The Wild Ones [closed]

Pushing himself up to rest against the wall, Talon groaned lowly, rocking his hips with the contraction when it came. Underneath his exterior, he was terrified, and grateful that his mate had decided to stay.

"Thank you -- can you try to -- get water?" He asked, panting and speaking the best he could between breaths.

"There is a well, right? I remember you saying that." At Talon's nod, Jax leaned over to kiss him. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

He headed deeper into the castle, finding small rooms with soft nests and blankets. He found the well, along with pitchers and food; mostly dried meat and nuts. Food that would store well. He gathered up some food and two pitchers of water., heading back to Talon.

"Got it. I got some dried meat and nuts too. We have to keep your strength up."

They would definitely need it, Talon thought as he quickly lapped up some of the water. Right now, he wasn't hungry, mostly just thirsty -- his mouth felt drier than a desert, despite the snow falling outside.

"I wouldn't worry about things going too fast," he groaned, letting his head rest against the wall. "It took my mother three days to have me. These two will take their time, I'm sure of it."

Jax looked skeptical at that but he would give Talon the benefit of the doubt. He sat next to him and broke off small pieces of meat to try and tempt Talon to eat.

"Want to talk about names again?" asked Jax, leaning his shoulder against Talon's.

Despite his reluctance, Talon managed to eat a few pieces of the meat before his next contraction hit, surprised that he managed to keep it down. In response to Jax's question, he nodded.

"Yes, anything to keep my mind off of this." He knew if all he had to do was think about what was coming, he'd stress himself out. "We usually wait until after they're born to give names, but I suppose we can give ideas."

"Do you have any family names?"

Jax stroked his hand through Talon's shaggy hair,sliding an arm behind him to get closer, their sides pressed together now. He was happy Talon ate a little bit and continued to sip at the water. His scent was thick around them, the scent of a laboring Omega.

"Mmm...bird themes," Talon replied, his body tensing with another contraction. When it passed, he continued. "Hawk and Eagle would be good names. Fitting for -- warriors." He groaned softly as the pups shifted, moving down and getting into position.

"What about you?"

Jax chuckled a little. "My grandfather and father are named Jax as well. One of them could be the 4th." Jax nuzzled at Talon's neck. "I like Eagle. That's a good name."

Talon slumped against him, his legs splayed open. He looked exhausted again. "Why don't you try and rest a little, love."

Resting sounded like a good idea right now, but the pain in his stomach reminded Talon of the duty he had to focus on at the moment. He shook his head, feeling his body tighten up again.

"It's fine -- I just feel really -- shit!" Talon cursed, feeling a burst of fluids run down his leg. "That didn't take long."

"That didn't," Jax agreed. The fluid was clear which was good. He reached for one of the soft scraps of blanket, wiping down the inside of Talon's legs. He dabbed gently at his hole, the fluid still leaking from him. He wasn't at all squeamish about bodily fluids. This was entirely natural during childbirth.

"I don't think it will hurt anything to lie down and rest. If this does take three days, you are going to need to rest or else you are going to be too exhausted to push them out when the time comes."

"Thank you," Talon sighed as Jax cleaned him up a bit. There certainly was a lot, more than he was expecting, and the second one still hadn't come yet. As uncomfortable as he was, he knew that his mate had a point.

Shifting so that he could rest on his side, Talon gave a soft whine as the pressure shifted a bit, his hips almost feeling like they were being constricted as another contraction came. They were getting closer, about twenty-five minutes now, but still too far apart for anything serious to be happening soon.

"I'll try to get some rest -- if these two let me, that is."

Jax shifted into his wolf form and did what he'd been doing every night to calm Talon and the pups. He began to lick over Talon's skin, cleaning off the sweat that had already accumulated at the back of Talon's neck and the small of his back. He licked firmly, not wanting to tickle Talon. He nosed at him before he licked over the side of his face, murmuring to him.

Jax settled next to him and began to lick his belly, talking softly to the pups, telling them that they were excited to meet them and to try and nap while their mother did. He felt a weak push against his tongue, the pup that was higher in Talon's belly having a bit more room to move. He nosed lower and licked between Talon's legs, cleaning him off more.

With Jax's help, Talon managed to be lulled into a light sleep, even with the pups inside of him moving a bit. It was nothing compared to how active they'd been before, but he accepted it as it was.

He managed to sleep for a mere two and a half hours, before a very strong contraction woke him. Talon kept still for a bit, but that contraction was quickly followed ten minutes later by another. Things were definitely progressing, and quite quickly -- he doubted this would last as long as his mother's, something he was secretly glad for.

"It's getting worse," he panted out to Jax.

Jax shifted back to his human form and rubbed at Talon's back. "They're getting closer. I don't think you're in for a long labor - at least with the first one."

He gave Talon some more water, making sure he took small sips, not wanting him to get sick but knowing he needed to stay hydrated. "Do you think walking would help? That can speed things up."

True, he still had the second one to worry about. Even if this first pup was overly eager to enter the world, the second one might not be.

"I can try. You'll have to help me."
Talon started to push himself up, keeping an arm around Jax as he did. His legs were strong enough to hold him up as long as Jax was there beside him, at least. "Alright, I can move."

Jax kept his arm slung around Talon's waist, moving in slow circles with him. When a contraction came, Talon would cling to him, his legs trembling. A few times, Jax ended up taking all of Talon's weight, keeping him standing as best he could.

They did this for a few hours, slow circles, long breaks for contractions. Finally Talon couldn't walk any longer and Jax helped him settle back down in the nest. He gathered more hay and the soft scraps of blankets, building it up to be somewhat more comfortable. He gave Talon small bits of meat again and sips of water. He wiped away the sweat that was collecting on his brow and under his neck.

The only thing he couldn't do was make the pups come faster to take away Talon's pain.

Walking around seemed to help, almost too much. The contractions were coming much quicker now, and Talon was howling out in pain with each one. He honestly wanted nothing more than to switch back to his wolf form, wanting to ease the pain, but he knew he couldn't. The pups were going to be born human, one way or another, and switching to his wolf form would make it nearly impossible to birth them.

"I think -- it's coming," Talon managed to breathe out, looking over at Jax with fear for the first time. "I might -- have to push soon." In fact, his body was urging him to push right now, but he didn't know if he was ready just yet. If he started too early, his body would be seriously damaged.

Jax moved quickly, spreading Talon's legs. "I can check. Try and relax."

Talon was trembling when Jax slipped his fingers inside, feeling around. His fingers bumped against a head already making it's way to the birth canal. "Oh. That's ... yeah, you can push. The first head is there."

He pulled his fingers back out and grabbed one of Talon's hands, squeezing. "You can do this."

Not knowing whether to feel relieved, or terrified, Talon pushed himself up into a better position, wrapping the hand that Jax wasn't gripping around his knee. When the next contraction came, he pushed as hard as he could, unable to keep from wailing as he felt the head against his pelvis.

"Fuck -- how far is it?" He gasped after the contraction ended, turning to look at his mate.

Jax rubbed the inside of Talon's thigh, smiling. "You're going to get the pup's head out on the next contraction. This one is definitely in big hurry."

Jax reached down to cup the top of the pup's head, amazed that he was touching his child. Talon was breathing harshly, his legs trembling.

"You're doing great. Big push on the next contraction, okay babe."

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