The Wild Ones [closed]

Just as Talon was getting into a playful mood, the pups had started to wail. He sighed heavily, starting to get to his feet, but Jax had beat him there, going to take care of the pups.

"Thank you. Things will be easier once they're introduced to the pack. If we need to, some of the other wolves can babysit."
It would be considered an honor to watch over the leader's pups. Talon had no doubt there would be many wolves in the pack who'd be scrambling over each other to do it.

Jax shifted because there were some things he wasn't going to do with his tongue. He worked quickly, cleaning Eagle who calmed down as soon as she had on a clean diaper. Birch was still fussing but he didn't need a diaper. Jax picked him up and rocked him, bringing him back over to Talon.

"I think Birch is hungry. Can he nurse with you shifted?"

"I'll shift back." It would be easier that way, since Birch still couldn't shift yet, and wouldn't be able to for a while.

Taking the baby from his mate, Talon held him close to his chest so that he would nurse. Almost immediately, Birch latched on, kneading softly as he nursed noisily. "Wow, he was hungry."

Jax picked up Eagle, holding her close. She curled into him, small and trusting. He kissed the top of her head, humming softly.

"I can't wait to see what color their eyes are," Jax said quietly, watching Birch nurse hungrily.

"Mmm...they'll probably be green or brown." To his knowledge, those would be the more dominant colors in their bloodlines. Birch nursed until the left breast was dry, and then was finished. Putting him on his shoulder, Talon gently patted his back to burp the baby, smiling over in Jax's direction. "She loves you already."

Jax looked pleased at that, smiling down at his little girl. She was trying to mouth at his chest. "Yeah wrong parent, sweetheart. I don't have anything for you."

Jax moved over to Talon, swapping pups with him. Birch snuggled against Jax's shoulder, drifting off to sleep almost immediately. This was going to be their life for awhile now. Eating, sleeping, and pooping.

At first, Eagle growled in displeasure, thinking that she'd been pulled away from food. As soon as she smelled the scent of her mother's milk, however, she was quick to latch on to Talon, suckling with even more gusto than her brother.

"Ah!" Talon winced a bit as she bit down. Even though she had no teeth, he was sensitive there, and she bit down with a lot of force for a toothless creature. "She bites."

"Eagle," Jax admonished. "Be nice to your mother. He's the one who feeds you."

Jax stroked a finger over her cheek, watching her eat. He looked up at Talon, smirking a little. "So I guess I shouldn't bite either."

She continued to nurse greedily, but stopped her biting for now, which made Talon relax. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit at Jax's words, eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Well, at least not on my chest," he purred. "But I'm not placing any limits on the other body parts."

Jax laughed and leaned over to kiss Talon warmly. "I'll keep that in mind." He laid Birch back down in the nest, the pup sleeping soundly after his meal and cuddles. "Are you feeling a little better after shifting?"

"Much better," Talon agreed. Once Eagle was finished nursing, he burped her, and then set her down next to her brother. The two of them curled up with each other, obviously enjoying the warmth. "And how are you feeling?"

"Good. Happy," Jax said, pulling Talon into his arms. He wrapped them around Talon's waist, resting on his soft belly. He was amazed at how much it had shrunk, but still was soft and thicker than Talon's normal trim waist. "How long do you think it will be until they shift? It will be easier to carry them if they're in their wolf forms."

"Well, since they're human, their eyes should be staying open within the next four days," Talon theorized. "Then they'll be able to shift when we do." Talon put his arms around Jax as well, leaning forward to press his forehead against Jax's.

"Do you want to move into one of the interior rooms since we're going to be here for a few days. It's more defensible then being out in the open like this," Jax suggested, not relinquishing his hold on his mate. It has been too long since he could pull Talon this close.

Talon was quiet for a moment, judging their current position, and then nodded. "Yes. Do you want me to take you to the room my mother kept me in?"

"Of course," Jax said, lifting Eagle and handing her to Talon. He picked up Birch and held him close. "Lead the way."

Talon led his mate further into the Stone Den, into one of the secluded rooms. Inside of it rested an old bed, which seemed to be well taken care of; it wasn't moth-eaten or dirty, so Talon laid on it, setting Eagle down beside him.

"We lived in this room for two weeks," he told Jax. "I was weak at birth, so we had to stay here longer than normal."

"You certainly made up for it." Jax eyed his mate's strong body. Even with the post-pregnancy pooch, he was in better shape than most humans and wolves Jax knew. He included himself in that.

Jax set Birch down next to his sister, both of them turning towards each other in their sleep. "I guess 9 months together wasn't enough for them."

"I had to," Talon replied simply. "If I had stayed too weak, my parents would have culled me." Talon was born in a time where the weak simply weren't taken care of; under his parents' rule of the pack, they had ordered many weak or sick pups killed before they could create a strain on the pack. Perhaps Talon was simply soft-hearted, but once his rule began, no pups were killed, no matter how weak.

He looked down lovingly at his two healthy pups as they curled up together. "They are two siblings who love and care for each other," he murmured gently, leaning down to nuzzle them. "This is good. I have seen too many families torn apart by siblings quarreling."

Jax shuddered at the thought of Talon being culled and never having him in his life. That would be the worst thing he could think of. He hugged Talon tightly.

"Thank god you made it. And I am so glad you don't do that any longer. I probably would have run away with the pups if they weren't strong enough and they would be culled because of that."

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