The Wild Ones [closed]

Talon's stomach turned at the idea, and he shook his head. "I could never kill a pup. Especially for something they could never control." He gave Jax a quick kiss on the cheek, then added, "Especially if they were mine."

Jax held him tightly. "I'm so glad we don't have to think about that."

He nudged Talon to the bed. "Rest while they are sleeping. I'll take care of the deer and go look for the borage leaves."

Talon yawned despite himself, nodding at Jax's words. He laid down on the bed, curling around the pups as he did, drifting off into a light sleep before long.

[did you want to skip a few days?]

(Sure that sounds good)

Once about a week had passed, the pups were big and strong enough to leave the Stone den. Their eyes had opened, as well; Eagle's eyes were a striking, brilliant blue, and Birch's were a dark hazel color, like a mix of his parents'. Talon was quite surprised that he'd given birth to a blue-eyed pup, but he accepted it nonetheless.

Thanks to their eyes being open, they could now shift as long as their parents did, and Talon was currently waiting for Jax to give him the go-ahead to start moving with the pups.

Jax stood at the entrance of the Stone Den, looking out at the land stretching in front of them. He turned his head, looking at this mate with their two pups. Eagle and Birch were yipping at each other and falling over their too-large feet. Jax chuckled and made his way back to them.

"Come along then. Who wants to ride with Mommy and who wants to ride with me?" Jax nuzzled Talon. "It's time to go home."

Wolf pups matured much faster than regular human babies, and Eagle and Birch could now crawl quite well. Immediately, Birch tried to go to his mother, whining as his tiny tail wagged. Talon took the hint, leaning down to grab him.

"Looks like Birch wants to go with Mama,"
he said quietly. "Jax, you get Eagle?" Talon then gently grabbed the pup by the scruff, holding him carefully in his mouth.

Jax nodded and nuzzled Eagle before picking her up by the scruff. He led the way out of the den, the rest of his family following. They headed out into the forest. They weren't going to make good time with the pups, but Jax wasn't worried. He enjoyed padding through the forest with Talon, their pups looking at everything for the first time.

They stopped so the pups could stretch their legs and go to the bathroom. Eagle immediately began to snuffle at Talon, whining.

"I think she's hungry. Not a surprise." Eagle was much more demanding then her brother, wanting to eat all the time around the clock.

Talon gave a soft chuckle at his daughter, laying down on his side and rolling over slightly so that Eagle could nurse. Immediately, she burrowed into her mother's side, latching on to one of his teats and starting to suck. It didn't take long for Bramble to notice his mother's position, and he burrowed into his side as well, nursing noisily.

"We should likely find something to eat soon, ourselves,"
Talon said, looking over at Jax.

Jax settled next to his family, licked at Talon's head as the pups fed. "I can go get something. What are you in the mood for?"

Eagle lifted her head and let out a little yip before burying her face back into her mother's teat. Jax laughed and tapped her butt with a paw. "Yes, I know what you and Birch want to eat. I'm asking Mommy."

Talon chuckled at his rowdy pup, then turned his head and attention back towards Jax. "Whatever you can find. I'm not picky." He couldn't afford to be; a life growing up in the wild meant that he took what he could find.

"Okay," said Jax, nuzzling Talon. "I'll go find us something. The pups will probably need a nap before we get moving again."

Jax got to his feet and sniffed at the air. He caught a scent on the wind and took off in that direction. It didn't take long for him to find a few rabbits, bring them back to where Talon and the pups were resting.

"Here we go," Jax said, laying the rabbits in front of Talon.

Once the pups had fed, they fell asleep rather quickly, curled up beside their mother. Talon took the time to doze off, as well, only opening his eyes once he was presented with the rabbits.

"Thank you, love," he said to Jax, grabbing one of the rabbits with his teeth and starting to pluck the soft fur from the skin so he could eat it.

Jax started to eat as well, stripping the meat efficiently. He made a little pile of the bones, pushing them towards Talon. He knew that Talon needed the marrow more than him right now.

"Should we rest longer? Can we move them while they're sleeping?"

"We can move them, but we should let them sleep," Talon said softly after he'd finished eating. He cracked open the bones to get at the marrow, careful to do so quietly as so not to wake the sleeping pups. "Just for a bit."

Jax nuzzled Talon, curling up with his head resting on Talon's flank. "I'll keep watch. You rest as well." Jax wasn't as tired as Talon still was. Every time the pups wanted to eat, Talon had to wake up. Jax had tried just moving the pups and rating them on Talon, but that hadn't worked.

Talon was quick to fall asleep, even though he'd been resting for a good part of the week. Nursing the pups took a lot of energy out of him, and as much as he loved them, it was incredibly tiring to try to keep up with them. He'd be glad once they returned to the safety of the pack.

He woke once Birch and Eagle started to stir again, obviously done with their naps and ready to be active once more. Standing up, he chuckled as the pups attempted to follow his lead, scrambling over their too-big paws and shaky legs. "Let's get moving, shall we? We might be able to cross a few more miles before it gets too dark."

Jax rose to his feet as well, stretching low to the ground. "Who wants to ride with me?" This time Birch stumbled over to him, tipping excitedly. Jax picked him up by the scruff and waited for Talon to pick up Eagle.

They moved as quickly as they could while carrying the pups. It was starting to snow again and Jax wanted to find someplace warm for all of them to sleep. If necessary he and Talon could sleep on the snow but the pups weren't strong enough.

After a while, the pups were starting to fall asleep in their parents' grasps, but they were also starting to shiver. This was the coldest they'd ever been, and Talon knew that they had to find shelter soon. Speaking around Eagle's scruff, he told Jax,

"We should stop for the night, and find a cave somewhere. The little ones are cold."

Jax nodded in agreement , looking around. "Are we near anything?"

He wasn't familiar with the area which wasn't a surprising thing, but he knew they were going to be going the same way back that they came. He trusted Talon to know the way. The snow was falling heavier mows, blanketing everything in a thick coat of white. Birch shivered in his grip, making soft, whimpering noises.

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