The Wild Ones [closed]

A sharp wave of pain made Talon tense a bit, his front claws digging into the leaf litter as it did. He made no sound, but lifted his head to look at his mate. Despite the short pain, the pups were starting to settle down, likely just as tired as their mother.

Deciding that there was nothing to worry about, Talon rested his head back down on his makeshift nest, closing his eyes and trying to get to sleep. He'd need all his energy for the next day.

Jax settled between his mate and the opening to the cave. He drifted to sleep, shallow and restless, but sleep nonetheless. Jax woke frequently during the night, his hackles raised. He prowled around the cave and went out right beyond the entrance a few times, unsure what was making him so uneasy.

Talon woke twice, getting up and sleepily going outside to pee. Jax followed him, he ears pricked and his tail and fur raised. He didn't want anyone or anything near Talon right now.

Surprisingly, Talon slept quite well, other than needing to get up twice to spray around the cave. Even though it wasn't his territory, Talon felt the need to leave his mark on the area, so to speak.

By the time the sun rose, he was quite ready to leave the cave and get moving again. Although he felt some irregular pain in his stomach, he chalked it up to false contractions, which he'd had a few times. They were totally normal, and so Talon had no fear.

Jax, however, seemed tired. "Did you sleep at all last night?" Talon asked him as they stood at the mouth of the cave.

"I slept a bit. I had a hard time settling last night. I don't feel like you're safe right now." Jax rubbed his side against Talon's reassuring himself that Talon was fine, in one piece and standing next to him.

"Do you feel ready to move on?" asked Jax, trying unsuccessfully to hide a yawn.

"We're perfectly safe," Talon assured him. "The Ancestors will guide us on our journey, love. There is nothing to worry about." He stiffened a bit as another sharp pain made its way through his body, but showed no other signs of discomfort.

"Yes, let's get going. If we make it far enough today, we can get to the Stone Den within the next forty-eight hours." Without waiting for Jax, he started off out of the cave, the new powdery snow crunching underneath his paws.

Jax hurried after him, catching up easily. Talon's strides were even slower then yesterday, his belly brushing against the snow as they walked. Jax kept close to his side, barely letting Talon get a stride ahead of him.

They were not making good time, Talon stopping frequently to paw at the snow and snap at it, letting it melt in his mouth for a drink. None of this helped Jax's riding paranoia especially as Talon's scent started to get heavier, the air thick with it. Jax was getting worried that they weren't going to make it to the Stone Den in time.

Although Talon tried to push ahead, his strides were no quicker or longer than Jax's. Thankfully, it wasn't snowing, but they were still a bit behind schedule, and Talon knew it.

Finally, they came to the narrow mountain pass which would take them to a plateau. Just beyond that was the Stone Den. They could make it there the next day if they hurried, but Talon's breathing was rough as they reached the pass. His steps were heavy, leaning on Jax for much of the journey.

"I'm fine," he told him once, noticing his nervousness. "Just short of breath."

Jax whined a little, snuffling at Talon's ruff. "We need to rest. You are barely moving at this point. And you smell exhausted."

Talon slumped against him even more, letting out a heavy sigh. "I know we're close but we need to find a place to sleep tonight. Is there one nearby?"

"Yes, I suppose you're right." Talon looked up at the dark sky, which glittered with the light of the full moon and the stars. He prayed that the Ancestors would stay with them for the rest of the journey. They were so close.

"The bushes on the flat ground grow low enough to make shelter. There aren't any caves nearby, so it'll have to do for now.

"Okay," Jax said, loping ahead to find an acceptable location. He found a cluster of bushes that offered security on all sides but were still low enough that he could look out around them if he felt the need. And he was pretty sure he was going to feel the need.

"Over here," Jax shouted. "This is good."

Talon ambled slowly over to the spot Jax had found, sniffing at it and inspecting around it. It would be good enough for tonight. Wriggling underneath the bush, Talon curled up under it the best he could, sighing heavily.

"Thank you, Jax."

Jax nuzzled at Talon, sniffing him thoroughly. He smelled off, exhausted and in pain. The pups were quiet for once and Jax licked at Talon's belly soothingly.

"Do you need anything? Are you hungry at all?" Jax curled up so he was face to face with Talon who was still breathing heavily and looked utterly wiped out.

Giving a heavy sigh, Talon lifted his head to look at his mate. "No, I'm fine for now. I just need to rest, is all." His time was soon, very soon, and Talon knew he needed all the rest he could get. He could tell Jax was worried, and he leaned over to nuzzle the other wolf, trying to reassure him that he'd be alright.

"I'll keep you safe," Jax promised, nuzzling him right back. For the first time on this journey he wanted to shift so he could hold Talon close in his arms. It was too cold to do that. The Stone Dens were warm so he had only brought light clothes for the both of them.

He watched over Talon, unable to sleep again. Talon was shifting uncomfortably in his sleep, occasionally whimpering lowly. Jax was worried, Talon's sleep was so disrupted tonight compared to last night.

Jax was still awake the first time Talon woke up and staggered to his feet, whimpering. He got up as well, moving to support him.

"What's up? Do you have to go to the bathroom?"

When he woke, heading to the entrance of the bushes, Talon only said a few things.

"We have to go, now. If we go now we can make it before the waters break," Talon explained, wriggling out of the bushes and pausing for Jax to follow. Another contraction gripped his sides, and he gave a soft whine. "It's only a mile and a half, but we must go now."

Jax scrambled out after him, smelling Talon's distress. He tried to make his own scent as soothing as possible but he was so nervous he doubted it did Talon any good. He walked next to Talon, taking some of his weight as they walked, stopping when Talon had a contraction which seemed to be fairly frequently.

Talon stopped suddenly and whimpered before he began to throw up the contents of stomach. Jax felt himself start to panic but he shoved it down, rubbing his head along Talon's back.

"We have to keep moving, babe," Jax said softly once Talon stopped retching.

While vomiting up the contents of his stomach made Talon feel marginally better, it still wasn't great. The contractions weren't frequent, but they left him in some pain. Each one came in intervals of about thirty minutes, telling him that he was still in the early stages of labor. They had time.

They weren't moving very quickly, but soon the Stone Den came into sight -- or, more accurately, the castle. The structure that Talon's pack called the Stone Den was actually a section of an abandoned castle, built sometime around the late 1400s. No one had lived there in literal centuries, making it perfect for the leaders of the pack to birth their pups in.

"Not far now," Talon huffed, his breathing harsh as he paced next to Jax. "We'll be there soon -- should be less than half a mile --" He cut himself off as the strongest contraction he'd had yet ripped through him, yelping as the pain came and passed.

Jax pressed against Talon, murmuring softly to him. They were so close. They could get there quicker if he could carry Talon but he couldn't do that in his wolf form. Not giving it any thought, he Shifted, not caring about the cold at this point.

"I'm carrying you. No arguments." Jax leaned over and picked Talon up in his arms. He grunted a little under his weight but he knew it would be fine. He was just as strong in his human form.

Talon yipped in protest, but he didn't have the strength to wriggle in Jax's grip, instead deciding to allow him to carry him. It would be faster that way, and it gave him much needed relief from his aching legs.

When they reached the Stone Den, Talon practically leaped out of Jax's arms, running into the gaping walls of the abandoned castle. Hay and other materials lined the floor, and Talon started to push them together, making something of a nest that he could lie down in. Switching to his human form, Talon laid down in the nest, turning to look at Jax.

"It won't be long before my water breaks. If you want to leave -- you should go now. It won't be pretty."

Jax panted heavily, leaning over with his hands on his knees. He shook his head and got into the best as well.

"I'm not leaving you to have our pups alone." Jax pressed his forehead against Talon's, his hands falling to his belly. It felt like a rock now, the pups not moving any longer. He rubbed soothingly. "We're doing this together. It's not like you've done this before either."

(In the car so I'll be back in about an hour)

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