Desert Birth (closed RP with Shadow) FINISHED!
Adam screamed as it seemed contractions upon contractions was coming over him every second. He felt the huge egg crowning finally more then what it had been, however also the other eggs behind it starting to pile up. He couldn't help but let out a moan when the other man told him the eggs would come faster also. The man instructed him to push, as that was the only thing he could do except scream.

Grabbing onto the edge of the bed, Adam's stomach was grabbed by another strong contraction, "Nnnnghhhh....aaarrghhhh....ooohhhh.....ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" Adam screamed loud and pushed hard as he had yet, pushing the huge egg at least more then halfway out, feeling it stretching him faster then he was used to.
Joel rubbed his hands together, grinning wickedly when he saw the large egg make it's way out. The egg was already half-birthed, and the man had at least 3 more eggs already in his birth canal, ready to be birthed. Joel rubbed his huge, contracting belly, feeling the hard surface as the man labored through 5 quick, painful contractions in the space of a minute.

"Come, now, the egg is almost out. Push!" Joel instructed, relishing in the way the man screamed. The heavily pregnant man's face had become red as he struggled to birth the large egg, and sweat was dripping everywhere on his body, giving his belly a sheen of sweat.
Adam wished he could have smiled hearing that the large egg was half way out however the contractions were coming way to quickly for him to enjoy anything. His whole body was covered in sweat from him trying to push out egg after egg. Although he knew this one was would come out soon, there was still others waiting behind it to come out as well.

Putting his arms against his legs, Adam pulled back as far as his legs would come while pulling his upper body up, wanting this egg out, "Ooooohhhh.....aaarrrghhhhh.....nnnnnghhhhh!!!!!" Adam screamed and pushed until finally he felt the huge egg finally slide out, "Finally..." Adam gasped in relief.
Joel caught the large egg and cleaned it, settling it behind the man. He looked at his watch. 12.59am.

"Well, I better get going now. I need to sleep, you know." Joel said, retreating back into his room as the man's pained cries filled the air as he tried to birth the other eggs piled up inside of him.
Adam groaned and cried out when he watched as the other man went back into the room knowing once again he was on his own. Not able to catch his breathe, Adam gripped his stomach feeling the next egg already coming out without him pushing. Knowing the next few must be small, Adam couldn't help but scream as four eggs came out of him one after another.

While they had came out, Adam felt a few more gushes coming out, knowing they would be coming one after another now. A strong contraction came over him, as he arched his back in pain, feeling the tip of the next egg coming, "Nnnnnghhhhh.....ararrrghhhh....!!"
Joel prepared to go to bed when he saw the man birth four eggs at once, the small eggs coming out of his tired body in quick succession. The man then moved around on the bed, positioning himself in a different angle so that the eggs would have enough space. Joel saw a huge gush of fluids exit from the man and the heavily pregnant man screamed, clutching at his belly and arching his back off the bed, throwing his huge belly towards the air as he struggled to give birth to the next few eggs.
Adam felt eggs feeling to come out, although knew by the feel of it, it wasn't just one egg, but three on top of each other. Hoping they were small ones since they were together, Adam gripped the bed as his push became a scream. Adam couldn't help but hold his legs apart as the eggs were coming out.

" me!!!!" Adam screamed with pushing until he had to stop to catch his breathe, still feeling the eggs about half out.
Joel was tucked into his bed, watching the man give birth like he was watching a movie. He smirked and took out a candy bar, starting to chew on it as the man outside groaned and screamed with each push, and suddenly there were 3 eggs lodged side-by-side and ready to be birthed.

"Help!!!" the man shouted, holding his legs apart obscenely wide and giving Joel full view of his stretched-out asshole. The hole was big enough for Joel to stick his hand in, and birth fluids were dripping out of it, covering his whole ass with sticky liquid and blood.
Adam screamed for help however knew the other man would not come, as he pushed and pushed finally gasping as the three eggs came out at once, landing on the bed with the other eggs. Not even an hour passed as Adam had no time to catch his breathe, as egg after egg starting come out of him. Counting how many he figured, Adam thought he had just birthed up to seven small eggs in a roll.

However the next couple of fluids gushed as Adam groaned feeling again not only one egg coming, but two, however knew right away these two were not small, but around medium size. Arching his back from pushing, Adam grasped the bed until his hands turned white, "Aaagghhhh.....nnnnghhhh....gawd....."
Joel's eyebrows shot up when he saw that the man had birthed three eggs quickly, the eggs almost smashing on top of each other. He could see the man's strength waning as the man's eyes would slowly close before opening up widely as he experienced yet another contraction. Sure, the Pitocen had sped things up, but the effect would wear off and the man would be birthing the eggs at a normal rate.

He saw the laboring man arch off the bed again, throwing his huge, sweaty belly towards the ceiling and grabbing his legs, spreading them open in the air and groaning as he tried to push out the next few eggs. Joel frowned when he looked at the screen and noticed that even though the man's asshole was wide open and heavily dilated, there was no sign of the eggs crowning. Could these be larger eggs than the previous ones?
Adam pushed and pushed for what felt like forever, barely able getting the eggs to crown. Knowing these were big, Adam hoped they weren't too big, and just medium size ones instead. Gripping his legs, Adam screamed with another push pulling whatever strength he could with the next few pushes until he felt the eggs starting to crown up to the widest part. Feeling down with one hand, Adam could feel the two medium eggs side by side.

Groaning and panting Adam continued pushing unable a huge contraction hit him as the eggs were coming out. Unaware if it would hurt or not, Adam knew he couldn't birth them at the same time, as he reached down trying to push one egg back in, and push the other, causing him to scream, "GAWD.......aaahhhhhh......!!!!!!!!"
Joel saw the man attempt to push one of the eggs back into his birth canal, but was hit with a strong contraction while he was trying to do so. This resulted in the egg, instead of coming out vertically, had started to come out sideways, stretching the man's hole wider and wider.
Adam felt the egg starting to turn sideways in result of him trying to push it back in. Knowing the only way he was to get them out was to continue what he had been doing. As another strong contraction hit him, Adam pulled his legs far apart placing them against the edge of the bed hoping he would be able to use that as support. Pushing down against the bed, Adam arched his back pushing with all the strength he could.

"Nnnnghhh.....ughhhh....." Adam groaned and pushed gasping as the straight egg started coming out leaving the other still coming out side ways.
Joel saw the man give birth to the straight egg and he smirked as he screamed and arched his back, trying to dislodge the egg that was still inside of him. The egg was sideways, and the length of that egg was long enough to stretch the man's hole unbelievably, fluid and blood dripping from his sore hole.
Adam was glad when the straight egg came out, however still felt the sideways egg still there, as it was stretching him far beyond what he had so far. Only able to arch his back from the pain, Adam pushed his legs against the edge of the bed pushing with all his might.

"Nnnnnghhhhh.......aawwwghhhhhh....." Adam screamed before giving a huge push gasping when he felt the egg leave him. Panting to catch his breathe, Adam was glad when he didn't feel the next egg, yet knowing the medicine must be wearing off wondering when the next one would come. However minutes later, Adam felt a gush of fluids knowing it wouldn't be long, as he felt the egg or eggs coming down inside him.
Joel turned off all the lights in his room, the only thing in the room illuminating light the tv which was showing the man give birth to the eggs. As the man gave birth to the sideways egg, another gush of fluids came out of him and he groaned, sweaty neck craning to look between his legs. Suddenly, the man was squatting and straining his back, spreading his legs to make room for his large belly.
Adam groaned as he tried to move his legs far apart to get ready for the egg or eggs that were about to be born. The next minutes passed as Adam grabbed his stomach feeling tip of the egg coming out. Pushing hard, Adam gasped as the small egg shot out of him, landing beside the others. However the next egg was coming also as Adam felt this was a bigger one, however unaware of how big. The tip starting to come out, Adam went back to pushing feeling it slowly coming out. Looking around for something to grab onto, Adam noticed a pole behind him on the wall.

Grabbing it, Adam pulled up hoping that gravity would help the egg come out as well as his pushing, "Nnnnghhh....argggghhhhh....oooohhhhh....."
The laboring man had got into a squatting position, grabbing a pole behind to help support him as he pushed, hoping that gravity would aid him in birthing the eggs.

Joel smirked when he noticed that the man had gone red-faced in an effort to push the eggs out, and he saw the man grip the pole with such strength that his knuckles had turned white. The man's legs were far apart, on either side of him as the egg that was coming out wasn't a small one but a big one, and he struggled to birth it.
(( It's not open now, but your more then welcome to join the centaur one instead taking the role as the centaur man. That one is just getting started again :) ))

Adam knew right away this wasn't going to be a small one, and didn't know how big either. The last big one he had birthed looked much larger then an ostrich egg. Continuing to push Adam felt the sweat coming down his belly and body, feeling as it tightened when he pushed. Minutes passed as contraction upon contraction came over him, as he pushed and pushed. Although he knew it was big, Adam felt the egg sliding out with the help of the gravity. Still holding on, Adam reached one hand down feeling almost half way out, but knew the widest part hadn't even emerged yet.

Grabbing the bar back, Adam screamed with the next contraction, "Nnnnngghhhh.....aaaaghhhhh.....ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!"
(( Sorry, I shall remember next time.))

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