanese home, it was technically a historical site, but with the old house returning to nature and only ghost stories to give a hint to its past, the 17 year old knew he had to try and get in.
Visiting Japan for a year as a student, Ash had loved the breath taking scenery, and in his rural village that he was staying with, the forest and buildings had been incredably, but nothing matched up to this as he walked across creaking floor boards, and through ancient hall ways, camera raised to snap shots as birds fluttered free.
"I wonder what sort of stories you'd be able to tell me...." The boy spoke aloud, as he glanced out the western door to see the setting sun painting the sky in vivid shades of purple.

Yoshi was in the middle of mediating on his life when he felt another presence enter his home for the first time in years. He slowly opened his eyes and stood up. "Hmm...I wonder who would ever want to enter my home after so long." Curious abut his new guest he focused on where they were and spied on them from the shadows. "Interesting, it seems the times have changed. What an odd tool that is somehow shooting blasts of sunshine." He almost blushed at the sight of the handsome young man. "Well I guess I better start preparing a room for him and look for something for him to eat. He is a guest in my home after all." He disappeared and started working cleaning up a guest room the best he could. It was covered in dust and the bed mat had been eaten away by moths and age. He sighed at the pitful sight of the room. He managed to salvage the bed mat the best he could and dusted the room up a bit. "Well it's better than nothing. Now to look for something for him to eat". He disappeared again and started to search the grounds for fruit and nuts to offer his guest.

By the time the sun was fully set Ash was sitting outside on the porch over looking what once must have been a garden, looking through the photos on his camera, he'd had the odd feeling all day of another prescene in the house with him, but is search had turned up nothing time and time again, leaving him with only the odd feeling in his stomach and his camera to keep him company. "I guess I'd better head back soon...." He murmered, not liking the idea of leaving allready, not with the fire flies coming out and illuminating the tall grass surrounding the home.

Yoshi noticed his guest sitting on the porch relaxing. He laid the gather fruit and nuts near his to hand so he would be able to see them. He sat down next to him and decided to slowly reveal himself. "Beautiful view is not?"

Ash jumped suddenly at the voice, falling off the narrow drop and landing in the tall grass, eyes wide and fireflies buzzing all around them now. Letting out a laugh after a moment, the younger male tried to situp, wondering if the less then foot drop had been enough to hit his head, of if he really could see through the beautiful man sitting on the porch. "......Y-Yea..... Beautiful....... Holyhell, are you, are you real?" Ash spoke, his voice breathy and eyes still wide as he stood up and approached Yoshi, excited and scared all at once my the apparition.

Yoshi smiled softly at the young and bowed to him. "Yes, I am. It's a pleasure you to meet you honored guest. I am Yoshi Yami."

Ash grinned at the ghost and quickly returned the bow. "Its a pleasure to meet you also. My name is Ash St. Cloud, I really hope you dont mind me just walking in here...." Ash laughed nervously, still a little stunned at having a chat with a ghost, but too suprised to really panic over it.

Yoshi smiled gently at him. "It's a honor to meet you Ash St. Cloud. No not at all. Please help yourself to some of the food. I already have a room prepared for you. Please stay the night as my guest. I haven't had company for so long."

Ash took retook his spot ont he porch, wondering if this was some sort of terrible trap or curse or hallucination from a berry or something he had nibbled before, but caution be damned, the young man was too curious and too entranced by master Yoshi to care, as he took a few nibbles of the sweet fruits laid out for him.
"I thank you, if you dont mind, I'd be honored to spend the night! I dont suppose I could ask for a picture though? I mean, uhh, you know what those are? Like, paintings but instant?"

Yoshi tipped his head at Ash. "Instant picture?....How?.....with that strange box of yours that shoots sunlight?" He looked at Ash's camera and studied it. "Alright, yes you may".

Sorry I just vanished off the earth, I ended up working double shifts at work the entire week and it really drained me, im back now though! ))

Ash looked pleased at that and quickly raised his camera to snap a shot. "Here, I'll show you how it works!" He answered, having taken the picture more for explanation then anything, as he flipped the device around to show Yoshi the image of himself.
"Im suprised the picture even worked on you, I mean you're a ghost and all- ......actually... Yoshi? Why are you doing this? Being nice and all? It isnt a common thing for ghost to do."

(It's alright! Please I know what that's like too! ^.^)

Yoshi was blinded for a moment from the light and blinked it away. He tipped his head at the strange item and poked it. "'s a little image of me". He looked up at Ash and blinked confused. "Why wouldn't I be nice to a guest?. I am suppose to be bad or something because I am a ghost?. You are a guest in my home and will be treated as such."

Ash smiled at Yoshi's curiosity, he liked this ghost, a lot infact, which he supposed was why the next question got to him.
"Well... I just, ghost arnt supposed to be real to start with, and when they are, they usually go out killing people or possessing them so they can live again sort of thing.... But if that isnt true with you, I guess I dont see why not.... must get lonely living here though."

Yoshi sighed and nodded sadly. "Yes it does. I have been trapped in this temple for 1000 years. Ever since my death. I was poisoned by my rival. He tricked me by slipping a poison into my drink and watched as I died a slow and painful death. I haven't been able to cross over because of my hate and sadness at his dirty trick."

Ash set aside his camera, suddenly feeling sorrow for the ghost who couldnt cross over even after all this time. "A thousand years a long time..... Is there anything I can do to help? I mean, I cant avenge you anymore, but.... I dont know, is there anything that could help you get out of this temple? I'll do it, just say the word!"

Yoshi sighed and smiled softy at him. As he stroked Ash's cheek and leaned in and gently kissed him. "First you can give me a smile. Next, I would like to request a night with your body pleasuring it before I enter it and grow inside your belly to become flesh and blood once more."

Ash felt goose bumps along his skin at the touch, leaning in to and realizing just how much he liked this ghost, a euphoric sort of smile coming to his face. "I think I can do that..." He murmered, too caught up in the moment to think what Yoshi's words could mean, but liking the idea of a night with this handsome gentlemen, especially if it ment helping him.

Yoshi smiled happily as he pulled Ash into a loving embrace. "Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me". He kissed him again and pulled back. "Please go down the hallway and enter the master bedroom on the right. There is a robe on the bed for you. Please put it on for me and wait for me in the bed.

Ash smiled, enjoying the kiss more then he cared to admit, but nodding at the instructions. "Allright, try not to be too long?" He asked hopfully, before dissapearing down the hall, and finding the bed and robe as stated, quickly slipping in to it and enjoying the feeling of soft silk on his skin.

((Will this be a rapid growth pregnancy right after they finish? and will Yoshi stick around, if faintly untill the baby is nearly born? )

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