The Cave (closed)

Though Alex cringed slightly at Hitsugi's suggestion, his attention soon turned to the open door of the cabin, and their now absent eggs. The hybrid closed the front door as they made their way inside. He then moved to their makeshift nest, sniffing lightly at the blankets and nodding his head.

" was definitely the creature." He confirmed "I can smell him all over the place." Glancing at the nearby window, Alex gave a puzzled look. "I wonder where he took them all?" He wondered aloud.

The rest of the man's thoughts were interrupted however by the sounds of some familiar footsteps. The creature had returned, carrying more food for it's mates. Alex froze, unsure of what he and Hitsugi should do.

Hitsugi looked around the cabin, noticing the claw marks on the floor. But other than that and the missing eggs, the beast had left everything as it was. Though, it seemed the beast rearranged the nest a little bit for them.

"he probably moved them back to his cave...Guess he wants them closer...Maybe they don't need to be kept warm." he shrugged. Not realizing that deep in the cave there was a natural heat vent the beast put the eggs near.

He froze as well when he heard the beast, shifting to peek out the window. He swallowed thickly, nervous of his reaction as he slowly opened the door. The beast dropped his kill, sniffing the air and giving a low rumbling growl. He could smell the lingering scent of their heat...but knew they had dealt with it already. He seemed irritated, but didn't attack or threaten them, he simply nudged the deer and turned to leave. He would likely keep a closer eye on them now.

Hitsugi stepped out of the cabin as the beast left, glancing back to Alex. He knelt by the kill, starting to eat it much more calmly than last time. Pulling the limbs off and chewing the meat away from the bones slower, enjoying the flavor of fresh deer...

It didn't take very long for Alex to start eating the deer as well. He was somewhat relieved that the beast himself didn't respond aggressively towards the pair, though it was clear he was somewhat upset. Still, all of the hybrid's attention turned to the deer that had been brought for him and Hitsugi to devour. He wasn't quite as ravenous as last time they'd been offered food, but found himself enjoying the meal nonetheless.

It wasn't long at all until the pair had once more managed to clean all of the flesh off of the deer's bones. Alex let out a small grunt as the raw meat sat in his stomach, which was already starting to look bigger as the eggs inside his womb grew. It was a slightly uncomfortable sensation, but the hybrid himself didn't appear too worried.

"Let's get cleaned up and head back inside." He suggested to Hitsugi. "We might as well rest while we still can."

Hitsugi took his time eating. Removing the skin from the flesh made it much more pallatable than just eating it all. He pondered dragging the next kill closer and dismembering it to cook. He knew deer tasted amazing cooked, but it was very good raw. Though, he wasn't sure if that was his modified senses telling him that or not.

When he was satisfied, he broke open a bone and sucked the marrow out. One last treat. He noticed the other carcasses had been dragged away. Judging by the marks on the ground. Likely the beast ate the bones. He sat back and rubbed his belly, already rounding out with eggs, and now bloated with food. "I'm glad he brings us food." He sighed, getting himself up and licking some blood from his fingers.

"Right." He nodded when Alex suggested getting cleaned up, heading inside with him and washing the blood from his face and hands. He fixed up their makeshift nest a bit, making it more comfortable for them both. He laid down in it, curling up on his side with one hand on his growing belly. "Is it weird that I'm curious how these ones will turn out?" He asked, looking at his friend. He allowed himself to doze for a while before giving a sharp gasp...Something within him had moved. And not in the same way shifting eggs did. The eggs were different...More like some snake species. They had no true shell and developed within the womb much faster, resulting in live offspring. They would only grow to about the same size as the eggs they laid before, but be birthed alive...

"A-alex." He gasped, feeling life beginning to squirm within him. Very subtle at first, but once one small creature started, they all did..."Aaah...S-something's moving!" He yelped, rolling onto his back and pulling his shirt up, watching his full gravid belly swell and shift with the life inside.

Alex had managed to clean himself off and joined Hitsugi to rest in their nest. At hearing his friend's questions regarding their offspring though, the young man shook his head and placed a reassuring hand on Hitsugi's shoulder. "No...I think it's normal to be curious about all this." He laughed briefly. "After all, it's not like this sort of thing happens everyday!" He let out a yawn though, and soon curled up fast asleep next to his friend.

The hybrid's slumber was interrupted by Hitsugi's panicked tone. Alex jumped up with concern, and his eyes went wide as he saw his friend's belly warp and shake with activity. "W-what the...?" Before he could say anything else though, Alex winced, his own gut moving and swelling at a steady pace as well. Small beads of sweat began to appear on Alex's skin, and his breathing quickened as he struggled to remain calm. Slowly hie moved his own shirt, shakily staring at the sudden activity beneath his skin, before turning to look at Hitsugi. "This...what's happening to us now?"

Hitsugi was glad he wasn't being weird, giving Alex a warm smile before they settled down to sleep. Sadly, he didn't get to sleep for very long.

He winced and placed his hands over his belly, feeling it move beneath his fingers. "Aah-aah....I don't think....we'll be laying eggs." he whimpered. He tried taking deep calming breaths, looking to Alex and hoping he would join in. After a few minutes, the writhing forms within his womb calmed down and relaxed again, allowing Hitsugi to breath a sigh of relief.

"I think....maybe mating with each other....caused this." he said, nibbling his lip. He already looked as full as he had been last time...but he was still growing. His swollen belly rising and falling with each slow breath. "We should try and stay calm...Freaking out might make whatever it is freak out more." He said, looking to Alex's belly. He hesitantly reached out, placing a hand over it, thinking that whatever was within his companion was his offspring...And the same went for his own swollen womb...They would actually see what they were, not just eggs...It scared him quite a bit.

Alex's eyes somehow grew even wider, and all of the color drained from his face as Hitsugi suggested they might be having live young. Despite this, he also tried to calm down, hoping to relax the squirming under his skin. Taking a few deep breaths, the hybrid managed to at least appear less panicked, and he reached out to comfort Hitsugi in a similar manner to how he was being reassured.

"Just when you think...things can't get any stranger." Alex joked. The pair themselves already looked bigger than they had the first time, causing Alex even more concern, as their pregnancies progressed. Now the idea of having babies, or creatures, or...whatever was inside the two of them was definitely nerve-wracking to say the least.

Hitsugi made a noise in agreement, shifting closer to the other. He decided that the easiest way to deal with this was to stay close and comfort each other. So, while being mindful of his horns, he nuzzled against the other. "We can't let ourselves get worked up...Let's just try and sleep..." He sighed. "If we don't, we won't have any energy and we can't have that." He added, reaching to rub at the other hybrid's belly and sides.

He closed his eyes and tried to ignore the occasional wiggle within him, slowly drifting off to sleep for a few hours. Once he was out, he stayed that way, even as the sun shined in through the windows outside, he stayed asleep. His dreams being a safe and familiar place for him.

Alex patted Hitsugi's belly in gratitude, and nodded his head to show he agreed with the plan for now. After nuzzling Hitsugi and curling up into a slightly more comfortable position, Alex then closed his own eyes and drifted off into a peaceful slumber. Such things did take a while, but having his friend close by seemed to help him relax much easier.

It wasn't until the sun had risen above the trees that Alex slowly began to awaken. He glanced around the room, his eyes still blurry from sleep as he tried to focus. He let out a yawn, and slowly sat up, noticing that he'd somehow managed to remove his clothing and toss it off onto the floor while he slept. Alex saw Hitsugi still resting, and nuzzled him briefly before moving to relieve his bladder. That task done, Alex caught sight of himself in the mirror and sighed as he turned to the side. His stomach was done growing, and now hung low on his frame, signalling that whatever was inside would soon be ready to emerge. Waddling back to the room, Alex moved back to rest near Hitsugi, conserving his energy as long as he possibly could.

Hitsugi slept soundly beside Alex. wiggling himself free of his pants at some point, but keeping his shirt. He looked quite content, a blanket tugged from the edge of the nest over himself for added warmth. he made a soft noise when he was nuzzled, shifting to nuzzle himself into the pillows more, like a tired cat. He even wiggled into Alex's warm spot when he left to relieve himself, but there was plenty of space left in the nest.

It wasn't until about an hour later that he began to stir. He groaned and rolled onto his back, wincing at the weight in his middle. "Aaah...shit." he breathed, seeing how large he had gotten. He slowly rubbed the tight skin, noticing there wasn't much movement...So he took a moment to go relieve himself. Much like last time, being up and moving triggered things to get started. He felt something within him shift down ever so slightly, making him gasp and place a hand under his swollen middle. He stood near the nest, bracing against it with one hand. That's when the first contraction rolled through him, making him groan out in pain, his belly heaving and tense beneath his shirt. "F-fuck...Alex....Alex wake up." He whimpered, eyes closed tight and face scrunched up.

Alex woke with a start at hearing Hitsugi call his name. After slowly rolling so that he was sitting up to face his friend, the hybrid almost instinctively placed his clawed hands gently against Hitsugi's tight middle, probing the sphere softly and feeling its weight. Sure enough, the globe tightened beneath his hand, and Alex sighed briefly as he lowered his hands.

"It's starting again." He spoke plainly, moving to touch his own swollen middle. "Which means I'll be starting too soon. Just remember. I'm here if you need. Just breathe and listen to what your body is telling you." He did his best to coach his friend, wincing slightly as his own contractions began to make themselves known.

Hitsugi whimpered and lowered his head as Alex woke up, the hand over his belly clenched tightly in the fabric of his shirt. He took slow shaky breaths, trembling through his contraction. He didn't dare move yet, not until his water broke. He slowly relaxed as the contraction passed, giving him a moment of relief...The process was going to be slow, not as easy as the smooth shells of their eggs.

"God....I can feel it...pressing down but not going anywhere." He mumbled, resting his hand under his belly. His body was taking its time releasing the hormones to start relaxing things, but he could feel the pressure slowly building. He felt another contraction coming on and grit his teeth, growling through it until it passed and let him slump against the arm bracing him on the bed. Cursing and panting, wishing it was over already.

(Bed time, g'night)

Alex looked to Hitsugi with an empathetic glance. His own midsection began tightening with contractions, forcing him to let out a shaky moan of discomfort at the painful sensation. A few more came and went as time passed, forcing the pressure in his own body to build up considerably. His moans became guttural snarling and growls before he finally spoke to Hitsugi again.

"!" Alex breathed through gritted teeth. "It just...keeps...RGH! Keeps...sitting there!" Falling back against the other end of the bed, the hybrid attempted to massage his cramping womb. "Why is long?!"

Hitsugi had tried just standing there, but as each contraction came quicker after the last, he found nothing was happening. "Eggs....must be easier..." He panted, standing up a little more and starting to slowly walk around the room. Maybe the motion would help things come down more. "I remember....seeing a show about birth....The cervix has to dialate before anything happens." He said, panting and huffing between words. He paused and groaned loudly through another contraction.

He shifted slightly, arms under his swollen middle and tail raised, gasping and closing his eyes tightly. "F-fuck!" He cried out, feeling the pressure get even worse before a sudden pop could be heard and fluid gushed out of him. He staggered and grabbed the wall, panting harshly. He dropped into a squat right there, crying out as he pushed. "S-something's coming! Oh god!" he gasped, feeling something within him enter his birth canal.

"H-Hitsugi!" Alex called over from the bed as he heard his friend's distress. Taking a deep breath, the hybrid moved himself down to the floor near Hitsugi to offer any help he could. " breathe." He offered whatever advice he could. ""D-don't p-push until y-you feel you need to!"

As the young man moved into a crouching position, he clutched his belly tightly and began rocking himself with his other hand against the nearby wall. The pressure in his body continued to mount, with no sign of relief in sight for the time being.

Hitsugi looked up at Alex when he joined him on the floor, panting and grunting softly. He nodded and started taking deep even breaths, only to groan loudly with the next contraction. He didn't push yet, his body wasn't quite ready....but it seemed the life within him was, as it was forcing into his birth canal wether or not he was prepared for it.

"AAah! AAh-Aaaaggh!" He cried out, curling in on himself and trembling.

Alex shakily attempted to stand, leaving large clawmarks on the wall in the process. Managing only to make it into a half-crouching position, he suddenly let out a keening cry of pain and arched his back sharply. A small *pop* echoed in the space, and Alex finally felt some relief to the pressure, as a torrent of fluid emerged from between his legs. The pressure however was soon replaced with a sharp pain, as he too prepared to give birth.

Hitsugi looked up as Alex tried to move, whimpering softly to him. He couldn't really focus enough to form words, so he would rely on noises for now...He watched the man's water break, making a face before he shifted a little closer.

Once he was close enough, he pulled Alex closer and wrapped his arms around him. He held him tight, bellies touching, as he groaned through his contractions, feeling something move lower and lower each time..."Its going so slow." He whimpered before crying out and growling deeply through his next contraction. The urge to push hit him hard, bearing down and feeling the life within him move made him growl even more, feeling it spread him open unpleasantly from the inside.

Alex groaned as well, his hands shakily holding onto Hitsugi for support. The young man soon moved so that his friend could grip on tightly if he needed to. "It's...alright." Alex tries to reassure his friend. "T-take your time...and...push." He tried to coach the other hybrid, doing his best to try and block out the painful sensations coursing through his own body.

Hitsugi cried out as he pushed, feeling the first of his offspring slide fully into his birth canal. It felt huge, spreading him open and making his opening bulge outwards even before it was visible. What made it worse was it was moving, squirming within him. He pushed as much as he could with each contraction, growling deeply and trembling. When it moved low enough, it began to press against his prostate, pulling a choked moan from him as his hips twitched and his cock began to harden.

"F-fuck....its....its wiggling....inside me....oh god." He gasped between contractions, nearly screaming with the next one as it reached his opening. It seemed as large as one of the eggs alone, spreading him wide as it began to crown, bulging out between his legs as he cried out in pain...the creature seemed to have an enormous rounded head, like a human, but with features like the beast...a disturbing hybrid.

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