Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW)

"I caught some fish for you two. Also I added a little potion with it that will help in keeping your strength up through the sex and birth." Alex smiled passing each of them a piece of the fish.

Jason took his part of the fish before starting to eat it, "Oh my god, this tastes so good."

Kino eats it "your right Jason! this is a piece of heaven!" he keeps eating till his food is all gone.

Alex smiles glad that they had loved the food, and was looking much better, "Whenever you two are getting ready, we may start."

"So will you have sex with both of us?" questioned Jason.

Kino finishes and cleans up his mess. then listens to Jasons question and wounders the same thing.

"Well, we can do it either with doing all this through an incantation or yes I will have to have sex with you both. However I would need you two to be laying on the edge right here so that I can still be in the water yet able to have sex at the same time. It is yours descisions." Alex stated.

Jason looked to Kino, "I think I should let you choose first, which you think?"

Kino steps into the water"im going with sex. your free to take your own pick though Jason." he bends over the ledge

Jason nods thinking for a moment, "I guess I shall join you." Jason comes over to the water, bending over the ledge as well.

Alex nods getting ready deciding to start with Kino first, moving over as his penis formed hard and eager. Using his hands as support, Alex held onto Kino's hips, before pushing his full length into Kino's anus, feeling the right form. Then slowly, Alex starts thrusting inside him, moaning as the pleasure started building.

Kino smiles "glad you did Jason." Kino winces at the entry at first but feeling the movement inside him he moans. each move brought pleasureable pain to him.

Alex continued to thrust into Kino feeling himself getting closer and closer to cumming inside him. Unable to hold back, Alex thrust harder into Kino releasing cum inside him, before pulling out of him, "You may rest on land while I move to Jason." Alex then comes over to Jason, letting himself get hard first before pushing into him, starting to thrust.

Jason clenches his hands feeling Alex thrust into him, but soon it turned into pleasure.

Kino cums with alex and nods. then crawls onto land in pure bliss.

Alex cums into Jason, before coming out letting Jason get onto the land as well. Jason stayed still for a moment cumming into the water, before moving onto the land laying beside Kino in a bliss. Alex smiles glad that it was pleasurable to him as it was for them.

((Question how many babies were we going have, and also question, what if Alex let them choose how many they want before he does the incantation?)))

(umm mine will have 3 and sure asking them how many kids would be nice.)

Kino smiles happly. "he is good right?"

((I think I'll join you with the three, and size, medium size or large ??? Figured since it be painful, probably big babies, ooo and head first or tail first, or we could do both.))

Alex nodded, "Yes, very good." Alex pulls out a green liquid in two bottles, handing them to the guys, "I'm going to have you drink that, and while I do an small incantation. Then in a matter of minutes your bellies will grow until your ready to give birth. However the fun part is you two get to pick how many merbabies you wish to give birth too. However remeber they wont be real small but either medium or larger. And it will be painful."

Jason thought for a moment looking at the bottle, "I don't how much pain, if it will save your people, I shall take three."

Kino nods "i shall pick three also" he drinks the potion quickly

(large and tail first as correct way but other way is possible.)

Jason gulps the potion down, then watches as Alex hands glow before he starts speaking in his native tongue, placing a hand on his stomach and Kino's. It was only in a few moments before Jason grabbed his stomach in pain, as it began expanding right before his eyes.

"Thank you two for doing this." Alex smiles watching as the guys stomachs expanding.

Kino groans in pain "your welcome. im glad to help" he rubs his stomach pausing now and then as he feels pain.

((This be my last post for tonight, gota get off. Plus lightning storm going on outside.))

Jason groans in pain gripping his stomach as it keeps expanding for a few moments, as Jason notices its huge, until it stops finally, but Jason knows soon it be time for labor to start.

Kino groans again as it stops growing. he pants tierd. "kinda cool even though it hurt. umm do you want us in the water during the birthing?"

Alex nodded, "Yes, I will need you to squat in the water, it's only about three feet at this part over here. That allow you two to squat and hold onto the the land when your pushing."

Jason nodded, trying to stand up so that he could start moving towards the shallow end of the water. Jason got to his feet before feeling his first contraction hit him, making him groan and grab his stomach. Feeling slight pressure, Jason felt water gush out of his anus, "Your's fast..."

Kino feels the liquid gush out and gets up shaky a bit "yea its very fast and kinda neat" he walks into the water slowly.

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