College Babies (Closed with VicaLovey)

"Do you wanna go to my place to have breakfast or go out to a restaurant, or maybe just order a pizza?"

"Let's go to a restaurant."

"Alright." Danny hopped out of bed and began to put his clothes on. When he did his shirt only fit over his big boobs.

Sean got dressed and looked the same as Danny.

"Oh man, maybe we should go buy a few new shirts?"

"Pants too."

Danny laughed. "Yeah, those too!

"Hey, I found two huge t-shirts and sweatpants."

"Awesome!! Great job!" they put their new clothes on. They fit, although Danny's was a bit snug for his giant belly. But the tightness made him feel good. They went out for their breakfast and brought it back to Dan's place. He had his own apartment, it was a nice stand alone house. They went in and sat at the table and ate their fill. Soon Danny was leaning back in his chair admiring his belly; rubbing it, feeling all of the movements. The kicks were great until they smacked his ribs, he couldn't help letting out oofs and ows when they happend. The more he felt the movements, the more he loved the baby(s). He didn't know how many there were but it felt like twins.

"You like this, don't you Danny?" Sean asked.

Danny was caught off gaurd. "What do you mean?"

"I mean being this big."

Dan smiled,"Yeah I do. Do you?"

"Yes, I do. Wanna go somewhere. Danny?" I asked.

"Sure, where?" danny made a small jump. His back hurt bad for a split second. He ignored it thinking it was a kick, he was interested in where Sean wanted to go.

"How about a night club?"

Danny glanced at his phone. It was a Saturdaynight, he figured it would be fun. Dancing, music, he could get to know Sean better. "Good idea. Lets go in my car! It not like we're going to drink." he glanced at their bellies in reference to his last sentence.

"OK." Sean and Danny waited til nightfall to go to the night club. During their wait, Sean and Danny bought sexy maternity clothes.

(yay! Starting to get fun!!! Lets have the births the next day, that way they can have another go. :) sound good? Or would you like something different?)

Danny felt giddy, new clothes, a sexy someone on his arm and going to a night club! He wasn't so sure if he could dance but it was going to be fun.

(I like your first idea.)

Sean lead Danny by the hand to the dance floor.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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