C Dead or Alive...(CLOSED!!!)

"Ah, okay, lets go." Bella said enthusiastically.

They arrived at the plaza.

(I'll you do the introduction speech.)

(I don't know how to do that. 0o0)
Bella looked around, the place was big and beautiful.

They told us the tournament starts tomorrow. "I'm gonna train." Zane said.

"Yeah, me too. I'm going to train on my own though. See you tonight?" Bella Rose asked.

"Yeah. See ya tonight." Zane went off to train.

Bella waited for him to be out of sight. Everyone was gone, doing training and such. She looked at the beach. She smiled evily, thinking that it was time. "Nude beach time!" she didn't care if there were camera's or anything. She ran down to the beach and stripped. She got in the water and swam all day. She got out at ten to six, and got dressed. She soon found Zane.

Zane saw Bella. "Hey!" He called.

"Hey Zane. How was training?" she asked enthusiastically. She had found something at the beach that she figured he would find intrest in. It stuck out of her bag she had slung over her shoulder.

"Great. What's that in your bag?" Zane asked.

Bella smiled brightly. "As I was 'training' I ran into something that wanted me for lunch. So I want to make it for dinner." she pulled out a shark. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes." Zane always wanted to eat a shark.

"Could you get some firewood together and meet me at the beach? I think it would be nice to eat under the stars. And I brought saki, so no worries for the drinks." Bella asked.

"Sure." Zane went to get wood and met Bella at the beach.

"Yay!" Bella had gutted the shark, and had a long stick peirced through mouth and tail. It was up on two other sticks that helf it up. "Perfect amount of wood, too!" she stacked them up and got the fire going. Before long it was cooked and ready to eat.

Zane started to eat his half of the shark.

Bella wasn't all that hungry. She went for it's teeth. She made a shark tooth necklace.

"Can you make me one? To give me good luck?" Zane asked.

"Who do you think I made it for? It's yours!" she giggled.

Zane held the necklace. "I'll add it with my battle gear."

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